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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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  sinkhole84 said:

is that a pro team?

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No, just a Tournament team.

South Shore of Boston right? I see a Holbrook patch.
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Yup, Holbrook is our home rink.

Just curious, how much do a set of jerseys and pants cost from ACE and what type of pants are those?...Nice uniforms by the way...
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They were 170 per person 60 for each jersey and 50 for the pants, but I believe we may have had a discount through the rink we play at wehn we ordered them.

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Absolutely beautiful - simple and classic but just a little different with the St. James' Gate look, and a nice job on the sponsorship. :)

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That reminds me I ordered a navy Notre Dame jersey from Ebay and it hasn't arrived yet, I so wanna rock that puppy out at Fri night practice.

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thanks, and law goalie - i called varsity, left a message yesterday and the guy still hasnt gotten back to me...probably did take the ice out.

and for anyone in Toronto, they are welcome to visit the bar on the back...you can even PM me and I can join you for some pool and a pitcher. But be forewarned, we call it the "shithole" for more than just the reason that, thats what "chateau" sounds like when you say it quickly

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  DCott said:
Here our my ghetto BU inline jerseys.

there are 3 different shades of red on that white jersey: the embroidered numbers, iron-on lettering, and the "explosion" trim

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My HS team has that same jersey style, except red, white and blue. It's really embarassing getting chirped about your jerseys by opposing fans.

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Just got this tonight. It is my jersey for the Erne Eagles who are a tournament team who are based near Lough Erne in Northern Ireland.


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I am not sure why, but I have always liked jerseys with the number on the front by the logo. Great looking jersey, I just kind of wish they had ties on the front.

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Looks like it says Sande on it although I could be wrong.

Edit: Wow I'm good. Its a 'The Show' by Sande!!

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Yeah its a Sande. And this "Ferrari" logo is actually the medieval city coat of arms, a horse and a hammer (no, no sickle :D)

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Im to the left of the goalie (LW, way out of position, but a guy was WIDE open and god knows what our D was doing.


Me getting robbed on a breakaway. Goalie hamed it up by Statue of Liberty posing on me, puck WAS headed top left :(

Those are the best shots of our jerseys I could find right now..

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