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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird Superstition

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another is we drink Victoria Bitter before tournament games.

The night before tournament games! And it works too!!!

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Some things seem like superstitions, but they'r really not. I always use white tape on the handle and blade, but thats because I'm too cheap to buy black for the blade.

My only real superstition is the ol' left skate before right skate thing. I'm left handed, so everything starts with the left.

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I put all gear on in the same order everytime: Jock, shins, socks, pants, shoulder pads, left skate, right skate, elbow pads, jersey, gloves, helmet. Before I do ANYTHING I stickhandle with a smartball for ~5 minutes to get the hands going.

Not a superstition, but I always have to put red tape on the butt ends of my stick, and white tape at the bottom. I don't know why I do that...

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One of my teammates last season had gotten into the habit of 'rubbing one out' before every game. We'd all get into the dressing room and, as I was getting ready to hop into the shower (read my first post), he'd disappear into the bathroom with his bottle of lotion.

It was kinda funny at the beginning of the season, but, by the end, we hardly even took notice.

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I always start taping my stick on the backhand side of the stick(for the handle/knob as well as the blade). I also always step onto the ice with my right foot first.

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One of my teammates last season had gotten into the habit of 'rubbing one out' before every game. We'd all get into the dressing room and, as I was getting ready to hop into the shower (read my first post), he'd disappear into the bathroom with his bottle of lotion.

It was kinda funny at the beginning of the season, but, by the end, we hardly even took notice.

wtf? how old were you then?

and I'm pretty sure that it is bad for guys to do that before a game, but it would be good for women. I'm not quite sure but I read taht in a boxing thread on MSH.

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Midget AAA - he was 17.

I've read contradicting reports. Apparently, this particular teammate of mine believed that it is adventagious to...well...you know...before games because ejaculation causes testosterone to be sent through the body.

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Same as some mentioned already.

I dont shave on a game day...before i go to bed the night before is fine, but never on the actual game day, doesnt make much difference at all if i do, but you know...

Always suit up in same way.. right to left.

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Midget AAA - he was 17.

I've read contradicting reports. Apparently, this particular teammate of mine believed that it is adventagious to...well...you know...before games because ejaculation causes testosterone to be sent through the body.

I think thats kinda gross...like in a public place,

Like come on man

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Hey, you're preaching to the choir...but what were we supposed to do? Go in there and force him to stop? It's all fun and game 'TIL SOMEONE LOSES AN EYE (if you catch my drift).

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Oh I got my baseball glove on and I think I caught that throw

If you catch my drift

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I guess you can add me to the list. I was in a 6 game slump so last game I sat in a different spot in the locker room while I dressed. I also forgot my helmet and had to use this goofy white JOFA that I found in the refs locker room.

2 goals-2 assists.

Last night I sat in the same spot & got that goofy helmet back. :lol:

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this ones kinda funny i check every single peice of my gear for like cuts and stuff and w/e's wrong, then i fix it. then i go wet my gloves cuz i like my gloves wet, after i get dressed, i put my neckguard first then my shoulder pads.. after that i put my jock and socks then tie my skates, then put my shinpads in the i put my elbow pads my jersey then my pants and then my helmet mouth guard then my gloves then i go out, and i like to get ready like 1 min before i go on.. and i like my skates really really dull i find it easier to pivot. and as for my sticks i always bring my sticks home after game practice cuz i hate it when ppl touch my sticks so i tape them at home and then bring them to the rink.

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I was thinking the same thing. I leave the shoulders to very last, while he puts his pants on last... Doesn't make much sense to me, but whatever floats your boat.

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used to carry a lucky penny or something... that was way back in high school... dont really do much now... just suit up and play hard... that's all anyone can ask for...

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That brings to mind what is my only potential superstition; I don't like rips or tears in my tape. If a blade has a rip from the previous game, I have to rip it off and put new tape on the blade. I will go through as many as three sticks a game because the tape will rip and leave a large portion of the blade exposed.

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I need to have a shower at somepoint during the day on game days. Sometimes I'll have them at the rink before games. Haha.

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yah i dono i like my pants on last cuz i find i can bend over better and i put my shoulders on first cuz i find with my shoulder pads on i can tie my skates tighter

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