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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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why am i tired?

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I wake up monday morning at 6 and go to work. iam back at 4. i watch some tv and think "iam kinda tired" so i have a nap. i wake up later and make something to eat, go watch some tv then go to bed. Wake up the next day at 6 and work only till noon. eat lunch then have another nap till about 4. eat supper, play hockey get back around 11 and go to bed. wake up today go to work, now iam sitting here asking you guys why iam tired and i could go to sleep right now if i wanted to. it just seems like iam always tired. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night PLUS all these naps iam taking. Its been like this for about a month maybe longer. i've never been te type of person to take naps. I probably took like 5 naps in the last 19 years and now iam taking one every day? any suggestions?

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I wake up monday morning at 6 and go to work. iam back at 4. i watch some tv and think "iam kinda tired" so i have a nap. i wake up later and make something to eat, go watch some tv then go to bed. Wake up the next day at 6 and work only till noon. eat lunch then have another nap till about 4. eat supper, play hockey get back around 11 and go to bed. wake up today go to work, now iam sitting here asking you guys why iam tired and i could go to sleep right now if i wanted to. it just seems like iam always tired. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night PLUS all these naps iam taking. Its been like this for about a month maybe longer. i've never been te type of person to take naps. I probably took like 5 naps in the last 19 years and now iam taking one every day? any suggestions?

Yeah, I've been doing that too, Im just watching tv and then I fall asleep wake up 2 hours later. Usually I would get like 5 hours of sleep and be fine. MAybe its winter? Or for me maybe because Im 14 and growing or maybe your just getting old :lol:

Go to the doctor and get your thyroid checked out. Just a blood test.

Why the thyroid test? Just wondering?

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Man, you're doing something very very bad to your body with those long naps. Inform yourself about sleep and naps on google.

It's normal for the human body to have a little down on energy in the beginnig of the afternoon. A nap is a great thing to bring back a lot of energy but it should NEVER EXCEED 30 to 45 minutes. By taking 4 hours nap, you fall in your deep sleep and your body can't understand when the hell it's night, etc.

Oh and you may have SAD (seasonal affective disorder), it's pretty common. Google it.

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The Thyroid Gland Secretes a chemical that helps you or lets your body know when its time to "sleep". In Zrez's case, it may be releaasing too much, causing him to be sleeping more.

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Ive been doing that the last month or so also. It was bad like two weeks ago. I would tell myself that I could wake up in time to do something but I always slept through things in the evenings for those pointless naps. I missed a game and a practice from just sleeping and not waking up on time.

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when napping a power nap is always the best for your body, as hidious said.

Make sure you're drinking enough water and that your iron isn't too low.

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The Thyroid Gland Secretes a chemical that helps you or lets your body know when its time to "sleep". In Zrez's case, it may be releaasing too much, causing him to be sleeping more.

I had that problem. The thyroid controls your metabolism as well.

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I recently went to a naturopathic doctor who did a blood test and made a bunch of nutrition recommendations based on the results. I feel great now...and to support what JR said, I went on a temporary supplement/vitamin to give my thyroid a boost.

I was skeptical of this kind of medicine in the past, but fortunatley my work plan covered the costs so I went in with an open mind and a closed wallet. My only regret is I didn't do this a long time ago.

If you live in the U.S.:




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going to the doctor is a good thing to do...I agree with Hidious...4 and 5 hour cycles aren't naps...and can be a culprit as well...my ex is in a similar boat where she works 130 to 1030 one night..than 6-3..comes home and crashes out for hours..gets up etc..but is always tired..

naps are a great thing when you can work them in...i pencil one in each weekend..

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As has been said tablets and pills are a good temporary boost but I think it's always better to include the right vitamins/minerals and other nutriants in your diet and not have to worry about supplements at all.

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For starters, 7 hours of sleep might simply be insufficient for someone your age. When I started dental school, they stressed that it was extremely important for us to make the time to sleep 8-9 hours every night. It rarely happens, but I can attest to the fact that I feel infinitely better if I sleep 8 to 8.5 hours a night as opposed to 6.5-7. You're only 19, you need sleep, it's most likely as simple as that.

I would recommend you find ways to increase the amount of sleep you're getting every night so that it's a minimum of 8 hours. Aim for between 8 and 9. Very often all it takes is the willpower to say "Ok, I'm going to bed now, what I'm doing can wait". I will all but guarantee this will make a tremendous difference in your energy levels. If you do this faithfully for 1-2 weeks and see no improvement, then consult with a physician.

However, if as a 19 year old person, you go and see your GP and tell them that you're sleeping 7 hours a night and constantly feeling tired, they're going to recommend a) That you increase how long you sleep each night and B) You pay close attention to your diet and excercise regularly. I promise, that's all they will do.

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For starters, 7 hours of sleep might simply be insufficient for someone your age. When I started dental school, they stressed that it was extremely important for us to make the time to sleep 8-9 hours every night. It rarely happens, but I can attest to the fact that I feel infinitely better if I sleep 8 to 8.5 hours a night as opposed to 6.5-7. You're only 19, you need sleep, it's most likely as simple as that.

I would recommend you find ways to increase the amount of sleep you're getting every night so that it's a minimum of 8 hours. Aim for between 8 and 9. Very often all it takes is the willpower to say "Ok, I'm going to bed now, what I'm doing can wait". I will all but guarantee this will make a tremendous difference in your energy levels. If you do this faithfully for 1-2 weeks and see no improvement, then consult with a physician.

However, if as a 19 year old person, you go and see your GP and tell them that you're sleeping 7 hours a night and constantly feeling tired, they're going to recommend a) That you increase how long you sleep each night and B) You pay close attention to your diet and excercise regularly. I promise, that's all they will do.

Excellent adivce!!! I second all the way...

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