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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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More Camo sticks!

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i can't wait for the zebra striped sticks next season. or the polka dots the season after that.

Soon enough, it will be novelty to produce a solid color stick

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i can't wait for the zebra striped sticks next season. or the polka dots the season after that.

Soon enough, it will be novelty to produce a solid color stick

You guys did it to yourselves. Not content with a regular bland color stick, you have to have pink, flo orange, lime green, blue skates, clear holders, chrome this, flashy that. Manufacturers are just responding to customer demand. Camo is just the next pink. I agree, zebra is next.

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i can't wait for the zebra striped sticks next season.  or the polka dots the season after that.

Soon enough, it will be novelty to produce a solid color stick

You guys did it to yourselves. Not content with a regular bland color stick, you have to have pink, flo orange, lime green, blue skates, clear holders, chrome this, flashy that. Manufacturers are just responding to customer demand. Camo is just the next pink. I agree, zebra is next.

I definetly disagree with camo being the next pink. I do not know one person that likes the look of these camo sticks. Seems like just another trend trying to be started. That thing looks disgusting and so does the mission.(no offence justin)

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most of the camos and the pink mission were lower end sticks. I believe I read in another thread that this is basically a resprayed RBK 4k. The mission camo is said to be made in the same plant as their top end OPS, just with different matewrials and a different blade to keep it priced low(er).

The difference between this and the pink craze is that this is far more widespread, thus less "exclusive" thus the whole appeal of it (something that NOBODY else has) is thrown out the window. I think the camo thing is going to call flat on its face.

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Everyone knows the original vapor xx was the best looking OPS ever released. Is it a coincidence that its completely minimalistic in design? I think not

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The people who buy pink and camo are not your typical gear whores like on this board, they are just people who want to be "different", to make a statement. We don't sell pink to girls, they want nothing to do with it, but it was popular to a certain market group. The camo's will be the same. Not mass appeal, just the next fad.

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The people who buy pink and camo are not your typical gear whores like on this board, they are just people who want to be "different", to make a statement. 

Actually, it seems to me like a lot of people on this board (surely not all) are far more concerned with cosmetics than most, so I bet you'd find a lot more of your "statement" buyers here than just about anywhere else. You alluded to it yourself in this thread - look at all the posts obsessing about colored/dyed/chromed holders, design schemes on skates and gloves, paint jobs on sticks, etc, etc. Most guys at the rink couldn't care less about that stuff.

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