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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Dioptry

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Decided to finally get some facial protection. Got myself an Oakley pro straight visor. According to CCM (they are a sole distributor of Oakley visors), Oakley visors are suppopsed to be distortion free (Optically Correct as they call them). I haven't put the visor on my helmet yet but I can tell you it's gonna be giving me dioptry. Objects seem to be a tad closer than they really are. Is it normal? I thought distortion free would also mean dioptry free. I don't wear eye glasses or something.

Anybody else has experieced similar problem with visors?

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using an itech HS22 and no problems whatsoever

Maybe I just need to get used to it a little. When I look through the visor vs. above or below visor, the near objects appear to be slightly closer. Maybe that's normal for all visors?

Also, do you all position your visors as forward as possible?

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using an itech HS22 and no problems whatsoever

Maybe I just need to get used to it a little. When I look through the visor vs. above or below visor, the near objects appear to be slightly closer. Maybe that's normal for all visors?

yeah that might be the case. The only thing that sometimes bothers me is where the bottom of the visor ends

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Standing up on my feet and looking down at the floor. The floor appears about two-three inches closer when looking through the visor. Did I buy Okleay eye glasses or rather one unieye eyeglass?

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using an itech HS22 and no problems whatsoever

Maybe I just need to get used to it a little. When I look through the visor vs. above or below visor, the near objects appear to be slightly closer. Maybe that's normal for all visors?

yeah that might be the case. The only thing that sometimes bothers me is where the bottom of the visor ends

What excactly bothers you in that area? I think that I am not comfortable at seeing a little distortion or rather dioptry where the bottom of the visor ends.

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On mine it's a minute difference that I don't notice. If it's going to bother you this much before you play in it then a cage is probably in order.

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I think that when you you first put on a visor and are looking for thing you will find it. Once you wear it in a game you will soon forget about it and not even realize that you are wearing it.

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I had the cage problem... I could not get used to it. A visor got me on the ball. If the visor isn't eye level then it should be easy to get used to. Mine is below eye level and it took no time to get used to. It is worth it though...

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If the visor isn't eye level then it should be easy to get used to. Mine is below eye level and it took no time to get used to.

Not sure what you mean by that.

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the way the visors are supposed to be distortion free is that when you look down, the visor is the same distance from your eye ball, as when it is looking straight.

if you position the visor so that the eye ball is the same distance from the visor compared to when you look straight and look down, you should be distortion free.

e.g. consider a pie shape (pizza slice if you will) < )

the sharp corner of the pizza is the same distance all along the edge of the crust.

the other possiblilty is you may have a wider or narrower head then normal...

which bows the visor more than intended, and things could look bigger or smaller...

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the way the visors are supposed to be distortion free is that when you look down, the visor is the same distance from your eye ball, as when it is looking straight.

if you position the visor so that the eye ball is the same distance from the visor compared to when you look straight and look down, you should be distortion free.

e.g. consider a pie shape (pizza slice if you will)    < )

the sharp corner of the pizza is the same distance all along the edge of the crust.

the other possiblilty is you may have a wider or narrower head then normal...

which bows the visor more than intended, and things could look bigger or smaller...

Thank you.

The head is normal width. I haven't mounted the visor on the helmet yet. I am seeing a slight dioptry when looking through the visor.

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Also, do you all position your visors on helmets as far forward as possible? What are pros and cons of yes and no.

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Yeah, sure. Thanks. But why all the way forward on a medium size helmet?

Plenty of airflow without going all the way forward. Also the darn thing seems to spread the helmet out in the front a little. Looks like the CCM boys on CCM site don't push their visors forward at all. But those could be just ad shots.

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here is an example of mine, took these pics a while ago as I have since reverted back to the cage, however just to show you,,, (this is an Itech HS22, perhaps the oakley fits different?)

here is a front shot of the visor on, you can see the visor pulls the sides out a bit but it wasnt a problem at all..


this pic shows that I push the visor as far back as I can, I guess having it forward would have more airflow but that was never a problem for me, I felt I could see better with it closer to me.. personal preference I suppose.


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I have the Oakley blue tint and its not giving me any problems.

Does blue tint really help to see better?

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I bought a clear Oakley 2.0 yesterday, and I have to admit that things look a bit closer when I'm looking through the visor. Guess I'll just have to get used to that.

The visor is pretty far for my taste (there's plenty of room between my eyes and the visor), but the vision is absolutely great.

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I have the Oakley blue tint and its not giving me any problems.

Does blue tint really help to see better?

It makes everything more defined. I love it.

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If the visor is spreading the front of your helmet apart, you can use some nylon washers as spacers between the helmet sides and the visor. You might need longer screws.

I just went from a flat visor back to a cage, and I can receive passes much better.

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When I wore my visor I wore it pushed out as far as it would go because I had trouble with it fogging up. (I also wear glasses) It fogged less as long as there was space at the top for air to pass freely. I used to push the visor up when it fogged, but I soon found that it made the problem even worse, as there was nowhere for the rising hot air to go. I switched back to a cage about 4 months ago, and doubt i'll be going back again.

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