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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hossa's and Kovalchuk's visor model....

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Find a router and use that instead of a grider or whatnot. Since you can change the router bit you can wind up with a rounded edge instead of something sharp. Might be easiest if you had a routing table, you can rig one up by mounting a router in a hole with a piece of plywood.

You'll need a special bit for the router, IMHO. A normal bit will either chip it or melt it. They do make bits for working with acrylic, that may work.

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if i had a template to stick over the visor i could do this no problem. I would personally rather throw the template over the HS22AV because it covers more of the face than the normal HS22, and that actually looks like what they did with kovalchuks.

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i've got one, mine is listed as hs22 notch cut as well, they were selling them retail at cyclone taylor sports about 3 years ago... but then all of a sudden they stopped selling it

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damn i would love to get my hands on a hossa one...is his just a normal tint...or he has a different colour tint, i could never quite tell

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There was a Hossa prostock on ebay around Christmas time, I bid on it, but the winning price was around $120 I believe, no thanks, I'll stick with my oakleys.

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haha ye the only problem, the freaking price...i don't really want kovalchuks coz it doesn't have the prowave part of it, my nose gathers like beads of sweat...really weird

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Wow that looks great!

How did you do it? Did you use a template to get the shape?

I used a dremel to cut the visor. I just used the cutting bit that had the sharpest edge made for fine cuts so that it didn't melt where I was cutting. Then I used the sanding bit to round and smooth off the edges. I wasn't really concerned about the top edge, you can see it is a little rougher up there.

I actually just freehanded it and used a marker to draw the cutting line. If you look on the left screw in the picture you can see where I slipped a little with the cutting bit. I was kind of basing it off Havlat's visor.

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I'm thinking about selling my Hossa Notch tinted visor.. I'll get pics up soon if anyone is interested. I custom cut 2 visors to be like Gaborik's I like em but I would'nt sell em cause they're not perfect. I could get pics up soon.

Edit: heres my Gaborik custom visor I have tinted on my 8k:


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Wow that looks great!

How did you do it? Did you use a template to get the shape?

I used a dremel to cut the visor. I just used the cutting bit that had the sharpest edge made for fine cuts so that it didn't melt where I was cutting. Then I used the sanding bit to round and smooth off the edges. I wasn't really concerned about the top edge, you can see it is a little rougher up there.

I actually just freehanded it and used a marker to draw the cutting line. If you look on the left screw in the picture you can see where I slipped a little with the cutting bit. I was kind of basing it off Havlat's visor.

Well other then those little imperfections you pointed out it looks great, job well done.

Im thinking of trimming my Itech DX100 a little bit so thanks for the tips.

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yeah, that's why it was posted on page 3.

Here's my notched Oakley:


I haven't even used the 4500 helmet yet. I'm probably going to put it on the intake but I may need to notch it a bit more.

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Hey Fletch, These visors are the HS22's, but are modified in-house at Itech for the pros (as they request). These are non-certified (CSA, HECC). You can try cutting (and buffing the edges after), but modifying these more will compromise the little performance/structure they hold if you ever DO get a shot in the visor.

Just to clarify, are you talking about them having little structural integrity due to the modification creating stress risers and whatnot, or that the off-the-shelf non-certified visors (HS22, etc) are already very weak and unsafe, and the modification just makes them even worse?

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