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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Rbk 9k

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you from Ottawa, dam we should hook up and play...

no i am from new hampshire, but some team from ottawa comes and looks at all prep schools around here and plays us all.

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my brother is actually planning on sitting down and calling a handful of places up North tomorrow to hunt down a pair of these in his size... he couldn't stand my 9K's, now he loves the white ones.

what a slave to fashion.

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What's the sizing compared to the Pro Tacks...say if I wear a size 9, what would my 9K size be?


My brother is actually coming from Pro Tacks as well.. he plans on ordering the same size, so I would guess the same if not very close.

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why dosent crosby use them?

hes the poster boy, why would he wear a limited edition, can you imagine the sales lost because you can't find a skate...

Poster boy wears what everyone can get...

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So are those new ones for sale or or just to help people decide if they want to pre-order some.

im pretty sure they were just for display

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I think those skates are ugly. I remember a time when all hockey players wore black skates. Those look like damn figure skates, or something a girl would wear playing hockey while bragging about her designer hockey socks made by gucci.

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you don't get it do you... this has already been posted in this same thread. they retail for 650 cdn if you're interested in buying them. there will be another release later this spring on a somewhat larger scale and available to the US ...

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What about the holes-matchup from an E-Pro on a RBK 9K to Tuuk Custom+ holder? Is there a need to drill new holes?

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I think those skates are ugly. I remember a time when all hockey players wore black skates. Those look like damn figure skates, or something a girl would wear playing hockey while bragging about her designer hockey socks made by gucci.

And the problem with gucci socks would be...

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I am currently attending the Cavendish University Cup here in Moncton and I've seen a couple of players are sporting the White 9k's.

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I am currently attending the Cavendish University Cup here in Moncton and I've seen a couple of players are sporting the White 9k's.

I noticed that too on TV.

Did you watch the Moncton-Laurier game tonight?

I thought it was a pretty exciting game, double OT.

Glad TSN had it on, because it gave me an alternative to watching the Leafs game.

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I WAS at the game, I'm part of the media for the Université de Moncton student paper and I'm also a student there. I've covered all the games this year, I've been to all of the games of the tourney and will there be for tomorrows final. Pretty nice sitting next to Dave Reid and Dave Randorf from TSN, worst thing is that I didn't even recognize them at first. :P

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The lace lock was definitely the best innovation I've seen on a skate, next to the Pump.

both sales gimmicks.

Although RBK does have the MOST comfortable skate on the market, no thanks to either of those "add ons"

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The lace lock was definitely the best innovation I've seen on a skate, next to the Pump.

both sales gimmicks.

Although RBK does have the MOST comfortable skate on the market, no thanks to either of those "add ons"

Razr, what is gimmicky about something that adds to a skate's ability to perform or be more comfortable. The "special edition" skates IMO are gimmicky. The Micron Mega "medial power clip" was a gimmick in my opinion.

I personally think the lace lock is great. It certainly does keep th elaces where you pulled them to. You can lace half the way up and walk around without any loosening at all...

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