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Shanahan to Naslund...

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Anyone used to use a shanahan curve and now use a naslund? Any significant difference. Both are toe curves, 6 lie, and the shanahan is going extinct. My wrist shot was always a rocket with it, just needs a little control to stay lower.

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I thought they were both slightly open but the Naslund was less of a curve...?... I have never physically looked at a Naslund, just taking what a site said.

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I thought they were both slightly open but the Naslund was less of a curve...?... I have never physically looked at a Naslund, just taking what a site said.

Naslund = Sakic

I would look at the composite Christian Recchi clone (#4?) it's the closest thing I've seen to Shanny. The toe is more rounded and it is slightly more open but the only other real toe that I've seen.

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Unsure of the site and don't really feel like looking for it. I would rather ask here and take advice from people whom have used or seen them.

I've seen some sites that say a shanahan was a mid curve.

I might try out one of the custom christian blades. Does anyone make a custom composite blade?

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Shanny was not a mid. I can neither confirm nor deny that custom comps are available in certain circumstances.

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Chadd Posted on Sep 27 2006, 03:17 PM

Naslund = Sakic

I would look at the composite Christian Recchi clone (#4?) it's the closest thing I've seen to Shanny. The toe is more rounded and it is slightly more open but the only other real toe that I've seen. 

Isn't the Warrior Smyth supposed to be a toe curve? I used the Shannahan for years for roller hockey and really liked that curve, but could've used a lower lie (although the heel would wear away on the surface of the ABS Shanny blades kind of creating a custom lie). I'm now using primarily Sakic clones for ice (I was firing the puck too high at first, but adjusted after a few pickup games), occasionally a 5 lie Chirstian Mid-curve blade and sometimes a Recchi curve...the Recchi and Christian blades feel like they're the best lie so I think a 5 lie is about right for me, but I prefer a bit more curve than the Christians have (I think they're 3/8" curves) and the Recchi curve is on a lower performing stick than the other curves so I usually save that one for pickup or outdoor hockey.

For Roller I used the Koho Crossover Jagr pattern this year and it seems like mid-toe curve that's slightly open and I liked that, but I'm not sure what the lie is (I still wear the heel) and I haven't seen the same pattern in a tapered blade or OPS for ice (I use standard ABS blades with a shaft for roller and save the more expensive sticks and blades for ice). On paper and what I've read here the Smyth blade sounds ideal for an ex-Shanahan user - it has a lower lie which I like, looks to be a good sized curve, but not of Coffee proportions (I did use the Coffee for a while years ago...like early 90s) and according to the Warrior catalogue it's a toe curve. The main differences would be the lie and the fact that the toe is rounded...something I think a shanny user could adjust to though. On paper the Smyth seems like a dream pattern for me and it's on my list of patterns to try, but I haven't tried or even seen it in person yet so I don't know if it's as great as it sounds.

Oh, and to get back to the original question I think you can adjust from the Shannahan to the Naslund, but the Naslund has more rocker and is much more open at the end...I think I preferred the Shannahan (although I don't mind the Sakic clones and continue to use them), but I haven't used one in over 5 years so it's hard to say. Personally I'd give the Warrior Smyth a look if they have them in your area.

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I have read that the Warrior Smyth is a toe curve, but a 4 lie. I need a 6 lie. I tried adjusting to a 5 and 5.5 lie and couldn't do it. I tried for about 6 months. My wrist shots wouldn't go anywhere.

Beings I don't have an Shanny's left I am using a Lindros, which is ok. I guess I will just get adjsuted to a new curve. If the Naslund is more open, I can't imagine how high I will shoot. I just like the feel of the puck with a toe curve overall.

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I've used the Shanny for years!! Talking like 12 years...!

I've found some easy transition going from the shanny to a drury curve.

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Isn't the Warrior Smyth supposed to be a toe curve?

Yes it is. It's a very deep curve (14mm). It seems deeper. It's a closed face.

I have read that the Warrior Smyth is a toe curve, but a 4 lie. I need a 6 lie. I tried adjusting to a 5 and 5.5 lie and couldn't do it. I tried for about 6 months. My wrist shots wouldn't go anywhere.

Beings I don't have an Shanny's left I am using a Lindros, which is ok. I guess I will just get adjsuted to a new curve. If the Naslund is more open, I can't imagine how high I will shoot. I just like the feel of the puck with a toe curve overall.

That's what it's listed at but many here have said Warrior's lies are incorrect. I have a Smyth Starskie and no way it's a 4 lie. I use the Naslund over the Smyth because it's a more open face.

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the smyth doesn't seem as deep as it does in the store once you start using it. i enjoy it. i used the shanny for years. & didn't know where to go. i tried the nas, but it was too open. same for the sakic. the thorton square toe was meh. the smyth is the best thing i came up with.

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the smyth doesn't seem as deep as it does in the store once you start using it. i enjoy it. i used the shanny for years. & didn't know where to go. i tried the nas, but it was too open. same for the sakic. the thorton square toe was meh. the smyth is the best thing i came up with.

Hmm, I have a Thornton and it's a rounded toe, or half round. Wonder if they changed it. I haven't used one since I started using OPS's. Don't really care for CCM's OPS.

I agree, the Smyth doesn't seem that deep once you get used to it. Wish it was a bit more open though.

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I might give the Smyth a shot. I need the closed face to keep the shots low.

I might even try a new curve, probably mid, closed face, like the recchi or datsyuk.

Any tips for switching to a new lie? For some reason a 5.5 was hard to adjust to.

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