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shoulder pads--for adult league

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I currently wear top of the line Sher-Woods I got on clearance for $5. I like them, but I'm actually supposed to wear a larger size.

What would be a good SP for adult league? Even though it's non-check, I wouldn't want to go without anything at all because of all the hooking that typically goes on in non-check leagues. Also, I think I'd like floating caps since I still plan on shouldering guys into the boards whenever they're saucy enough to try to skate in along the side. Plus, I spend a good amount of time screening goalies, so I wouldn't be opposed to getting something a little more than the old school lace-ups.

I've already done message board search, read through numerous threads with numerous conflicting opinions, but here are the ones I'm currently considering:

Nike V-Series

Are the V-7s good enough for men's league or should I splurge on V-14s? V-14s may be overkill, but I'm through all my growth spurts, so my next set of pads would presumably last a while.

Easton Synergy 300

Easton Stealth S5

Of course, mobility and small, low-profile caps would be plus.

I'm not really looking for anything so minimal as the Sher-Wood 5030, Bauer SP60, Easton Classic, D&R Legend or Itech SP50.

Any opinions on these?

Any other suggestions? (I noticed that D&Rs and Itechs come up a lot.)


Any opinions on the Bauer 4000 or the Easton Synergy 700?

Or how about a comparison b/w the Itech 440 and 660?

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I see it's on your list of pads you don't want, but I'll plug for the Sher-Wood 5030s. They're more protective than the pads I was wearing for full-contact high school hockey twenty years ago, and they're also more protective than the pads a lot of current NHLers wear. The foam used to construct them is much more advanced than the padding used in older pads - it's a vintage look, but the product is better.

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Sher-Wood 5030 Traditions backed 100000%.

Just make sure you get the right size. I got one size too small and ended up eBaying them, but the next time I got one size up and I'm never buying another set of pads again. These were built for beer league.

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I, too, like the Sher-Woods, and was going to get them except I seem to somehow be between sizes in that line - the XXL had the shoulder caps way the hell out on the front of my shoulders, and the XL's were too small across the shoulders and back.

They aren't on your short list, but I would highly recommend the 652 Tacks - they can be had at a great price, are fairly light, and offer great mobility for the protection they have. I used a pair I butchered and re-fit for the past two seasons with little complaints. The Mission M2's I had before were very good as well and I would have stuck with them had they fit properly.

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I, too, like the Sher-Woods, and was going to get them except I seem to somehow be between sizes in that line - the XXL had the shoulder caps way the hell out on the front of my shoulders, and the XL's were too small across the shoulders and back.

Don't lace the top or bottom eyelet and leave a bit of a gap. It's amazing how many adjustments you can make on them.

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Ive had the sher-wood 5030 classics for 4years, but recently switched to CCM 652's.. The 5030's is a great pad for beer leauge hockey, but if you feel that you tend to get in the way of slappers quite often, You might consider a more protective pad.. If you don't like big and bulky pads, try on the Bauer sp400.. Small shoulder caps, but decent chest protection..

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I currently wear top of the line Sher-Woods I got on clearance for $5. I like them, but I'm actually supposed to wear a larger size.

What would be a good SP for adult league? Even though it's non-check, I wouldn't want to go without anything at all because of all the hooking that typically goes on in non-check leagues. Also, I think I'd like floating caps since I still plan on shouldering guys into the boards whenever they're saucy enough to try to skate in along the side. Plus, I spend a good amount of time screening goalies, so I wouldn't be opposed to getting something a little more than the old school lace-ups.

I've already done message board search, read through numerous threads with numerous conflicting opinions, but here are the ones I'm currently considering:

Nike V-Series

Are the V-7s good enough for men's league or should I splurge on V-14s? V-14s may be overkill, but I'm through all my growth spurts, so my next set of pads would presumably last a while.

Easton Synergy 300

Easton Stealth S5

Of course, mobility and small, low-profile caps would be plus.

I'm not really looking for anything so minimal as the Sher-Wood 5030, Bauer SP60, Easton Classic, D&R Legend or Itech SP50.

Any opinions on these?

Any other suggestions? (I noticed that D&Rs and Itechs come up a lot.)

The best thing to do is try stuff on and see what feels protective enough and still allows the mobility that you want. I would add the Itech 440 and 220 series to your list, the bonus there is that they should be getting closed out pretty soon.

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I rocked 652s before getting Sher-Woods. Great protection, shoulder caps are a tad bulked, but for the needs you listed, I could see these working for you. If you want to buy mine for cheap (still in good condition, size XL), PM me.

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Ive had the sher-wood 5030 classics for 4years, but recently switched to CCM 652's.. The 5030's is a great pad for beer leauge hockey, but if you feel that you tend to get in the way of slappers quite often, You might consider a more protective pad.. If you don't like big and bulky pads, try on the Bauer sp400.. Small shoulder caps, but decent chest protection..

