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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The "whiporama"

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what if your goalie's just a numbskull that doesn't move?

Shoot for the holes. If he's not going to bite on a deke, take what he's giving you.

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how does i differ from LHS and RH ppl?would i pull the puck with the back of my toe (since im RH)?

I have problem understanding what you said. Do you mean you were left-handed and now you are right-handed?

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i can never get the"lift" on my between the legs shots. anyone got any pointers or is it just shooting it between the legs for hours.......

it takes wrist strength, u basically want to put the puck on the toe and snap it. u cant get under it like with a ball, its like a quick snap shot..

A guy who lives by my house pulls it like nobody's business. I've seen him succeed 80% of the time on crappy outdoor ice. Gotta ask him how he does it. I'm not positive but I think he plays/played pro at some point.

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ive done it in a spring league game. on the powerplay from behind the net. i can also do the michigan 360, but not after about.... 25 mins of skating cuz by then my tape is too wet and snowy to do it.

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i played in rec roller league last summer. a guy on one of the teams we were playing actually called his shot...a michigan from center-ice...no joke. our goalie was pretty bad, but i've never seen anything like this...i was playing left wing right across from the guy (he was RW on their team)...they win the face-off, he gets the puck, comes up to the red line & then turns back into his own zone, picks up the puck & flips it behind him...60 freakin' feet, inside the left post...our goalie was just speechless, sitting on his ass. we just stood there...kinda stunned...pretty embarrassed...and wondering how the hell that guy threw a michigan that hard. it was the 3rd game of the season...we found a new goalie after that game...i know there are some pretty bad goaltenders out there...but how a guy scores a michigan from BEHIND the center red line is beyond me...even worse was that he was calling it during the game, we could hear him tell his teammates "just wait...i'm gonna get this goalie from the red line"...that is one goal i wish i had on video somehow...he had some velocity on it though...i don't know how he "threw" the puck that hard...it was like a wrist shot...the puck did kinda "knuckle-ball" in the air & that might have fooled our goalie...what was so funny is that he really tried to save it...it didn't suprise him...he dropped & then tried the blocker...over his leg, inside the left post...just plain sick...

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I'm not very good with stuff like that, I can't even pick it up on my blade, but I'm pretty good with hand-eye, so what I do is come in like on a breakaway on the right hand side. As I cut to the left I flip the puck up and do a 360 as I turn I hit the puck about shoulder height into the top corner. Obviously if it works out perfectly, which it rarely does. I don't plan on trying it out in a game because A) I'm not confident enough to and B) If I saw someone do it to me, I'd break their arm.

I can't do michegan between the legs, but can do the ordinary straight forward version. I find it quite a bit easier with roller puck and an thin ABS blade (Koho Jagr crossover for me). ABS blade and ice puck work pretty well too. Woody blades struggle for me on this particular move - too thick to get under the puck.

The move is quite simple - its a toe drag followed by a quick "scoop" of the blade. During the "scoop" it helps to keep the blade as flat as possible on the ice so that the puck would slide onto it (the blade) easily.

If I saw someone do it to me, I'd break their arm.
- Where is this Candien mentality coming from?! :D What is wrong with somebody doing outrageous skills/tricks in a game? When we play football (soccer) over here in England, and sombody does something equivalent to hockey's "michegan move" to beat a defender("donkey flick" for example - a flick of the ball with your heel over your head while running) people's first reaction is to applode - "HEEY! NICE! WOW!" are the things one is sure to hear. Smiles all around too... :) This attitude transfers to hockey too.

Not in Canada though - (well from what I can tell) :rolleyes: "BASTARD! HAV SOME OV VIS!"... and poor blighter gets his arm broken/kicked in the nuts...

WHY????? :)

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It's funny because someone has tried it on us in highschool when we had a depleted team, and I almost did break his arm. If its a "fun game" go for it, maybe if its a close game, I'll let it slide. If its a route (which it was), well then its time to break out good ol' woody because its tree choppin time.

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Using soccer(football) for the basis of your arguement really hurts you. Considering the way goals are celebrated in that sport, you have no moral high ground on the topic of sportsmanship.

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Using soccer(football) for the basis of your arguement really hurts you. Considering the way goals are celebrated in that sport, you have no moral high ground on the topic of sportsmanship.

Nobody minds that in EU - it's considered to be fun:) And as a whole, football (soccer) has much better developed rules, regulations,etc. The stars of the game are much better protected, fighting and such are eliminated without any behaviorial on the pitch side effects. The game's rules have been constantly looked after, tweeked slightly to help protect the game and keep it as pure and as good to watch as it was in the 70's 80' 90' etc. If only hockey was goverened/ran at the same level... :( Sorry for deviation.

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It's all dependant on the "type of game". In roller, I have no problems with stuff like that, because, well its part of the game. Same as a "show dunk" in basketball. I'd equate the "michigan move" to calling your shot in baseball. If you do it, you'll be thrown at.

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the diving and flopping in most soccer matches makes Ribeiro's playoff performance last year look like nothing.

You're never going to convince me that it'as better managed. better marketed, yes, managed, no.

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to answer the original question. yes i can do the michigan. i play roller hockey btw. i can do almost any variation of it, backhand,360, forehand, between the legs, off a pass etc etc. my friends all hate me for it. it actually comes in handy sometimes when im not in a scoring situation. EX- i was standing near the boards one time and this guy came flying towards me, i michigan'ed it behind my back, off the boards, and i skate away with the puck. he was like wtf.

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to answer the original question. yes i can do the michigan. i play roller hockey btw. i can do almost any variation of it, backhand,360, forehand, between the legs, off a pass etc etc. my friends all hate me for it. it actually comes in handy sometimes when im not in a scoring situation. EX- i was standing near the boards one time and this guy came flying towards me, i michigan'ed it behind my back, off the boards, and i skate away with the puck. he was like wtf.

Try that in ice and you'll get knocked cold, and when you come to, you will be the one like "wtf"?

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I've honestly never seen anyone hit clean trying to do a michigan variation on ice. Now, there's scumbags that can't hit you, who will take a run after a play. But never anything legal and clean.

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I find it easy to hit a guy when he is trying it. They are not watching you, they are so focused on the puck and sometimes as wickedlite said, just standing. Either way, you will get hit legal or not.

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See, that's why certain people shouldn't try it. The guys that are good at it 1) you won't know it's coming till it's done 2) they'll be looking up as they do it.

Now, guys that just try it whenver they have a shot, usually aren't good at it.

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Just don't whore the move, there is nothing wrong with doing it once in a while. I wouldn't suggest doing it in a really, really competitive game but you know what, if you have the cojones to do it, then try it out. Who cares, not too many of us are going to the show so why not? If you are finding it so disrespectful, I am sure that I could find a lot more things to say that would make you blush.

BTW, this move is captain easy, I don't see what the big fuss is about it. Not even being cocky, I'm just saying that most decent players have this down in 10-15 tries.

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It requires no skill whatsoever; I guess that is why you see roller players doing it so much.

I'm sorry, what level of professional ice hockey are you at?

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Did I say I play pro? Its just funny to see roller players who think they are good because they can do this move-its even funnier when they try it in tryouts. At a AAA tryout I went to this kid thought he was awesome (being a roller player) and tried it- the puck ended up falling off of his blade. I ended up giving him a concusion (with a clean hit when he was trying it) and a couple kids laughing at him when he got hit. Don't get me wrong though, roller hockey is fun I just don't like seeing the kids who think they can dangle in roller try it in ice and think they are hot stuff. I even see them celebrating like crazy when they score. Maybe the people at the roller rinks I have been to are just douche bags and have ruined my perception of roller players.

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