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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fastest Guy in the NHL

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Rico Fata has been given way more chances than he deserves bc of his skating.

$5 says Gartner could still turn a sub-14 lap.

$5 says Gartner could still cough up 20g in a season if he were still playing....

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All I know is I love watching Gaborik race up the boards...fastest acceleration I've seen in a game. Wes Walz is VERY close for speed with Gaborik but don't see it much anymore as he's had some hip and groin injuries.

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Nobody in the NHL uses their speed as well as Afinogenov. He may not be the fastest but he is always blowing by people.

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.......His ability to change speeds is uncanny. I don't know how many times i've seen him lull defensemen to sleep at half speed and then rip it into high gear within a fraction of a second and blow by them.

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.......His ability to change speeds is uncanny. I don't know how many times i've seen him lull defensemen to sleep at half speed and then rip it into high gear within a fraction of a second and blow by them.

Agreed. He can change speeds like a F1 race car can change gears.

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officially the fastest guy playing in the NHL that was clocked is jason chimera of the blue jackets. i only know this because he used to be in the oilers system.

Definitely....and considering he's pretty big at bout 6'3", 215 or so.

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I still think Kotlsov would blow any of the above mentioned players away in a race. The guy was feather light and could squat a ridiculous amount like 500-600lbs.

i was looking through all the posts to see if anyone mentioned him. hes ridiculous. one of the ocunselors at a camp i went to is in the penguins famr syatem and played with him. he said he was the fastest guy hes ever played with. obviously.

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Brett Lebda, that kid is insane. Nobody really knows who he is yet but sooner or later. Matthew Lombardi is also one of the quickest i've seen.

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The thing that I never liked about this ASG Skills is that the players that may be the fastest, may not end up doing that particular race.

For instance, back in the day mid 90's Pavel Bure was obviously insanely fast (I mean he is the Russian Rocket) But he didnt do that race because he was put on puck control

Now I know that these players have more then one skill that they are good at. I just wish I could have seen how fast he really was (pre 2 knee operations).

anyone with me?

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The thing that I never liked about this ASG Skills is that the players that may be the fastest, may not end up doing that particular race.

For instance, back in the day mid 90's Pavel Bure was obviously insanely fast (I mean he is the Russian Rocket) But he didnt do that race because he was put on puck control

Now I know that these players have more then one skill that they are good at. I just wish I could have seen how fast he really was (pre 2 knee operations).

anyone with me?


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i heard on tv once that some coach said that he had seen players skate faster then bure could at the jr lvl when it comes to pure top speed. he said that the one thing that makes pure so special was that he had never seen anyone accelerate as fast as him before

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i think they should measure speed, kinda like the NFL but instead of 40 yard dash it could be one lap around the rink or something.

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