Think you got that backwards on the SP400....huge shoulder caps with light foam padding elsewhere. I'm wearing the 300s which are the same thing just different colors. But still, they're not bad for adult league and the large caps are nice when you can't stop and hit the wall :P

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Think you got that backwards on the SP400....huge shoulder caps with light foam padding elsewhere. I'm wearing the 300s which are the same thing just different colors. But still, they're not bad for adult league and the large caps are nice when you can't stop and hit the wall :P

They dont look that big to me 5950_01.jpg

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go ahead and cross the Easton Synergy 300 off your list. They offer very little protection. I replaced mine with Bauer 8000. I tried on both the 8000 and the 6000. I think both would be good choices.

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I use the Itech 440s and I really like them. Just the right amount of protection, and the shoulder caps are the best I've used. I also love their "flex chest", which works really well. When you look at them you probably think they're a bulky pad but I completely forget I'm wearing them when I'm on the ice.

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Ive had the sher-wood 5030 classics for 4years, but recently switched to CCM 652's.. The 5030's is a great pad for beer leauge hockey, but if you feel that you tend to get in the way of slappers quite often, You might consider a more protective pad.. If you don't like big and bulky pads, try on the Bauer sp400.. Small shoulder caps, but decent chest protection..

This was another of my issues when I opted for the 652's instead. I had been playing without any for a while, but caught a clearing shot dead center in my sternum on day - ouch. I decided I would go with a solid front instead of something that ties up. I played my first game with my TPS BBA's last weekedn - I ended up having to cut the bicep protection off of my elbow pads, but they were awesome - a tad bulky for a supposedly low profile pad, but mobile, nonetheless.

Another one to conisder is the DR 15:


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i just picked up the v-14's from the nike outlet here which was considerably cheaper than the lhs around. I've only put them on for a game once so far, but they are very good for staying put and in place, its almost like you can't really feel your even wearing them, and i think they will only get better as they wear in a little more. They may be overkill but if your the type of person that will get something and then feel like in a short time your just going to upgrade again, might as well just take the plunge and get what your heart desires now. Like you said, youll probably use them for a long while, shouldn't be a bad investment no matter which way you go.

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Any opinions on the Bauer 4000 or the Easton Synergy 700?

Or how about a comparison b/w the Itech 440 and 660?

I just bought the Itech 660... I'll let you know how it is when it arrives, but after reading on here I decided it was the best choice for me. I play a non check adult league, but I fractured my shoulder blade last summer in a fall into the boards, ever since then I've been a bit worried about shoulder protection but I didn't want anything big, bulky or heavy...

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Someone please take my chrisian/harrow mx shoulder pads size XL. They are quite light, look awesome, cheap and non-bulky and most of all taking up valuable room in my hockey locker

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I use to agree with one using "mimimal" protection pads for beer league, however after seeing so many shoulder and rib injuries I now tend to suggest a bit more protection. No-check does not mean no-contact, especially if you have Gomers in your league where incidential contact can and does happen. More importantly, you absolutely need protection from that rare time you loose edge or footing and go shoulder first into the boards. There are a lot of low profile pads out there that are protective but not bulky or restrictive.

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Any opinions on the Bauer 4000 or the Easton Synergy 700?

Or how about a comparison b/w the Itech 440 and 660?

I used the Bauer 4000 in my beer league for a couple of seasons. They're fine, pretty thin and light. I ended up switching recently to the Itech SP50 which are way smaller and lighter just because our non-check league is pretty clean and I could count on one hand the number of times I've hit the ice in the last year.

The jury is still out on the SP50's though. They almost feel too small so I'm going to give them a go for a while longer and see how I feel, then put my 4000's back on for a comparison.

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I use to agree with one using "mimimal" protection pads for beer league, however after seeing so many shoulder and rib injuries I now tend to suggest a bit more protection. No-check does not mean no-contact, especially if you have Gomers in your league where incidential contact can and does happen. More importantly, you absolutely need protection from that rare time you loose edge or footing and go shoulder first into the boards. There are a lot of low profile pads out there that are protective but not bulky or restrictive.

I agree completely, there's always someone who'll lean on you going in to a corner or give just enough of a shove to knock you off balance and in to the boards. I was using the Itech SP50, last summer I fractured my shoulder blade, and I've been taken down twice in the corner this year and I have chronic pain in both shoulders now :( I wake up 5-6 times a night because of it.

The Itech SP50 is useless, you might as well not wear anything, I didn't expect protection from them, but I don't even know why they pretend they do anything at all. I just ordered new ones b/c I'm not about to have surgery again!

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In my opionion you should use something that offers at least a bit of decent protection and which also allows you freedom of movement. Some of the guys have already given you some great choices. You never know if you're going to fall awkwardly or take a header into the boards so I advise you have something that offers you those two characteristics. My suggestions;

Bauer 6000, Vapor 6

Easton 700, S-5

Mission Fuel 85 or 75

Itech 660

If you wish, you can upgrade to the top of the line, in each of the manufacturers I've mentioned, however I don't see a need in a beer hockey league. All these should give you more than sufficient coverage and protection and not break the bank in the process. Hope this helps.

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