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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Seats > Attention Span

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Look at the guy in glasses on the far right... Not looking at Ilya at all.

I think he's asleep?

Nah, just rolling his head back in disgust that the Caps just gave one up.

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That is me in the dark shirt above Vinny's helmet: (on the phone with my bro telling him to turn the game on)

This photo is not typical of normal crowd interest since it was taken during a shootout though- I was glued to the entire game unlike most others.

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On a related note, anyone see Ashton Kucher and Demi Moore at the football game last night? Ashton was watching the game but Demi was sitting there typing on a blackberry the whole time they had the camera on her.

Why must ESPN regale us with celebrities each week on MNF?? How 'bout we spend some time on the football game?

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Because regardless of the comeback, it was still the Bears and the Cardinals.

Ha ha, that's what my wife said...."Bears versus Cardinals??? Don't they both suck?"

I went into a long discussion of the new Bears and resurgent Cardinals with the rookie QB, but in the end all I could say was "Apparently so dear, apparently so."

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I was putting up the frame on my house last night and I have to say that'd be a lot more fun than watching those teams. The only good thing I saw from that game was the Denny Green blow-out interview.

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It was a terrible game. Usually after a game like that, I like to sit back, point a finger, and laugh. The Bears/Cardinals game was sad to the point where I couldn't even do that.

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Ever notice that in almost every picture of a hockey game that shows some of the crowd, most of the people in the front rows aren't even watching the play?

I just thought it was funny when you see people who payed a hefty fine to get good seats at a hockey game and don't even pay attention. I guess I am just bitter because I have never had the chance to go to an NHL game. <_<


Prime example..


Look at the lady.. Lecavliea(sp?) is getting smeared into the boards and somehow the lady who is a matter of a foot away is looking up into the rafters... If I had that lady's seat, I would have a broken nose because my face would have been pressed to the glass during that play. :rolleyes:

How come you never had a chance to go to an NHL game?

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