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Dallas-Anaheim Shootout

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Anybody catch the move the Ryan Shannon tried on Turco tonight? Tried a 360 spinarama but Turco got his stick over and stopped it. Crazy as hell. It will prolly be on Sports Center in both countries tonight.

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title says it all. i feel like that spin-o-rama is pretty tough to do THAT quick. Jussi J was a maciene as usual with the low stick side shot. that guys automatic. just glad the Stars pulled it out after blowing the lead in the 3rd

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Zubov loves that forehand deke as well. It was almost boring to watch this shoot-out because you knew what JJ and Zubov were going to do, and you knew it would work.

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Based on rules, well Canadian Minor Hockey rules, the goal wouldn't of counted. You can't go back with the puck.

Didn't see it, but the same argument came up with Malik's goal last year.

Basically, if the player is in forward motion, the puck is considered to be in forward motion. Think of it this way- when a player is stickhandling the puck at his side, he pushes the puck forward a bit on the forhand, then back a bit on the backhand. Similar technique is often used for fake shots/deke around the goalie. If the rule was as cut and dry as you make it seem, this would render the play dead, and disallow probably 90% or more of penalty shots/ shootout attempts in the league.

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Based on rules, well Canadian Minor Hockey rules, the goal wouldn't of counted. You can't go back with the puck.

Didn't see it, but the same argument came up with Malik's goal last year.

Basically, if the player is in forward motion, the puck is considered to be in forward motion. Think of it this way- when a player is stickhandling the puck at his side, he pushes the puck forward a bit on the forhand, then back a bit on the backhand. Similar technique is often used for fake shots/deke around the goalie. If the rule was as cut and dry as you make it seem, this would render the play dead, and disallow probably 90% or more of penalty shots/ shootout attempts in the league.

as long as it's not some garbage -like turning back around and skating to center ice- and it makes for an exciting move why on earth shouldn't they allow it?

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Based on rules, well Canadian Minor Hockey rules, the goal wouldn't of counted. You can't go back with the puck.

Didn't see it, but the same argument came up with Malik's goal last year.

Basically, if the player is in forward motion, the puck is considered to be in forward motion. Think of it this way- when a player is stickhandling the puck at his side, he pushes the puck forward a bit on the forhand, then back a bit on the backhand. Similar technique is often used for fake shots/deke around the goalie. If the rule was as cut and dry as you make it seem, this would render the play dead, and disallow probably 90% or more of penalty shots/ shootout attempts in the league.

You are correct. The puck must continue to move towards the goal and not stop. The RATE at which it moves towards the goal can change. So during the spin-o-rama move the puck (and you body) are still moving toward the goal. Just much faster at certain points.

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that move was sick! wish i could hockey stop on ice!

K hotshot.. lets see a video of you doing the same thing. :rolleyes:

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the look on his face after getting stonned is priceless


his look isn't that great. its not a very hard move at all. iv'e done it in practice many times in shootouts and the first time i saw it was that second skills comp. spinorama video posted. he never really loses foward motion or CARRIES the puck backwards. i think that rule was designed so people can't lose the puck and turn around to regain control.

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that move was sick! wish i could hockey stop on ice!

K hotshot.. lets see a video of you doing the same thing. :unsure:

wasn't really referring to the move, i just love how the ice flew when he hockey stopped. just started playing so the whole move amazed me. no bragging for me, buddy :D

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