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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'll give them a go - I've been hit with shots that make me want extra protection, but I can't imagine these being insufficient for any of the shots I currently face. Even from scary Raytheon. But as noted, the test is wearing them on the ice. If they really annoy me I'll drop them off on Craigslist or at Play it Again.

These were the ones that fit best right off the bat, in terms of both bulk and length (I am short. I have short legs). The CCMs felt like they were bunching up when I tried to butterfly, these did not. Or less so. The other options were a fairly armored-looking Koho set (plastic plate on the thigh), Warrior Ritual (didn't fit under my pads and pants), a pair of Brian's that, again, did not fit under my pants and pads, and a pair of Bauer reactors that looked like a mite's elbow pads.

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You will like these IF you wear volley ball knee pads under them, badger_14. This is from personal experience.

As another user of the Supremes, I second the additional kneepads. I use G-Form pads underneath and it works great. The added bonus is some more height off your landing gear, which takes strain off your hips.

If you go with G-Form, watch the sizing because they can be (1) inconsistent, (2) too small for hockey/cyclist/athlete/thunder thighs.

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Last piece of advice on those Supreme knee guards, badger_14:

Wear hockey socks over them. They will be more mobile in the knee cradle.

And the knee pad recommendation is for a soft landing, not protection.

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Update on my SportMask.

I took out the 10 year old foam the other night and it left some residue. Ended up using Goo Gone per the advice of other SportMask users and it worked like a charm.

Before Goo Gone:


After Goo Gone:


The new foam kit from SportMask should be here on Monday the 8th. :)

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And the knee pad recommendation is for a soft landing, not protection.

Ahh okay, I wasn't sure if it was about protection/fit/etc. Well, I'll try them - maybe not Saturday, with the regular pickup, but next stick practice so I have more chance to fiddle with them.

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Ahh okay, I wasn't sure if it was about protection/fit/etc. Well, I'll try them - maybe not Saturday, with the regular pickup, but next stick practice so I have more chance to fiddle with them.

One last thing: if you have a slippage problem, instead of garters, poke holes in your breezers underneath the braces buttons, sew a piece of Jenpro (with holes punched, as well) in that spot and use skate laces to hold up your knee guards. That is the "Jeff Glass" mod.

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Is that gel in the chin cup?

Kinda, sorta. I have been trying to research what chin cup it is but haven't found much. It's more clunky than the foam Bauer one, but it also feels more secure. I actually had to trim a notch out in the cheek area of the foam so the chin cup lip wouldn't hit it. I'm pretty sure it fastens to the mask similarly to the Bauer. I may test fit the one from my NME8 and see how I like it.

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Ah, I assumed it came with the padding kit.

How's the foam in the kit? After wearing an NME8 it's hard for me to even think about other masks because the padding so so damn comfortable.

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The chincup was there when I bought the mask. I see he sells foam ones with his Refurb Kits now.

Regarding the fit, it is hard to match the comfort of the NME8, as that feels pretty snug, yet plush and comfy. I'd say this feels less plush, but still snug and comfy. I haven't weighed the two masks yet, but the SportMask does feel lighter to me. Not that it means anything really, just an observation.

I will say that I feel like the SportMask has better peripheral vision than my NME8. My face feels further forward in the Ricochet than the NME8.

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Here is a side by side comparison of my SportMask Ricochet and Bauer NME8. The Ricochet had much better peripheral vision than the NME8. You can also see a pretty drastic difference in the chin areas of both masks. Hoping to use the Ricochet tomorrow night!

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Here is a side by side comparison of my SportMask Ricochet and Bauer NME8. The Ricochet had much better peripheral vision than the NME8. You can also see a pretty drastic difference in the chin areas of both masks. Hoping to use the Ricochet tomorrow night!

Honestly, from those pictures it just looks like the NME doesn't fit you. Not even close. What fit is it?

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Fit 2, it fits me fine. Fit 3 was way too big and Fit 1 was way too snug. Also, I think it is just the way the openings are cut on the NME8. Since the cages for them are one size fits all, the opening shouldn't vary between the different Fits.

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I've had this for about two months now. I got the chance to try their demo unit (luckily I was the first, so it was brand new when I got it) and was sold immediately after one use. I had this one made with stripes to match my primary team's uniforms. This thing is amazingly comfortable. Hopefully I never have to comment on how protective it is, though.


A couple days ago I ordered a second one that is plain black for wearing at pickup or when subbing for other teams. Probably overkill having two, but whatever :) 

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I don't know if this was really worth the effort, but figured maybe somebody might find it interesting. Let me know if this was dumb or not :)



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19 minutes ago, Hills said:

I was going to make one of these!

Do it! 


I also want to do some actual reviews as well. I think I've had my pads and chesty long enough to do a complete review. 

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Black Bauer cowlings and Black Step Steel on my VH goalie skates. 


Special thanks to JR for swapping my cowlings for me. Knowing I was going to be on the road for two weeks straight I figured it was a good time to send them off to him in Michigan, mostly just so I know they'll be done right. 



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4 hours ago, tedpenguins said:

Those look absolutely stunning! About how long did it take for VH to make your skates? I'm thinking that they might be my next big investment.

The skates themselves are about a year old. Just the black cowlings and black steel is new.


Regardless, it was about 4 weeks for my skates. Quicker than I expected. I think they quote 6 weeks.


Worth every single penny! 

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