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Unisex hockey

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Bad pic, but I've certainly seen worse hanging around the rink.


Verly late post after the fact.

I wouldn't kick them out! Seriously though I played on a summer league team with this one woman who not only could play butshe drank cherry vodka mixed w/powerade in her water bottle and the more loaded she got the better she played. Drool again....... :lol:

Every woman I've played against has been more physical than every other guy out there, but if you lay them out once or twice, the benches clear.

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I forgot that girls before puberty are physically on par with boys. I kept thinking of an adult situation. I played at adult open hockey and the girl that was playing with us stopped playing after she was knocked down.

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I am pretty confident the ruling will be reversed after the appeal.

But I'd like to say that some of my fondest memories were not from Championships won but from the comradery shared with my team mates.

I believe it is just as hard getting along with people from the same sex as it is with the opposite sex and sports was/is/should be perfect for either boys/men, girls/women to learn to get along cause in the end ( dribble, dribble ) that's what it's all about.

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Every woman I've played against has been more physical than every other guy out there, but if you lay them out once or twice, the benches clear.

i agree.

on my boys team they seem to take care of me some what. i mean a dude yelled hit the girl, after i scored, and they did. this didnt go over to well with my team.

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Hit the girl?

Pull her hair, why don't you.

How old are you guys?

Once they're on the ice they cease to become girls and are hockey players. If they deserve to get drilled for their actions, so be it. I'm not in favor of them being targets simply because of their gender but by the same token, they also shouldn't be protected from "justice" because of their gender.

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Hit the girl?

Pull her hair, why don't you.

How old are you guys?

Once they're on the ice they cease to become girls and are hockey players. If they deserve to get drilled for their actions, so be it. I'm not in favor of them being targets simply because of their gender but by the same token, they also shouldn't be protected from "justice" because of their gender.

Bang on Chadd! I haven't met a single girl or woman, for that matter, who ever said anything different. They want to be players - not targets and not precious things that require protection.

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Hit the girl?

Pull her hair, why don't you.

How old are you guys?

Once they're on the ice they cease to become girls and are hockey players. If they deserve to get drilled for their actions, so be it. I'm not in favor of them being targets simply because of their gender but by the same token, they also shouldn't be protected from "justice" because of their gender.

Bang on Chadd! I haven't met a single girl or woman, for that matter, who ever said anything different. They want to be players - not targets and not precious things that require protection.

Most of the women I know who play co-ed don't want special treatment until someone gives back what the women/girls have been doing all game.

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Hit the girl?

Pull her hair, why don't you.

How old are you guys?

Once they're on the ice they cease to become girls and are hockey players. If they deserve to get drilled for their actions, so be it. I'm not in favor of them being targets simply because of their gender but by the same token, they also shouldn't be protected from "justice" because of their gender.

Bang on Chadd! I haven't met a single girl or woman, for that matter, who ever said anything different. They want to be players - not targets and not precious things that require protection.

Well there's always that one or two that do - like the one I used to play against in Orlando. She cup-checked me then when I turned around she said "You wouldn't hit a woman, would you?"

Next shot whizzed by her ear. And she was a defenseman, not a goalie.

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Hit the girl?

Pull her hair, why don't you.

How old are you guys?

Once they're on the ice they cease to become girls and are hockey players. If they deserve to get drilled for their actions, so be it. I'm not in favor of them being targets simply because of their gender but by the same token, they also shouldn't be protected from "justice" because of their gender.

Bang on Chadd! I haven't met a single girl or woman, for that matter, who ever said anything different. They want to be players - not targets and not precious things that require protection.

Well there's always that one or two that do - like the one I used to play against in Orlando. She cup-checked me then when I turned around she said "You wouldn't hit a woman, would you?"

Next shot whizzed by her ear. And she was a defenseman, not a goalie.

admit it jr, you dropped the gloves where she proceeded to tune you lol

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So you're saying pinning a woman in the corner to cop a feel is wrong? I always considered it foreplay.

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If I were on the ice and someone screamed "HIT THE GIRL" I'd turn around and look for an "L" on his forhead.

They don't deserve special treatment but neither do they deserve to be targets.

By saying "The girl" ...... I'd think the guy had some issues and not many dates.

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I just checked the GTHL website (I was too lazy to do this last night) they have over 70 boys' hockey leagues listed in Toronto.  The number of girls' leagues in Toronto is 5. 

There are probably about 70 male hockey players to every 5 females in the game, so...

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There'd be no listening as I'd just post a pic of her flashing her bologna sangwich as she gets out of a car, but it's offencive on so many levels.

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