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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of visor is this?

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Here's a pic of a visor that seems to be pretty popular in Sweden, does anyone know what kind it is? It doesn't look like an Itech or Oakley judging by the way it's cut or by the screw holders, so I'm clueless on this one.


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I'm guessing an Itech from a recent picture of one I saw somewhere else.

im thinking the same im pretty sure its an itech not sure what model

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Here's a similar visor, but this one has a sticker that doesn't look like the Itech or Oakley ones, and some of the guys use this version, some use the version above without a sticker, and I'm still clueless. Maybe the top one is an Itech indeed, but what is the second one then?


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Where do you get those pics? I love the Elite League and i want to see more. Is it somekind of swedish gettyimages ?

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What is a Hejduk visor? Any info or specs available somewhere?

As for the pictures, these particular pictures are screenshots of a newspaper's "photo slide" (www.allehanda.se, then click on the links with "Bildspel" in it). Some of the SEL teams have their own galleries on their official sites as well, not all of them though. I believe there's also a site called www.hockeypictures.se but I don't know if it's still being updated or not, plus their pictures are rather small.

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What is a Hejduk visor? Any info or specs available somewhere?

greatskate.se has a few models.. Looks allmost identical to Itech visors.

I think the sticker on Andreas Salomonsson's says Bauer, but my eyes can fool me sometimes.

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Did you ever find out what visor this was?

Not yet, it seems like a mystery so far, and I have yet to see one at a LHS or web store.

Jofa does make another visor as seen below, called Jofa 895, but it doesn't look anything like it. Maybe it's a brand new model that isn't available for retail yet though.


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They look like these visors a team mate got for some guy in Germany. The guy gave him one to try out and said they were suppling the visors or similar visors for race car drivers and now looking into hockey. My team mates visor looks similar to the top visor pic and had the same hole set up I am sure.

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not to jack the thread but what visor does malkin use? i know its an itech but what model or is it just a pro only visor?

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