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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wisdom teeth

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Just got them pulled, all of em. It doesnt hurt nearly as much as everyone said they would. I just dont wanna eat anything i have to chew cause i dont want food to go into the holes. WHen should i be able to not worry about that? Or is it stupid to worry about that in the first place?

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You'll have to worry about it for about two weeks. Although I wouldn't even say you have to worry about it, just that you have to be aware of it. You should have gotten an "irrigation syringe" from your dentist or whoever pulled them, and if not, ask for one. You just have to fill that up with lukewarm salt water and squirt it in the bottom holes to get food that is lodged in out. You shouldn't need to worry about the top holes at all.

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Just had mine yanked. Didn't get a syringe, I just made sure I rinsed with warm salt water after every meal.

Mine didn't hurt to bad either, though the left side of my jaw was bruised for a day or two afterward.

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I was on liquid rations until they pulled the packing out of mine. I didn't really even want to eat much after that.

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Getting my wisdoms out was probably one of the best things that I've ever experianced. I forgot what drug they knocked me out with but was that ever the best sleep I've had in my life. I wanted another shot when I woke up and the nurse just laughed at me, said alot of people wanted it too.

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I didn't get the syringe for a week or two since they didn't want me ripping the stitches with the force of the syringe

I still have impressions, but they aren't holes. It's been a little over a year.

I didn't take any of the vicodin they gave me, never needed it.

Overall, not a bad experience. I never puked, no complications, a little tender for a few weeks, back on solid food after a few days...

Jell-O is your best friend right now.

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Jello and scrambled eggs. My wisdom teeth grew in fine, but freakishly enough I grow extra molars/pre-molars so existing ones have to be pulled to allow new ones to come in.

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I just had the top two pulled a few years back, and it really didn't hurt much at all...maybe the first night was a bit bad, after that it was fine. I also didn't want to be put to sleep, so I just got local and had the fun of seeing how they actually remove the teeth. They basically just use some metal object, similar to pliers, or maybe like a chisel...and use a lot of pressure until the damn thing breaks off.

It was pretty weird sitting there and hearing the teeth actually cracking inside my mouth, watching the blood run out, and a bit of a worry when I felt the tool nail the side of my mouth at one point and heard the nurse say "Woops!" I bet they're even more reckless when you're passed out and they don't have to worry about accidentally gashing part of your mouth open..

Oh yea, just pop a few vicodins for the first night and you will be fine.

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I had mine pulled last summer, only had 3 of them. It wasn't near as bad as everyone told me it would be, I had no pain or swelling at all. I ate mac and cheese the day of the surgery, and pretty much went back to normal the day after.

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Got mine out today...not much pain yet but im pretty sure thats cause of all the drugs i had. The valium they gave me before they knocked me out was sweeeet though, that was a fun time.

All ive eaten so far was ice cream and a popsicle, i want real food!

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For me I had no pain, they gave me enough drugs to last me like a month. The day after I had them taken out I was eating KFC. I finished the pain killers after I broke some ribs.

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sorry to bring up an old thread, but i thought it would be better than starting a new one.

I had all 4 of mine pulled last week on tuesday, the usual swelling and minor pain, nothing i couldn't handle though.

my question is, how soon can i return to getting on the ice? My stitches fell out a while ago obviously, theres no more swelling, i can open my mouth fully with little to no tightness, the only thing is my teeth are a TINY bit tender still. I have a game tomorrow that i HOPE i can play in, its a non-check league btw.

Will i be able to play tomorrow? or is it too soon? I called the surgeons office, and they say 2 weeks, is that a "general guideline" or a written-in-stone rule?

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Don't rush it, just take the extra week off and get some rest. It's better you miss one game than to end up in alot of extra pain and end up missing alot more.

When I got my wisdom teeth out I also had major jaw realignment surgery at the same time. Wired shut for 3 weeks and about a month and a half until I was able to eat solid food again. I cant even look at pudding or boost anymore without getting sick. Plus side is before the surgery I weighed 165lbs at 6"4, dropped down to about 150 after not eating but in the following months I filled out and I'm sitting at about 210 right now trying to work off my summers work.

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the only thing is, if i do play tomorrow, they never really explained any of the consequences of doing so. Anyone know whats at risk if i feel im personally at 100%? (and thats besides the "i just wanna play" thats a truthful i feel good statement)

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If your rink is cold or you take in a lot of air through your mouth you have a higher chance of getting "dry socket". When I had mine out I never got it because I did what they said, but I have friends that have had dry socket and they say it's really really painful. I would just give it a couple days as I was fine in 3-4 days. If the game isn't important, I wouldn't rush it but it's just my opinion.

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Surgery has more effect on the body than just holes in your mouth. Your body is trying to heal and is putting a lot of work into it.

Stressing your body will cause slower healing, a shot to the mouth can more easily break your jaw since things aren't all back together yet.

It's probably ok to skate, but you should probably wait.

You might feel 100% but I can almost guarantee you aren't going to perform at 100% and your mouth will be throbbing from the intense blood flow and activity. I did physical activity less than 2 weeks after and my sockets bled for a little while that day (nothing as intense as hockey either).

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I would wait it out, seeing that you have four large wounds in your mouth. It's only been a couple of days since the surgery, so although the bleeding may have stopped, the epithelium over the surgery sites is still very fragile, and the underlying tissue is still essentially a bunch of new blood vessels in a loose matrix, without any strength or resilience. The mouth also is a cesspool when it comes to bacteria, so my guess is that the two week time frame that you got was a precaution against premature injury and subsequent infection. No check doesn't mean no contact, and even then, it's possible to trip over the blue line :)

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  D-MaN88 said:

If your rink is cold or you take in a lot of air through your mouth you have a higher chance of getting "dry socket". When I had mine out I never got it because I did what they said, but I have friends that have had dry socket and they say it's really really painful. I would just give it a couple days as I was fine in 3-4 days. If the game isn't important, I wouldn't rush it but it's just my opinion.

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The risk of "dry socket" alone would push me towards missing a non-check league game. That being said, if your stiches already fell out you should be almost done healing in that department. But you do run this risk of having your mouthguard tear open the scabs. Myself I never had any pain in my other teeth or in my jaw, or swelling for that matter, some really whats another week with no hockey? just skip it and play towards the safe side.

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It can take years for sensitivity to go away. I realize I also had surgery with my wisdom teeth being pulled but I still have no feeling in my chin and bottom lip whatsoever and also on the roof of my mouth. My back teeth are extremely sensitive since my wisdoms were pulled too and I was told it could take up to 2 years to return to normal.

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I had my two lower ones removed junior year in college. I was drugged up, but recall the dentist pretty much yanking my skull apart with all his strength. Day or two afterwards were the worst pain I've ever felt, but the vikes helped.

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