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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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  On 3/19/2011 at 11:27 PM, JunkyardAthletic said:

The crooked logo makes gives the zombie the "zombie effect." Awesome!

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I was originally going to draw the zombie myself, but when I saw this on a free vector art website, I thought "how would this look holding a hockey stick and a moon behind it?" My original design was more fancy (with a moon and colored), but decided it looked better minimalized. When the jerseys came back from the printer I was very happy with the results.

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some1 made this logo for me

still deciding on what jersey i will put it... maybe team canada 2011 or the coyotes


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We used those colorado thirds about five or six years ago, they looked good on the ice. The AKs we had were really light though, almost red instead of maroon. The SPs were dead-on in terms of color. Hopefully AK has fixed that by now.

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Here's my team. Winnipeg Emperors, all asian hockey team from the 204.


Customized RBK 6k helmet to match:


8k RBK mitts


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  On 2/17/2011 at 10:15 PM, ASA_Alex said:

Here's some more of Marcelo's work at Junkyard Athletic. A real pro and absolutely amazing customer service from design to delivery. We'll be using him again soon.





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How in the hell does your guard unit have a hockey team?!?!? We couldn't even keep a rifle team together!!!

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Been meaning to post these for awhile. These are Kamazu jerseys. After a complete season they are in great shape. The kids were really happy with them. Tackle twill, compliments all year long. Really great jersey.





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  On 3/25/2011 at 7:54 PM, GmC said:
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Jersey # is 12...

Helmet 8

and gloves 7? haha cool uniforms anyhow

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  On 3/28/2011 at 12:43 AM, AIREAYE said:

Jersey # is 12...

Helmet 8

and gloves 7? haha cool uniforms anyhow

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LOL. I wear the 7, my D partner has the customized RBK helmet and one of our forwards is #12. I don't wanna whore out all my gear on here!

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Sorry to post off topic but I have a small ordeal, perhaps Marcelo can help with this being the resident jersey expert. My School's ACHA team is looking to get new uniforms and I did some work on a design. The problem I am running into now is the image I based my design on was found online. (If anyone knows where to find the original please let me know) I am worried about copyright/trademark issues. I cannot find the original source of the bear, how should I address the situation??


here is the original web photo


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That's the logo from the Potsdam Bears of SUNY Potsdam, as in State University of New York at Potsdam. Generally speaking, universities aggressively protect their copyrights.

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  On 3/29/2011 at 4:11 AM, Justin Liedloff said:

That's the logo from the Potsdam Bears of SUNY Potsdam, as in State University of New York at Potsdam. Generally speaking, universities aggressively protect their copyrights.

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Thank YOU!

You think our jersey is enough for a lawsuit?

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  On 3/29/2011 at 3:40 AM, Bnatural said:

Sorry to post off topic but I have a small ordeal, perhaps Marcelo can help with this being the resident jersey expert. My School's ACHA team is looking to get new uniforms and I did some work on a design. The problem I am running into now is the image I based my design on was found online. (If anyone knows where to find the original please let me know) I am worried about copyright/trademark issues. I cannot find the original source of the bear, how should I address the situation??

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No need to apologize, or post off topic, just start a new thread.

In order to maintain rights to a trademark or copyright, the holder must try to protect it. Also, rights may possibly be limited to a geographic area.

It's possible the owner of that picture may not care much about you using it for a small non-profit club. Before abandoning it, you might just call or write them, and ask for permission to use the image. They don't have to stop all use of the image to protect their rights; they just have to stop unauthorized use.

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While wrangler is correct, is it worth the risk? The argument could be made that they would never know, or care, and you would be fine. BUT, what happens when you order the uniforms, then they find out, and a cease and desist is sent? Now you've invested in the uniforms, and they can't be worn. It gets even more cloudy when you are talking about using the logo for apparel for booster sales, etc.

Another thing to take into consideration is that most reputable printers will not print copyrighted material.

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  On 3/30/2011 at 2:17 AM, Justin Liedloff said:

While wrangler is correct, is it worth the risk? The argument could be made that they would never know, or care, and you would be fine. BUT, what happens when you order the uniforms, then they find out, and a cease and desist is sent? Now you've invested in the uniforms, and they can't be worn. It gets even more cloudy when you are talking about using the logo for apparel for booster sales, etc.

Another thing to take into consideration is that most reputable printers will not print copyrighted material.

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Reading this, I wonder if I communicated clearly. When I suggested that the school might not care much about the use of the artwork in question, it was to imply that they might be willing to grant permission. I did not suggest using it without permission.

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My opinion:

If you are using that logo on a bear league team, I doubt anyone is going to bother you or waste the time and money to issue a cease and desist order

If it is for a school or an organized team (Your ACHA team) they will most likely go after you since it is a school's logo and you are using it for another school.

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I see now what you meant. I just re-read your original post and see where I twisted it. My bad.

As the previous posters have eluded, if this were for a beer league squad, I think they would be more likely to grant permission. However, because this is for another organization, in this case a high school squad, I suspect permission may be harder to come by.

Like Ini said, doesn't you school have a mascot of their own that you can use? I would start with your athletic department and see what is available. If no, as Chadd mentioned, there are plenty of royalty free bear logos available. Whoever you use for your jerseys should be able to point you in the right direction.

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