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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate lifts

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Hi, I have a question about people that have lifts under there skate boot, I noticed Saku Koivu had some but I always thought it was to give him a taller stance, now i see Francois Beauchemin with the same thing and it makes me wonder if they serve another purpose... is it a blade alignment thing? wedge?, any professional experience with this would help, I'm having problems with my stride and I'm researching...


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I installed heel lifts on my one90s because the skates do an amazing job of locking your feet in place that it feels like you're on your heels without them.

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I believe certain skates are pitched differently. Bauers are pitched more on the heel, so for a more neutral or forward pitch, heel lifts are necessary.

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You will see people in every brand of skate using lifts to adjust the pitch of their skates. The exception is Mission because their holders have adjustable pitch.

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I remember reading somewhere that JR said you can get some heel lifts from Nike. Anyone know how you do that? Do I ask my LHS, or do I contact Nike somehow? Last time my LHS put them on they looked really bad. Not that it affects the performance, but I'd prefer for them to look nice.

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They were recomended to me a while ago and I liked the forward pitch. The are hardly noticeable by looking at the skate, but the only problem I have been having are rivets coming loose where the lifts are. I replaced the loose ones once and had them tighened another time.

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its not only heel lift ..... there is a lift on the front skate too. long long rivets on those holders ,thats crazy:o

Yeah, doesn't putting a lift under the toe and the heel kind of defeat the purpose?

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was wondering... if u add some maybe additional pads under ur insole... wont this basically do the same thing... pitch urself forward because ur heel is already higher?

maybe cork or some hard thing which u could probably glue to ur insole or skate itself?

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It raises the overall height. I used to do that with Tuuks so that I did not bottom out.

Bottoming out on tight turns..right?

I wonder if this has been my problem lately. When I get really low at about the ½ way point in the turn I blow out a tire.

I’m on ½ hollow, 11ft radius, Mission Pitch, 145lbs.

I’ve looked at the sides of my skates to see if there is any additional wear but I can’t see anything out of the normal.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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koivu skates have a 9mm lift in them and thats exactly why so he doesnt botom out. He also wants to be a little taller on the ice and this accomidates him.

But mainly being to take tight turns at high speed and not bottom out.

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I have a friend who's playin in the Swedish J-20 Elit league. His left or right leg (can't remember which one it is) is shorter than the other one.. So he has 1" lifts both front and back on one skate..

When the equipment manager designed those lifts there wasn't rivets that were long enough. So he used Graf's RMS nuts and extra long skrews to fasten the holder to the boot.

If you think Koivu's skates look wierd, you should take a look at my friend's XXX's :lol: ..

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was wondering... if u add some maybe additional pads under ur insole... wont this basically do the same thing... pitch urself forward because ur heel is already higher?

maybe cork or some hard thing which u could probably glue to ur insole or skate itself?

In theory this would work, as it would raise your heel a bit, but you would also lose some volume in the boot, as well as possibly position your foot improperly in the boot, which could cause some pain.

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I've seen some pro stock skates that had modifications to one skate to accommodate a player having one leg longer than the other. Pat Lafontaine had a built up back heel one of his, looked like stacked white plastic outsole on his Bauer Supremes. Matt Barnaby had what looked to be a rubber insert on only one of his skates, front and back in between the Tuuk and the outsole. It was about 1/2" thick.

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It raises the overall height. I used to do that with Tuuks so that I did not bottom out.

koivu skates have a 9mm lift in them and thats exactly why so he doesnt botom out. He also wants to be a little taller on the ice and this accomidates him.

But mainly being to take tight turns at high speed and not bottom out.

I wanted this done to my skates but my LHS said having lifts in the front and back would result in a sloppy and sluggish response on the ice. Any truth to this or are they just full of it?

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Not that most people (myself included) really need it, but, I wonder if T' Blade is working on a shim/lift system. As they are now they offer 6 hollows and 3 rockers but no way of pitching the blade forward.

Sorry... I was just thinking out loud again :)

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Yes, I realise that I am bumping an old topic, but its better than starting a new thread.

But anyway, I just got lifts put in the back of my skates, and wow do they make a difference. It took a bit of getting used to, but I love them. I spent the first 10 minutes of practice on my face yesterday, but after that I was flying.

My transisition game sucked like none other, always tripping over my feet for the first stride. Now I feel like I can do it without any problems.

It is a big lift though...*shrugs*

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wanted to put something inside my boot too because i can feel that i can lift my heel up a bit...

That sounds like a poor fitting skate, not a pitch problem.

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