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Synergy 1500's

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hey i am in need for some new skates. and tonight i tryed on xxx's, 9k's , one 90's, G5 ultra and the synergy 1500's. i have been in grafs for my last for 4 pairs of skates. im on the ice preety well every second day and i was wondering how do the synergys hold up. they were the best fitting ones and were extremly light compared to the graf's.. anyone who has these skates, what do you think about them and are they worth geting?

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I have worn mine for about 2 months....overall a stiff boot, but like you, they fit the best of any skate. And particularly with these, if they fit your foot, you tend to love them....light, stiff, comfy. I have only minor wear so far.

There are varing opinions on the one-piece carbon fiber boot....pros & cons....but so far I like them and th ink they are competitive with others.

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I have got a pair and had the 1300's.

Firstly, they have alot more foreward flex than the 1300's , but are still as stiff.

I have a few sorespots but they all came from wearing grafs.

The overall boot and blades on the 1300's held up very well, but i did end up with huge cracks and holes in the toe. not sure why.

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thats awsome to hear. i really liked them when i tryed them on. as for what -nick23- said.. i heard that the 1300's were coming apart on the toe a little.. does anyone know if they have fixed that?

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I have worn mine for about 2 months....overall a stiff boot, but like you, they fit the best of any skate. And particularly with these, if they fit your foot, you tend to love them....light, stiff, comfy. I have only minor wear so far.

There are varing opinions on the one-piece carbon fiber boot....pros & cons....but so far I like them and th ink they are competitive with others.

are these heat molded?

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got mine back in may, had them heat molded. I skate atleast 3 times a week. I broke a holder but that was more of a product of getting hit with a shot. Nothing but normal wear otherwise. The toe protector started to peal up, but a little super glue fixed that just fine. Great skates, I would say, if they fit, buy them.

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yeh alright and yeah i am getting them heat molded. they feel great right now and i cant wait till i get them molded. sounds like i am about to get the best skate i have ever had:)

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I cant believe you didn't think about the one90's. Because once you heat them you get zero negative space inside the boot (It completley forms to your foot).

And they are the best fitting, and lightest skate on the market. But I may be wrong, because it's all about your personal preferance...

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yeh alright and yeah i am getting them heat molded. they feel great right now and i cant wait till i get them molded. sounds like i am about to get the best skate i have ever had:)

Yes, quite possibly they will be the best skate you'll ever had, only YOU will know. That's what's great about skates, some people love their 152's and others hate their One90's, it's all PP and fit. Good luck, the heating will help.

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thats awsome to hear. i really liked them when i tryed them on. as for what -nick23- said.. i heard that the 1300's were coming apart on the toe a little.. does anyone know if they have fixed that?

It might be different materials but I have the 800c's and my friend has the 1200c's. Ive had mine for about 2 months and its starting to come off and hes had his about the same amount of time and his is almost all the way off...

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I have the 1100s (with LS2 Power blades mounted) and after heat molding them and using the wax laces to keep them snug; I love (in a non disturbing sexual way) skate. It isn't the composite boot (COIL Technology) but it does seem to be a cross between traditional and modern technology. They are very stiff and I was able to get used to them (coming from the 2001 Easton Z-Air) after about 2 sessions on the ice.

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i cant wear the one 90s becuase i have an extremly flat foot. the arch is simply to high on them. the synergys just fit great. same with the last 4 pairs of grafs i had they just fit great but i wanted to get in to a lighter and newer skate and the synergys seem to fit the best.. but i really want to good durabilty responses. anyone had them for for 6 months and UP?

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i cant wear the one 90s becuase i have an extremly flat foot. the arch is simply to high on them. the synergys just fit great. same with the last 4 pairs of grafs i had they just fit great but i wanted to get in to a lighter and newer skate and the synergys seem to fit the best.. but i really want to good durabilty responses. anyone had them for for 6 months and UP?

I don't think the 1500s have been out for 6 months have they?

Edit: Why don't you look at the new Graf skates? If you've had Graf previously, then this could be a solution.

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I've had my 1300c's for well over a year now and they are holding up great. The toe cover peeling off hasn't happend to me yet but if it does it's Super Glue to the rescue for a cheap and quick fix. These skates are solid and tough and have been the most comfortable I've ever owned from day one. As I previously mentioned in another post I chose these puppies over a pair of Graf G-5's and I have had no regets to date. Grafs are comfortable but I just don't like the way they feel on the ice or on my feet and the Eastons just seem like the perfect feel for me. I used to be a solid CCM advocate but these carbon composite skates Easton has developed are awesome for both lightness and comfort. The 1500 is going to be my next skate. With the additonal padding and the heat mouldable features ;) it makes it a no brainer for me.

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i used my skates for the first time tonight. I LOVE THEM. there super responsive and and extremly light coming from my grafs. best feeling skate that i have ever had. i am probabley 3 seconds faster on a lap thats how much they helped. thanks to whoever told me they were grat(y)

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The 1500c is a great skate. I really liked the boot. What I did not like about the skate was the feel of the Bladz II holder. Some people swear by them....I happen to only really like a Tuuk blade holder. I could have replaced the holder....but I have tried that on other skates and still did not like the way they were mounted (ie the Z-Air Comp SE).

I now skate in the Vapor XXX and the Supreme 8000 and I love them. The One90 is also a great fit and ridiculously light....but I have yet to find a pair where the epoxy on the back of the skate where the outsole meets the rubber has not shown signs of possible separation. I have looked in 4 different hockey shops for a pair without the signs after having my outsole separate and they all how the issue. A gentle push on the LS2 holder on every boot I have touched stretches the epoxy....VERY disappointing. I know a lot of people that swear by the One90...I would too if I could find a pair that did not look like it would fall apart in a month.

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