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The office

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Anybody else keep up with this show? I hate to admit it, but I really enjoy it. The comedy is dry and there is even a little romance factor that keeps me.. ur.... my WIFE watching every week.

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I do, but I just wait for the DVDs and watch Supernatural instead. Hilarious show though and easily one of, if not the best show on TV.

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Ive been watching every episode since season 1. I really find it funny and enjoy the little things like facial expressions and awkward moments that make it funny. It reminds me of curb your enthusiasm in the way that there arent many flat out jokes but you can relate to certain events and laugh about them.

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I am obsessed with it. Easily my favorite show on TV. I'm deeply in love with Pam, and my life won't be complete until I find the real life version of her.

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It’s a solid show and one of my favorites. It’s right up there with Arrested Development. The original English version is pretty good as well.

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Agreed. One of the best shows on the tele. I think you have to be a professional to appreciate it... not necessarily corporate, but a guy in high school who works landscaping in the summer (no condescendence intended) wouldn't understand as much as those of us in the mundane lifestyle would.

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Agreed. One of the best shows on the tele. I think you have to be a professional to appreciate it... not necessarily corporate, but a guy in high school who works landscaping in the summer (no condescendence intended) wouldn't understand as much as those of us in the mundane lifestyle would.

Yeah, I don't really get most of it but, Steve Carrell is just plain funny

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There is a show on german televison, called Stromberg, which is inspired by The Office and is totally off the hook. The 3rd season starts in March and i cant wait.

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Wow another Office-- Arrested fan. Now if you had included SPACED we would have to meet up and have a beer

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There is a show on german televison, called Stromberg, which is inspired by The Office and is totally off the hook. The 3rd season starts in March and i cant wait.

I saw a clip online from the German version of the Office. They were doing some sort of blind roleplaying scenario (similar to the one on the Diversity Day episode) and one of the cards said "Hitler" on it. I couldn't understand a word, but the acting was hilarious.

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There is a show on german televison, called Stromberg, which is inspired by The Office and is totally off the hook. The 3rd season starts in March and i cant wait.

I saw a clip online from the German version of the Office. They were doing some sort of blind roleplaying scenario (similar to the one on the Diversity Day episode) and one of the cards said "Hitler" on it. I couldn't understand a word, but the acting was hilarious.

You are my man! Yeah the acting is so brilliant. The main actor (the bald guy with the beard) got serveral prices and they are definitely righjt. In the first season, hes the boss and he has a lot of respect but during the 1st season he just makes stupid (but funny) things which the insurance company does not like and so he loses his reputation and in the 2nd season hes just a replacement boss but he still thinks hes like a man in charge but he is not. The second season shows his downfall. Very funny as well.

Cant wait for the third one.

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I love dry humor so The Office is just fine by me.

Not to change the flow of this thread but ...

Speaking of the BBC has anyone ever seen the series "The Young Ones" that use to be on late via MTV? Good God I loved that show! They use to have special guest appearances and Motorhead showed up one time :) The theme was a bunch of mid 20 to 30 somethings still in College.

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I'm a fan (also a big Arrested Development fan, since it has been mentioned)

I rented the BBC version, and while it was funny, i am sure i missed many of the British jokes/references.

The US version is one of the (if not the) best shows on right now.

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It's an excellent show both the UK original and the US version. The UK version could have easily ran for atleast another season or 2 though for me came to an excellent though premature end after only 2 seasons.

Some of the scenes on the US version are exact copies of the UK originals though works really well with the US characters.

I hope the US version keeps running!

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I love dry humor so The Office is just fine by me.

Not to change the flow of this thread but ...

Speaking of the BBC has anyone ever seen the series "The Young Ones" that use to be on late via MTV? Good God I loved that show! They use to have special guest appearances and Motorhead showed up one time :) The theme was a bunch of mid 20 to 30 somethings still in College.

Now thats a show I haven't seen in a long while! Never saw the MotorHead episode but I dug it out on Youtube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FIBOvTovppM

And for anybody that hasn't seen the UK office I highly reccomend it, but as has been said some scenes were re-done for the US programme so it may not be as funny second time round.

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