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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Therma Blade

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Exactly my point. It would be interesting to see with the heat induced friction between the blade and the ice, and the electrical heating of the blade just how long it takes for the blade to reach it's target temperature. And then going through the cycle again of bringing the temperature back up. The other thing to consider when dealing with thermaly dynamics is thermal mass. The claim that T blades had with a lower thermal mass, and thus higher retention of heat induced by friction may be valid, but with TB we are talking about a significant increase in the amount of material, ie thermal mass. I'm not saying that their claim is negated, simply another variable in an already complex situation to consider.

Props. That is a well reasoned position. The complexities of all the variables make it tough to get to definitive truths. Right now, all we have is the company data and the anecdotal impressions of a few who have used the product, myself included.

It will be interesting to see if and when more data becomes available. With any luck, maybe someone with a scientific background will stumble across this thread and add something. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to self destruct over a scotch and soda...... :lol:

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I was simply referring to the properties of the steel impacting the results. You are assuming the blades reach the desired temperature, how do we know that?

Either way, I've set you (hipster) on ignore. I've been more than patient, even when you've resorted to calling me a 'pole smoker' and various other insults. So, screw off, and rot in hell. You've clearly got anger management issues, it's been amusing though, watching you self destruct over a pair of fucking skate blades.

Sorry you feel that way, but I understand you completely. No hard feelings here, FWIW. Spontaneous irony the likes of which are in those last two sentences are tough to come by, so at least we are both amused by each other.

And my invite to come up and sample my TB's is still open.

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There is one glaring flaw that I see in the Thermablade design, yet it is also one of their attributes. As stated, electrical current is not transferred into the steel runner until the system senses motion. That being said, steel is a relatively low/slow conductor of heat when compared to many other metals that are available. With both of these principles at hand, and a 45 second to 90 second shift on the ice....at what point during your shift does the blade finally get up to temp to create this deeper film of water under your blade?

Yep, I had noted that earlier in the thread. Are NHLers gonna be swinging their feet on the bench to keep it on?

"The skate senses a change in temperature, not vibrations. The chip on the blades is very sensitive and will come out of standby the instant they hit the ice." This statement is from my TB rep. Just trying to clarify this question about on/off, on ice/on the bench.

There is a red light inside the holder. After the blades have been in the charger and you are ready for game play, the holder gets squeezed at the heel for 5-10 seconds. A motion detector senses your finger and thumb at this point. The red light will then go on to signal the blades are on. The battery charge lasts 75 minutes according to the info guide. I have had the charge go to 85 minutes and beyond in my 90 minute sessions.

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We've had our first pair come through our shop: some tool who plays pick-up hockey once a week bought them on eBay (for $300) and got them mounted on his Easton Ultra Lites.

I had to leave the shop to keep from laughing in his face.

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The players on the Phoenix Coyotes that were trying them out have all switched back. The only person with the team that is still wearing them is Gretz and I'm sure it's obvious why he's still wearing them. I would bet my whole paycheck though that he doesn't even turn them on. During practice the other day he stood by the players bench for nearly the whole practice. It wouldn't take much heat to start to sink into the ice while standing still for a given period of time. Their EM was trying to be nice when giving his opinion saying that "they will never catch on".

In my opinion - great concept, someone was really thinking outside of the box but realistically the cost/benefit ratio just isn't practical. There just isn't a quick fix to everything no matter how much people are willing to pay for it.

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The players on the Phoenix Coyotes that were trying them out have all switched back. The only person with the team that is still wearing them is Gretz and I'm sure it's obvious why he's still wearing them. I would bet my whole paycheck though that he doesn't even turn them on. During practice the other day he stood by the players bench for nearly the whole practice. It wouldn't take much heat to start to sink into the ice while standing still for a given period of time. Their EM was trying to be nice when giving his opinion saying that "they will never catch on".

In my opinion - great concept, someone was really thinking outside of the box but realistically the cost/benefit ratio just isn't practical. There just isn't a quick fix to everything no matter how much people are willing to pay for it.

Maybe they will be like that Sher-wood 1 piece developed in like '94 that was $250US. It was way to early and way to drastic of a price jump for that day in age. However, 10 years later a better/cheaper (at least at the start) version of that concept is all the rage.

Maybe NBH or RBK will come out with their version in like a decade and really make it worth everyone's while. The battery technology will have come leaps and bounds by then...

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I would bet my whole paycheck though that he doesn't even turn them on.

Maybe he can't?

Perfecta's dressed up like Therma blades?......

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I would bet my whole paycheck though that he doesn't even turn them on.

Maybe he can't?

Well if he can't turn them on and hasn't replaced them yet then there's your answer right there. The Great One has ties with the company and isn't taking advantage of its advertised benefits. I'm sure that he would have no problem getting replacements but I guess he doesn't seem to think that he needs them. [/thread]

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For what it's worth, one of my buddies has been wearing a demo pair for the last few weeks(this is his second set, the first were recalled as part of the "defective" batch). He played Jrs and College, and is a solid skater. Thus far he was very underwhelmed. One skate's power seems to be cutting out here and there. Watching him play you can see the red light on one, but not the other. He did indicate that the holder and steel is nice, but at the end of the day could't see spending any money on switching. He wasn't sure he could even tell the difference between the non-functional holder and the functional one.

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The players on the Phoenix Coyotes that were trying them out have all switched back. The only person with the team that is still wearing them is Gretz and I'm sure it's obvious why he's still wearing them. I would bet my whole paycheck though that he doesn't even turn them on. During practice the other day he stood by the players bench for nearly the whole practice. It wouldn't take much heat to start to sink into the ice while standing still for a given period of time. Their EM was trying to be nice when giving his opinion saying that "they will never catch on".

In my opinion - great concept, someone was really thinking outside of the box but realistically the cost/benefit ratio just isn't practical. There just isn't a quick fix to everything no matter how much people are willing to pay for it.

A little birdie told me none of the players on the Coyotes were shipped TBs to try.

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And for everyone that stills needs a reason to let these go...


The best part? The one NHL player who "liked them";

"maybe helped me accelerate out of a turn". They may or may not help players coming out of turns. Maybe.

And then the TB guy attacks Draper, saying he only used them twice and isn't an authority to denounce them. Last I checked an NHL player should be able to "immediately feel a difference in [their] skating" -Wayne Gretzky.

Absolute junk.

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And for everyone that stills needs a reason to let these go...


The best part? The one NHL player who "liked them";

"maybe helped me accelerate out of a turn". They may or may not help players coming out of turns. Maybe.

And then the TB guy attacks Draper, saying he only used them twice and isn't an authority to denounce them. Last I checked an NHL player should be able to "immediately feel a difference in [their] skating" -Wayne Gretzky.

Absolute junk.

Yet in the video, midget and junior players felt an immediate difference. I guess that is acceptable.


Just made a call - we're going to send them all back. They sat in our stores for the better part of 3 mos without one being sold.

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THey had a very good presentation and a lot of PR behind the product. But like I said, we had them in my stores (I was not consulted on whether or not to buy it) and they sat there and did not move. The NHLPA not approving players to use them is going to kill it.

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See, that's the thing, nobody dropped $400 on them. And if they did, it'll be justified by how much they paid for it.

The few people I know using them all had demo samples. Did anyone on here actually buy a pair, or were thos demos as well? Just curious.

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