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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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  On 3/10/2016 at 5:52 PM, althoma1 said:

I think things are being misinterpreted here - Optimus wasn't being rude. He mentioned he thought the jersey really worked well. At retail the type of jersey you used is labelled a practice jersey - we all know you're using them for game jerseys and that's not a problem. He merely stated that he usually doesn't like logos on retail practice jerseys, but likes the look in this case.

If you have the chance to meet dkmiller in person you'll quickly realize he's a very nice guy and his comment about the red eye was certainly meant to be in jest.

Sometimes people can say things online that are rude and offensive, but this isn't one of those times.

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Thank you Anthony!  

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  On 3/10/2016 at 5:52 PM, althoma1 said:

I think things are being misinterpreted here - Optimus wasn't being rude. He mentioned he thought the jersey really worked well. At retail the type of jersey you used is labelled a practice jersey - we all know you're using them for game jerseys and that's not a problem. He merely stated that he usually doesn't like logos on retail practice jerseys, but likes the look in this case.

If you have the chance to meet dkmiller in person you'll quickly realize he's a very nice guy and his comment about the red eye was certainly meant to be in jest.

Sometimes people can say things online that are rude and offensive, but this isn't one of those times.

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wait, we both know the same Dave right? ;)

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  On 3/10/2016 at 6:10 PM, Ashtasticness said:

That's fine, but I see it how I see it and am uninterested in any possible negative opinions. Especially when someone wants to spend time getting technical about something silly. 

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Nobody was being negative, so no issues there! 

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Not my "team" jersey (I don't have one of those) but mine all the same!  Wearing the number might be a touch of hubris but no lightning has struck me yet.

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  On 3/18/2016 at 9:09 PM, badger_14 said:

Not my "team" jersey (I don't have one of those) but mine all the same!  Wearing the number might be a touch of hubris but no lightning has struck me yet.

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Jersey looks great, but that collar is brutal. I know it is a cost cutting thing to put the laces on the collar itself, it just doesn't look right, though.

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  On 3/24/2016 at 12:34 AM, Invert said:


Jersey looks great, but that collar is brutal. I know it is a cost cutting thing to put the laces on the collar itself, it just doesn't look right, though.

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But that's how the lacing was done on the original jerseys...


(you can see the same thing on the Soviet national team jerseys from that era, too.  If you blame cost-cutting, it's the Soviet Union's fault.  Lutch doesn't mess around.)

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This are the jerseys we got from the Weekend Warriors camp. Definitelt the nicest jersey I've ever played in. Not sure why it's on it's side and not sure how to fix it so I guess you guys have to deal with it. I'm in the middle. 

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Our new jerseys came in the other day and they look absolutely stunning! We went with the New York Rangers alternates and went all out to get everything sewn on. 


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  On 6/5/2016 at 8:51 PM, tedpenguins said:



Our new jerseys came in the other day and they look absolutely stunning! We went with the New York Rangers alternates and went all out to get everything sewn on. 


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Looks awesome! Great number, too ;)

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Not hockey, but I was pretty pumped with the way my softball team jerseys came out. Took our team name and turned it in to a beer label for our jersey logo. 


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  On 6/8/2016 at 4:22 PM, GreatestAmericanBeardo said:



i'm glad to see you didn't go straight up misfits logo.  but as soon as i saw it i said to myself "hey! its the Crimson Ghost!" aka the fiend 


the KMFDM covers probably would have been too much  :D

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Haha, thanks. When we formed the team earlier this year, our captain chose the name because it was his team name as a kid (named after the band) and they wouldn't let them do a skull logo. I'm the only artistically inclined one so I said I would do a variation of the logo that wasn't an exact copy. Scribbled it up in about 5 minutes and my girlfriend turned it into a vector image for us.


Now I want a hockey jersey with a KMFDM album cover on it. Lol.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 6:24 PM, kmfdm86 said:


Haha, thanks. When we formed the team earlier this year, our captain chose the name because it was his team name as a kid (named after the band) and they wouldn't let them do a skull logo. I'm the only artistically inclined one so I said I would do a variation of the logo that wasn't an exact copy. Scribbled it up in about 5 minutes and my girlfriend turned it into a vector image for us.


Now I want a hockey jersey with a KMFDM album cover on it. Lol.

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Wait.  Your team only has ONE creative on it??   I three on one team and two on the other.   Not including myself.  :D.  

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In action (I'm on the far right) 




Our goalie wears it on every team he plays for since we're the only ones who got him a jersey. Haha.

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Uniforms from 2015 Pucks 4 Bucks tournament in Yorba Linda, California, by Junkyard Athletic:



Uniforms from 2016 Pucks 4 Bucks tournament in Yorba Linda, California, by Junkyard Athletic:



Uniforms for the Thunder Chickens in Riverside, California, by Junkyard Athletic:



Lastly, and most certainly not least, uniforms for Dirty Mike and the Boys out of Anaheim, California, by Junkyard Athletic:


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