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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rink rant - thieves

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ahh, the woes of working in a rink...

i basically caught this fat couple in the act of stealing money from a soda machine today. rather than approach them immediately, i grabbed a coworker and then went back there. we stood near them for a minute as they tried to look like they were just buying a drink, and then left.

as soon as they walked away, we unlocked it and opened it up. they'd taken all the money and the little 'pocket' that holds the money in there. upon confirming that they'd taken it, i ran after them in time to catch a few numbers of the license plate as they sped off in their mercedes. WTF?

i know they saw me run after them and stare at the back of their car. hopefully they're paranoid about getting busted right now. i'm pissed i didn't get the whole plate, or catch them undeniably in the act. at least they didn't get to break into the other two since we went back there.

i hate people.

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If they are ripping off the ice rink they are also doing it at a lot of other places. I work in the beverage industry and we have lots of vending machines broken into. If 1 is broken into then there are about 15 others that have been hit too.

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Benz's arent all that hard to pay for. I could've paid for one while working in high school.

Vending machines have a lot more money than most would expect.

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Not to totally jack the thread but if you live at home and have an ok job you could smoothly afford a c-class

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Not hard to pay for? Yea, if you dont spend any money and work 7 days/week making a good salary while still in school

For all we know, it could be a stripped out used benz with tons of miles.

I know of plenty of kids paying for 3-series', c-classes, and even a kid on a Range Rover without the help of parents. Expensive? Yes, but not impossible by any standards. Especially if you're working and robbing a vending machine.

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Coke machines can hold over $500 at once.

Especially ones that are like $1.25 or any dollar + change. People pump in $2 at a time and get change. Those stacks add up quick.

I had to empty one at a hotel, and on a normal 5 day cycle we had about $250-350 in it. We changed it when about everything was out.. (8 slots x $1.25 x 45 cans per slot each = pretty big money.. $450)

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The worst thievery I've ever seen of a vending machine was back in college. I had a friend who filled vending machines at nights so sometimes I'd tag along to help so he could start the weekend that much quicker. We get to this skeezy motel and he's stocking candy bars and this chunky hooker/junkie comes up to us. She looked like the fat kid from Good Burger and asks "hey, I'll take my shirt off for a Butterfinger" and starts pulling it up. My friend throws her some Butterfingers and goes "I'll give you three if you don't."

If there's a lesson in there it's don't stock vending machines in East Nashville and fear is more of tool than a weapon.

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...this chunky hooker/junkie comes up to us. She looked like the fat kid from Good Burger and asks "hey, I'll take my shirt off for a Butterfinger" and starts pulling it up. My friend throws her some Butterfingers and goes "I'll give you three if you don't."

I wonder what she would have been willing to do for a good candy bar.

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I don't know but I was morbidly curious to find out myself. That's not even the worst hooker situation I've had with a friend but that's bigboy chat material and not for the board itself.

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coming up to charities week in our school, me and my 2 buddys pulled off a robin hood like stunt.

we shoved a plastic bag up the change slot and waited til the end of the day, we done this on all 7 vending machines each day( we couldnt do it just once as they were emptied at the end of school day) so we done this every day and then at the end of the week we counted up all the money which came to a grand total of over £257 ($500US approx.) we each bought a irn bru($1) and gave the rest to charity.

this might sound doubtful but with over 2000 people in our school it doesnt sound too far fetched.

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theft sucks.....especially when you leave your blue jeans in your locker room in school and you have 10 bucks in it.....talk about ouch....the only stuff i steal is the stuff i own

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