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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is disturbing

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Guest 2048

Dodgeball on ice? Shit, that actually sounds so retarded that it could be fun. Imagine a bunch of drunk college guys on ice playing dodgeball. Only a matter of time before the first concussion or split head.

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Dodgeball on ice? Shit, that actually sounds so retarded that it could be fun. Imagine a bunch of drunk college guys on ice playing dodgeball. Only a matter of time before the first concussion or split head.

Nah, they ripped out one of the sheets at the rink on the other side of town. They put down field turf and have soccer, field hockey and they're trying to add lacrosse but nothing has been very popular.

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Say it ain't so! I went up to my local inline hockey rink last night (SportCourt floors) and see a sign, "Dodgeball leagues forming now." I couldn't believe my eyes. They have 2 full-size rinks and one smaller kids rink, so I'm assuming it'lll be played on the small one.

EDIT: Here's the link to my rink's website advertisement.


There's even an ad in the newwpaper that lists several other locations where a dodgeball league will be forming. Yeah the shark has been jumped, trampled, BBQued, and eaten.

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To cause this much hoopla, that movie better be winning some Emmys or Oscars.

Just think.....with all these dodgeball leagues forming, fat girls everywhere are cowering in fright. It'll be like junior high all over again. Nothing like tattooing "Spalding" across a fat chick's face.

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I was just telling my girlfriend - I told her I used to be surgical with a dodgeball...like Biggie said, "strictly headshots; I knock the twist out your dreadlocks."

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They've had dodgeball "leagues" here for a bit now but this will all just blow it away. Of course they also have kickball leagues here for the athletically gifted.

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The best was when you got a dodgeball that was sort of losing it's air just a bit. You could really get some velocity behind those. WHAM!

Yup...you can palm it better.

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In our gym class we use yellow foam balls that are pretty hard. I smoked this one geeky chick right in the face, honestly knocked her back on her ass about five feet, her glasses went flying and she started crying. Great day it was.

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That's funny that you mention this becuase my local rink is getting ready to start the second session of it's dodgeball league. They use the dry floor that we play inline on. They are also going to start either a kickball or wiffleball leage later this summer. Can't say that either interests me all that much.

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The best was when you got a dodgeball that was sort of losing it's air just a bit.  You could really get some velocity behind those.  WHAM!

Yup...you can palm it better.

if you've ever used alligator balls, you can squeeze the air right outa them and whip it

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My roller hockey rink has started a dodgeball league, if you signed up you got free tickets to to see the movie. I got to see a couple dodgeball games played before my game startted, it was interesting to say the least.

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Dodgeball the movie was marginal at best.........as for the game, fun to take out your worst ennemies.....(evil laugh).............

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Dodgeball the movie was marginal at best...

Seriously? I thought it was the funniest movie I've ever seen by far.

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Dodgeball the movie was marginal at best...

Seriously? I thought it was the funniest movie I've ever seen by far.

Sorry to go off topic, but the movie just didn't have the p'zazz I expected. SUre it was funny but it was just a lame plot that surrounded it. It seemed like just a few modifications to an old story. I had my laugh but in the end found the plot quit pathetic.

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Dodgeball the movie was marginal at best...

Seriously? I thought it was the funniest movie I've ever seen by far.

Sorry to go off topic, but the movie just didn't have the p'zazz I expected. SUre it was funny but it was just a lame plot that surrounded it. It seemed like just a few modifications to an old story. I had my laugh but in the end found the plot quit pathetic.

Yea, the plot was horrible, but with it being so funny, it really doesn't need a plot to be good in my book.

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