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Windows Vista

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I just finished installing home premium 64bit and I really like how it runs. I picked up an extra gig of ram to make up for the new system requirements. Just in case anybody was wondering, here is my system.. I can turn on all the eye candy and it only eats up 35% of my ram..

AMD socket 939 X2 +3800

2gigs of Corsair value select ddr400

Ati x1900gt 256mb

160gb ata Western digital hdd.

19" widescreen Samsung Syncmaster 940bw.

We have a system at work with an e6300 core 2 duo, 512mb of ram and onboard video and it doesn't have any issues with ultimate edition.

Anybody else upgrade to Vista?

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If i do decide to get it, i'm going to wait a few months, let all the bugs work themselves out first, wait till a few patches and such come out. No hurry really to jump right on it, as everything's known to have bugs right off the release.

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Its pretty much an OS X copy cat is it not.

Yeah wonder about that. Actually thinking of waiting for the new Mac OS to come out...and get myself a nice Macbook. But if Vista is pretty decent here, I might go for a Windows based laptop though since they cheaper.

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i plan on getting a laptop with vista, but i am waiting till about april/may

what features are different?

Even though this joke has been done...

here is a feature list Microsoft Vista

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Some people like to play their games and run apps under the opperating system rather than a new shell or emulator :)

Thanks, I'll stick with my pc.

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you dont have to run a new shell...

Different os.. sorry, wasn't refering to mac.

You DO have to emulate with OSX to windows. I would rather save the cpu cycles and memory and run it on a dedicated windows machine.

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It's getting old, we know you love macs, stop trying to impose your opinions on the rest of the board.

I'll never buy an OS at launch but i can forsee myself upgrading once the initial kinks are worked out.

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I would have to make major updates on my Desktop in order to install Vista. I'm getting a Mac laptop soon so, I'll just wait for the real thing and not an OS X copycat.

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I heard the part that stops you copying HD-DVD's has already been hacked, I think I'll stick with XP for a while, let the dust settle and the bugs be fixed then I may consider it.

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I beta tested vista on my laptop, it is very good. However - I am going to wait to put it on my desktop, as I would be losing some older software that might or might not run on vista.

Also, be careful with vista as I had to replace my wireless card as it was not vista compatible.

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It's getting old, we know you love macs, stop trying to impose your opinions on the rest of the board.

I'll never buy an OS at launch but i can forsee myself upgrading once the initial kinks are worked out.

It is a fact that windows vista copied a bunch of featuers from OS X (aero, expose, widgets, spotlight, etc)... its not opinion.

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Vista is too much of a system hog. I just put a comp in my room, P4 2200, winXP MCE with 1 gig of ram, a radeon 9200, 500+250 gig hard drives but I don't think it would run vista very well. Plus I just bought the XP MCE remote so I don't know if I could even reuse the remote.

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Vista is too much of a system hog. I just put a comp in my room, P4 2200, winXP MCE with 1 gig of ram, a radeon 9200, 500+250 gig hard drives but I don't think it would run vista very well. Plus I just bought the XP MCE remote so I don't know if I could even reuse the remote.

I have seen it run well on a +1800 duron with 512mb of ram and onboard video.

As far as the remote, home premium comes with media center and it works just fine with the remote.

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Not to play the applenazi card but I just don't "get" Windows. Obviously it has to have some sort of benefits to it but other than gaming I don't see what they are. I have 3 platforms for gaming so I'll always opt for what suits me as a cleaner, more stable OS.

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Not to play the applenazi card but I just don't "get" Windows. Obviously it has to have some sort of benefits to it but other than gaming I don't see what they are. I have 3 platforms for gaming so I'll always opt for what suits me as a cleaner, more stable OS.

And honestly, if you don't game, use a window's only program or use it for special business purposes where you cannot get a special program made then a mac would be great.

I have a few gaming systems (ps2 and gamecube) and they gather dust. I like to game on my pc. If I didn't play games on it, I would have a mac on my desk.

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I have seen it run well on a +1800 duron with 512mb of ram and onboard video.

As far as the remote, home premium comes with media center and it works just fine with the remote.

not with aero on.

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Not to play the applenazi card but I just don't "get" Windows. Obviously it has to have some sort of benefits to it but other than gaming I don't see what they are. I have 3 platforms for gaming so I'll always opt for what suits me as a cleaner, more stable OS.

Et tu, Mack :(

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I think most people have pcs because they're more accesible and macs are expensive, well at least the ones I've seen

prove it. They are not. Macs are actually cheaper (simillary speced)

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I think most people have pcs because they're more accesible and macs are expensive, well at least the ones I've seen

prove it. They are not. Macs are actually cheaper (simillary speced)

they are. you can get a thousand different entry-level PC's for half the price of the cheapest Mac. (excluding Mini)

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