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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spare equipment, what do you suggest you

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OK, well, my birthday is coming up now in October, and my mother (on the suggestion of my wife) has got me a gift certificate for the LHS that I recently found and have been delighted with (forsportsmd.com).

Now, I just bought new skates from there about a month or so ago.

I have gloves I got about 6 months ago, that I take care of and still are in great shape.

I have 3 wood sticks, one OPS (I bought here), 3 shafts (also purchased on MSH) and 4 blades (again, thanks MSH).

I got new pants about 2 months ago (itech 8000, fantastic pants for the money).

My protective gear is all pretty basic (all koho 3360 gear), but I only play adult beginner, so it has been absolutely fine so far, and is still in great condition.

And I got a new helmet a few months ago too.

So my question is this, since I can't stop buying gear, what is the best piece of gear to have spares of, apart from sticks, because I can't do slappers, so think it will be a long time before I go through the sticks I have.

Would spare gloves be the best to get, or what do you recommend?

I was toying with the idea of getting a different brand of skates, but I am completely happy with my new skates, so don't feel the need to change anything there.

Any suggestions?

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I would have to say skates or gloves. You never know when a palm could rip or skate blade could become extremely dull, but you are staying away from skates so I'd say gloves.

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Don't ask me, I have about three full sets of gear in my closet.

Wow! What's in it?

Without looking:


CCM 852

Hespeler classic lite


Hespeler classic



Jofa 235

Itech HC85




Salming F1

Mission S500


Hespeler classic lite


Graf 700 with kangaroo palm

MSH Mission Helium

Hespeler classic pro (Eagle)


Sullivan Response (S)

Sullivan Response shaft ®

Montador XN10 shaft (S)

Ranheim Synergy

Z-carbon95 Drury

2 Hespeler Nemesis shafts

20 or so used blades

There's more but I can't remember it all.

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I'd have to say Gloves or a helmet as well since you never know when you may get hit (if there is hitting) and you bust something on the helmet

or get like a custom jersey or something if they sell 'em or an authentic one

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How about the misc. stuff like tape, laces and sharpenings??

I have a bag with all of my old laces, there must be 100 different usable, but not good, laces. I need to toss some of this crap out.

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Well, Wheaton Ice rink had a sale last week, as part of their "skatefest", their pro-shop has tape, and maybe 2 pairs of gloves and skates, but I got bunches of tape there.

The laces, I have the pair from my old 252s, the pair that came with my new skates, and the pair of waxed ones the guy at the LHS threw in when I bought the skates.

As for the sharpenings, that makes a whole lot of sense, but it's not as much fun as just going and buying something.

I have a few bucks sitting in my paypal account too, and I am praying for something that I could use but may not need to show up in the sell section here.

This is terrible, I only play adult beginner, just wait until I start justifying the higher end stuff, all my gear is low/mid level now, its going to be terrible, thank god we are buying a house soon, more storage!!!

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When I find a piece of equipment I like, I usually wait until it's on closeout and buy spares. As a result I have at least 2 of everything but skates. I have a back up pair of skates but they are not the same model as my currents. I also have tons of equipment in great shape that I either replaced with something I liked better or stopped using so I have plenty of back up stuff if needed.

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Mine need to be repalmed and one minor fix. Once I have the spare cash, I'm going to have them fixed up.

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To the op:

You could always save the gift certificate until the new hot must have thing comes out.. or for WHEN something breaks down.

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I would just save it. Dont let it burn a hole in your pocket ;)

There will be a time when you will really need it and youll be saying to yourself "why did I spend that GC on something i didnt need?"

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Honestly.. if you want to feel really good about it, donate it to a kid who really wants to play hockey, but cannot afford it. I swear you will get a lot more out of it that way than if you just bought another stick that will collect dust till you decide to sell it here on msh.

Hockey is an expensive sport and some families just don't have the funds to support a child who wants to play.. Its rough watching a kid who's dream is being denied because his parents may be too hard up to afford his gear/fees..

just an idea..

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For me I always have an extra pair of shin guards, since they either crack, or get to small.

Or skates(I do have 5 pairs, Only 2 useable for me though)

Even though I do have 2 full sets of equipment and assorted extras.

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Definately sticks and gloves.

I have 3 sticks:

an '05 Easton Stealth

'06 Easton Synergy SL Grip

CCM Vector v.10

and 2 gloves:

Bauer Vapour XXX

CCM Vector Pros (Im actually planning on selling)

Its good because if I ever need my palming redone, I have the Vector Pros to look to. It might be good to keep an extra helmet too =P, I have a Rbk 8k with a cage and a bauer 8000 with a visor, and its a pain to switch a visor and a cage back and forth with one helmet. And since I wear a visor with my junior team, sometimes open hockey doesnt let you wear a visor so I have a spare there

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