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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Rbk 9k

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The reason why it is a "test run" is because they want to see if it is worth putting them out on a grander scale.

Will I ask for a pair? No. That skate won't fit me unless it is custom.

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  JR Boucicaut said:

Bet you paid through the nose. Buying in Canada is a killer. Probably should've waited til it came Stateside.

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It really wasnt THAT bad......A little premium, but thats because there was NO discount...

Ive never understood that. The dollar is strong up there. Last time I was in Banff, I brought home shitloads of stuff.


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  Shawn in Tampa said:
  JR Boucicaut said:

Bet you paid through the nose. Buying in Canada is a killer. Probably should've waited til it came Stateside.

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It really wasnt THAT bad......A little premium, but thats because there was NO discount...

Ive never understood that. The dollar is strong up there. Last time I was in Banff, I brought home shitloads of stuff.


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The dollar is not strong.


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just got back from work today and I saw the 9k whites and the 10.0 SE, lots of people buying them today..

It's not really that big of a deal, the 9ks are white and the vectors are black with a special shade of yellow laces which I wouldn't mind snagging for myself someday somehow :P

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  chikinpotpie said:
  jbyun04 said:

It's not really that big of a deal, the 9ks are white and the vectors are black with a special shade of yellow laces which I wouldn't mind snagging for myself someday somehow :P

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Yellow are available in waxed

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did you read the post? That's not the same "special" shade of yellow. Obviously any fool can get a set of yellow waxed laces.

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seriously guys, are the 9k white THAT hot?

I mean the reg. 9k all black is IMO a very good looking skate.it make you more dark! lol..

I can't decide if i should buy all white or black.

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It's different, and that's the allure. I mean, GW's are pretty rare and all, but if the original 9K were made in white, and they made a "Special edition" in black (kinda what they did with the V10.0 SE, if you think about it) there'd still be the buzz.

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I think the new vectors look worse than the original 10.0. But the white 9Ks look amazing. But I've always liked skates with a lot of white on them... I might prefer some black holders on them though.

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  DamnLocust said:

It's different, and that's the allure. I mean, GW's are pretty rare and all, but if the original 9K were made in white, and they made a "Special edition" in black (kinda what they did with the V10.0 SE, if you think about it) there'd still be the buzz.

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I don't like a lot of the great whites that are out there, but I did like my old CCM 795s and I do like these. I may have to see if I can track down a pair in Toronto when I'm up there next weekend.

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i think the only nice white skate were the graf great white that it..

when I see these rbk, i can't say they are ugly but the would just look better if they had a graf logo on them.

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  cobrAA said:

i think the only nice white skate were the graf great white that it..

when I see these rbk, i can't say they are ugly but the would just look better if they had a graf logo on them.

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I actually rate products by the actual quality and not by the logo. Call me crazy.

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  cobrAA said:

seriously guys, are the 9k white THAT hot?

I mean the reg. 9k all black is IMO a very good looking skate.it make you more dark! lol..

I can't decide if i should buy all white or black.

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(after reading your posts) Get a Graf great white! :P

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as happy as i am that reebok is listening to their customers about this skate (or at least they are so far)

if they start mass producing this skate - then no one will want it anymore.

i like having rare/special things that not everyone else has.

i think some of these companies should come out with limited runs of a particular version of a skate and then not make anymore - like with this skate make 1000 of them and mark them all x out of /1000

its kind of like with cars - they only make a certain number of ferrari enzo's and then no more - regardless of the demand

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Totally agree with you on your post.

  cbettner66 said:

as happy as i am that reebok is listening to their customers about this skate (or at least they are so far)

if they start mass producing this skate - then no one will want it anymore.

i like having rare/special things that not everyone else has.

i think some of these companies should come out with limited runs of a particular version of a skate and then not make anymore - like with this skate make 1000 of them and mark them all x out of /1000

its kind of like with cars - they only make a certain number of ferrari enzo's and then no more - regardless of the demand

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I don't think mass-production will effect sales... although a limited run will better suit the manufacturer.

In conversation with the guys in my hour last night 4 people (including myself) were amped on the thought of white 9K's... the other 9 guys thought white skates were haggard..

so it's really not everyone's cup of tea. I like the 9K just as it is... and if I didn't already own a pair, I would have ordered the whites already. I'd like a pair, and I have some money laying around that I've been sitting on while I'm out of work... who knows, if I find a new job soon, I'll grab a pair.

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I'd say there's only a handful, in comparison, of us who would want the white skates as those who would want/prefer white.

It's take a special breed of player to WANT and appreciate the white skates.

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