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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So, ovechkins skates this year have chrome

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Pics! Or it didnt happen.

Well, here, a smile. I forgot to post it. ;)

I'm going out myself, hopefully more than once between now and monday, so I will have the picture confirmation then.

I did not see myself, so cannot confirm, but I will have some pics early next week

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Where are they practicing this week? I heard the new practice facility isn't done yet.

Practicing at Ashburn Ice this week.

They will practice at Ashburn Ice house until the 21st, then they have the preseason game in Hershey on the 24th, then they are practicing in Hershey on the 25th of sept, and back to ashburn ice for the 27th to the end of training camp.

Couple of practices are at MCI center, and will not be open to the public, but apart fromthat, they will all be open to the public

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the new vector skates will look like that except the 3 lines on the side of the boot will be chrome aswell. The Epro holder will also be black

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We're not sure if that is going to be for just Ovechkin or the retails are going to be like that. My guess it's an one-off for him, which is an idea I've mentioned before. Signature skates for certain players, like basketball shoes.

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We're not sure if that is going to be for just Ovechkin or the retails are going to be like that. My guess it's an one-off for him, which is an idea I've mentioned before. Signature skates for certain players, like basketball shoes.

Anything is better than the blue they have now and if you're going to use a guy to be a billboard, sell what he's wearing. Shop owners are going to go nuts if they don't offer an AO skate. How many people asked about mirrored visors after he started wearing them?

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We're not sure if that is going to be for just Ovechkin or the retails are going to be like that.  My guess it's an one-off for him, which is an idea I've mentioned before.  Signature skates for certain players, like basketball shoes.

Anything is better than the blue they have now and if you're going to use a guy to be a billboard, sell what he's wearing. Shop owners are going to go nuts if they don't offer an AO skate. How many people asked about mirrored visors after he started wearing them?

I'm going to go nuts if he's wearing a skate other than the Blue 10.0. We booked that skate with the whole promotional "OV" package, so if he shows up wearing something else, sales of the "blue" model will tank. Luckily for me, I don't have too many left. Still, I'll be pissed if they have a "October surprise". Next year bookings will be severely reduced!

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We're not sure if that is going to be for just Ovechkin or the retails are going to be like that.  My guess it's an one-off for him, which is an idea I've mentioned before.  Signature skates for certain players, like basketball shoes.

Anything is better than the blue they have now and if you're going to use a guy to be a billboard, sell what he's wearing. Shop owners are going to go nuts if they don't offer an AO skate. How many people asked about mirrored visors after he started wearing them?

I'm going to go nuts if he's wearing a skate other than the Blue 10.0. We booked that skate with the whole promotional "OV" package, so if he shows up wearing something else, sales of the "blue" model will tank. Luckily for me, I don't have too many left. Still, I'll be pissed if they have a "October surprise". Next year bookings will be severely reduced!

I will snap some pics on monday then

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You go jimmy, hit'em with your pocketbook. This sounds like something a sneaker company would do. Any come to mind? Oh wait, isn't RBK/Adidas a sneaker company? Those dirty rotten stinking bastards trying to get away with dirty pool like this. Why I oughta.......... They're going to hear from me, Mr.

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You go jimmy, hit'em with your pocketbook. This sounds like something a sneaker company would do. Any come to mind? Oh wait, isn't RBK/Adidas a sneaker company? Those dirty rotten stinking bastards trying to get away with dirty pool like this. Why I oughta.......... They're going to hear from me, Mr.

Yup, damn sneaker companies, bastages, ALL of them (NBH and New Balance included). I will no longer book/stock more than 1 deep. They are really discouraging retailers from wanting to stock their product out of fear of obsolesence within 3-4 months of receiving the product.

Honestly, I really don't need to sell hockey equipment, I can make the same amount of money I do now sharpening skates and selling t-shirts and accesories. Selling hockey equipment is a crapshoot, no guaranty that end of the year you will make a profit on it. At least with tape, I know "white" will still sell.

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We're not sure if that is going to be for just Ovechkin or the retails are going to be like that.  My guess it's an one-off for him, which is an idea I've mentioned before.  Signature skates for certain players, like basketball shoes.

I'm pretty sure the skates are going to be available for the public. Where did you heard the opposite?

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