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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favourite Commercial

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The new "Yo Mama" Commercial for MTV. Where that host is riding in the cab and at the end he's like "Im sorry, you wernt origianl and didnt have that sting so unfortunatly I cant pay for this cab"

This post doesnt do it justice, its just flat out funny. Very new though so couldnt find it on Youtube.

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i like the credit card fraud or something like that commericals, i think they may be capitol one..

they have people and they are talking, but they have a voice over.. like one has a man sitting there and its like a valley girl talking.

i also like all the espn peyton manning commericals

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I always liked the Budwieser "Leon" commercials

I can only find a few online. Most are on pay-only websites. You tube has a few, but not the best ones.

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In no order I loved the Y2K one; the one where Holyfield's looking for Charley Steiner; Kilborn and the intern.

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