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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This gave me a chuckle

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When one calls for my wife, I answer in a normal voice "this is she". It really stops them in their tracks. I even had one laugh and tell me to have a nice evening and hung up..

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This was a great chuckle - thanks for posting it.

My moment was when I lived in Vancouver in my late 20's - As I hung up the phone from the news my dad had died, the Jehovah's Witnesse people rang the doorbell. I tried to get rid of them politely, but they were being persistant... so finally I blurted out: "My dad just died this isn't the time".

Had a brief cringing thought that maybe they would want to come in and comfort me, but they were absolutely horrifed, and practically fell over themselves running out of the yard. I will never forget the looks on their faces.

It was especially funny because my dad used to invite the JW in to argue theology (he didn't like to drink alone...lol). Figured dad got the last word with this one... and gave me a laugh when I needed one.

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When telemarketers call me I just start moaning on the phone (if it's a female) and tell her that i'm in the middle of waxing my stick.

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When telemarketers call me I just start moaning on the phone (if it's a female) and tell her that i'm in the middle of waxing my stick.

you must be the life of the party.

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I like the Seinfeld approach.....

"I am busy at the moment but why don't you give me your number and I will call you back."

"We don't do that sir."

"So, you don't want people calling you at home?"

"No sir."

"Now you know how I feel (hang up)."

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I had that job once a thousand years ago. I lasted about 3 days trying to get little old ladies who were blind with no money to re-new their magazine subscriptions to Ladies Home Journal. It was constant rejection with every phone call. The term that the manager would use when he gave you a stack of cards with names and phone numbers was "prospects." So, whenever I get the call for something I fly through "Thanks a lot, blah, blah, blah, no and why don't you move on to your next PROSPECT." That lets them know that I know what they are up against. Good-bye.

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