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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

What you do with your gear after a game

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i play twice a week and after my games, i jest spray it with this spray that they sell at my lhs and it sits in the bag

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stinky hockey gear? Put ie gloves etc...in a plastic bag and then leave them in the freezer overnight. The cold will kill the bacteria that's causing the stink!

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^I wonder how many people will actually get that.

Jimmy, as far as leaving it in the car, don't they make a car adapter for the blower? If not, You could get a power inverter. Try to find one with an automated shut-off for low battery. If you have a long ride to/from the rink, you could probably get it done on the way home.

I do the same....shock docter (junior size) bag in the trunk. For short rides, just leave in the trunk and plug in the blower in the garage outlet. For longer rides, I use an inverter in the car. It's quite easy, then taking out of the car, inside, rack, etc.

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I wash my socks, jock, jerseys, and shin liners for every icetime.

Would this be hard on the foam in your shinpad liners ?

So far, So good. The only issues I've had was with the stitching of the cup pocket coming loose from the jock (I use the itech yellow shorts) because I usually wash/dry it with the cup in there, and the extra weight pulls it apart. I also use these old school cooper elbow pads, and have never experienced any problems with the foam going thru the wash.

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I take everything out of my hockey bag and air and sun dry them in the back garden portion of the house. If anything smells funny afterwards, then i spray with lysol.

I also wash my Nike Dri-Fits, hockey jocks, hockey socks, and Salming skating socks after every use.

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I am so AR about my equipment. My dad built me a tree when i started hockey and i've used it ever since. Everything has a designated spot, i take the insoled out and soakers of my skates then leave them to dry. My shins get proped up against a table were i keep all my extra tape and accesories, and my pants go right beside the shins. I rotate my UA so it dries out nicely so my stuff gets washed every two weeks.

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^I wonder how many people will actually get that.

Jimmy, as far as leaving it in the car, don't they make a car adapter for the blower? If not, You could get a power inverter. Try to find one with an automated shut-off for low battery. If you have a long ride to/from the rink, you could probably get it done on the way home.

That's the thing, I haven't found one with auto shut off. Most new cars that have invertors built in have that feature. The Wallmart-invertors do not. At 300 watts draw it wont take long for the battery to go dead. The quest continues...

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I live in the attic

Hugo Simpson?

I wish! ..... I am STILL in the attic! Nah, it's a finished attic... actually wrapping up the rest of the carpet this week. But yeah, regardless.... hauling my bag up 2 flights is horrible, especially the flight with a nice 90 degree turn. So I invested in a Shock Doctor bag yesterday.

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I just take the skates out of the bag and into the house,and let the rest of the equipment sits in the garage. I let the cold air kill most of the odors. Shin/shoulder pads go back on shelf along with helmet. Gloves go back into the box with breezers. I guess Im fairly unsophisticated eh?

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I take all my stuff out of the bag. My helmet and pants hang on nails on the wall of my garage. My shoulders hang on a coat hanger from the a nail in the wall. shins/elbows/glovs all lay on the floor. Skates, depending on the weather, are either in the garage(warm out) or in the dining room(cold out) with soakers off and footbeds out. I wash all my underwear and socks/jersey after every skate. This applies to both my player and ref gear. One other thing I do is wipe out the inside of my helmet while getting undressed after my games. I don't know if this does any good but it makes me feel better.

I play with one guy who's gear smells so bad it literally makes my stomach turn sitting next to him in the locker room or on the bench. I don't understand how people can play in gear that is wet or just foul.

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If anyones interested this is about the best deodorizer I have ever used. I give my gear a shot of this everytime I put it out to dry and voila! The scent of it is oh so good also.

Go to Products then household+sanitary then its called Tropical Fruit Air & Fabric Deodorizer. I high recommend ordering a couple cans of this stuff.

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i play prep school hockey so we skate every day and leave our stuff in the locker room. All of my stuff pretty much drys out overnight except for gloves (but i keep 3 pairs in the locker room). I hang it all or lay it out on a shelf above my stall. my jersey and socks havn't been washed once but i try to was the under armour every couple days because that reeks.

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i play prep school hockey so we skate every day and leave our stuff in the locker room. All of my stuff pretty much drys out overnight except for gloves (but i keep 3 pairs in the locker room). I hang it all or lay it out on a shelf above my stall. my jersey and socks havn't been washed once but i try to was the under armour every couple days because that reeks.

i bet your locker room smells terrible. do you all spray anything on the equipment? or does the stuff just naturally dry in the room and reek it up

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most of the time my stuff airs out on the patio, I picked up a 3 level plastic/wire shelve system and put most of the items on there..when I lived in NY..I kept a dehumidifier in the garage to try it out quicker...

for jerseys, tech-wear etc..I've been using this stuff called SportWash that keeps the tech fabrics intact and removes the stink....

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