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The "whiporama"

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Can anyone here pull it off smoothly like Crosby or Legg? Do you practice it, and would you have the balls (or audacity ;)) to try it in a game?

I practice it, but I'm not too good at it. I'll get the hang of it though...and then I'll definetly try it in a game :)

Funny story - in the early nineties, my friend Ehren had already perfected it. I mean he was AWESOME at doing the move made famous by Mike Legg. Well, we get started in a new league at a new rink, and he does it in the game. The Refs DISALLOW the goal, and give him a delay of game penalty. It was the single worst call(s) I have ever seen in my life...hahaha.

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I see people do it all the time in pickup hockey and in practices. To do that in a game like Crosby did is selfish hot-dog type of thing to do.

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well, its not exactly the michigan move, but its kind of like it. I stand right in the middle of the goal and put the put about 3 feet to the right of the goal, and about 2 feet back. Then i just lift the puck up and launch it as high as i can into the goal. I tried doing the michigan move a couple times in pickup, but my teammates got a little mad.

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i dunno if this is the same thing your talking about, but a couple ppl on my team could do the one where you put the toe of your blade on the puck and do a 360 and pick the puck up on ur blade and whip it into the net. its a sweet move haha. wish i could do it....still gotta practice

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I do the between-the-legs 360 Michigan move. You stand in the slot, put your stick between your legs, pick up the puck on the toe of your blade bring it back through your legs and throw it in the net, all in one motion while doing a 360.

I'll get it on video if I get a chance.

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I'm not very good with stuff like that, I can't even pick it up on my blade, but I'm pretty good with hand-eye, so what I do is come in like on a breakaway on the right hand side. As I cut to the left I flip the puck up and do a 360 as I turn I hit the puck about shoulder height into the top corner. Obviously if it works out perfectly, which it rarely does. I don't plan on trying it out in a game because A) I'm not confident enough to and B) If I saw someone do it to me, I'd break their arm.

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I do the between-the-legs 360 Michigan move. You stand in the slot, put your stick between your legs, pick up the puck on the toe of your blade bring it back through your legs and throw it in the net, all in one motion while doing a 360.

I'll get it on video if I get a chance.

I can't believe any half decent defenseman lets you stand in front of th enet that long. Hell, in my beer league, you'd be sliding on your ass out to the blue line.

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Any advice for someone who would like to at least be able to do this in practice? Any curves better than the others for this? Step by step help? I think I'm going to work on this a bit.

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I'm a big fan of the type game like this: Go forward really really fast. If someone gets in your way turn right or left just a little. If you get near the net shoot, and if you get near the boards stop. That's pretty much it. Go with that and you'll do fine. Don't need any fancy moves.

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I'm a big fan of the type game like this: Go forward really really fast. If someone gets in your way turn right or left just a little. If you get near the net shoot, and if you get near the boards stop. That's pretty much it. Go with that and you'll do fine. Don't need any fancy moves.

Now why would you want to go and do something like that? It sounds like you're trying to win a game.

What's sad is that I see little kids (I mean like age 10 and under) trying this fancy type of stuff. What ever happened to basic hockey fundamentals?

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I only try it when I know all the guys on the other team and its a C or D level game, I just tried it a few weeks ago actually and the only reason the goalie stopped it was because he was gigantor sized. My teammates usually can tell when Im going to try it and then laugh their asses off. I also do it all the time in practice or warm up but at the boards and not towards the net.

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At the end of Try-Outs we were doing break aways. I pulled the puck up on my blade and deked the goalie with the puck in the air, then I threw the puck into the net. I won the competition and made the team.

I probally wouldnt try it in a game though.

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I do the between-the-legs 360 Michigan move. You stand in the slot, put your stick between your legs, pick up the puck on the toe of your blade bring it back through your legs and throw it in the net, all in one motion while doing a 360.

I'll get it on video if I get a chance.

I can't believe any half decent defenseman lets you stand in front of th enet that long. Hell, in my beer league, you'd be sliding on your ass out to the blue line.

I think I explained it wrong. You move from the left wing, to the middle of the ice, and your doing this then you pull the move. If a lefty were doing it, he would come in from the right side and move to the middle.

You don't just stand there, that would never work.

ya, sorry I explained it wrong.

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Never could get the puck on my blade, I can hit top shelf between my legs though and I Have practissing a new move, if you go on a breakaway, you pull the puck behind you but you hit it on your right skate(if your a lefty) on your left skate (if your a righty) the goally will probably lose the puck out of sight for a while your it the puck back to your stick wich is behing you (you kinda take it back to you like the Datsyuk move) then you just deek him, pretty hard to explain and even harder to pull of.

EDIT: The puck never goes thru your legs and in front.

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Damn, talk about needlessly complex moves. I pick a spot and assuming I hit that spot they don't have a prayer of stopping it.

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I personally never try those moves during a game, just during practices for fun.

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mine is a variation of the "whiporama" Get the puck up on my stick, (im a righty) while skating toward the net and bring it up and fling it behind my left ear lacrosse style. I've only done it in practice, and the goalie gives you the biggest WTF look after you pull it off.

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funny thing to do is when your on a breakaway and u get just inside the hash marks move your blade forwards away from the puck and just turn to your left or right and keep skating. the puck is suppose to jsut slide into the empty net if your going fast enough and the goalie follows you. makes the goalies look funny.

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I have been practicing this one for ages (in practice) and I almost have it down. Wouldn't ever try it in a game though, I don't have the guts. Definatly a great show off move in practice though.

all-star - you mean what Iggy did in the playoffs?

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I don't think what Iggy did was a "move". Wasn't he being hooked and held from behind (by Hannan I htink) so he fanned on the shot, but becasue his stick came up it looked like he was shooting high so Nabby went there instead?

I've seen a guy try something wierd a couple times now. He's in clean on a break away and right at the hash marks he takes his bottom hand off his stick and shakes his glove off, then grabs his stick with the bare hand and shoots. The first time he missed the net and the second time his glove got stuck and he never neded up getting a decent shot...*L*

3 of the best goals I've seen in a while (besides Datsuyk *SP?*) were the 2 between the legs (Lecavalier v. Montreal and Cheechoo v. whovever that was) in the playoffs...and Maxim Aveniganov from Buffalo had a goal were he was coming across the crease, picked up the puck off his skate...kicked it to his stick, did a 360 and scored (on the backhand if I'm not mistaken). That might be the goal you were describing early...

I'd never have the balls (or skill) to try anyhting liek that in a game. I sit on the edge of the crease and wait for my chance to bang in a rebound...good thing I'm playing in non contact beer leagues, or I'd get my ass kicked...


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A guy on my old team (during games) would pick the puck up on his blade then skate the whole ice before he put it in. He never passed though :angry: . It was cool to watch.

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A guy on my old team (during games) would pick the puck up on his blade then skate the whole ice before he put it in. He never passed though :angry: . It was cool to watch.

Uh, that's illegal.

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A guy on my old team (during games) would pick the puck up on his blade then skate the whole ice before he put it in.  He never passed though :angry: .  It was cool to watch.

Uh, that's illegal.

I know of no rule against that.

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