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Anson Carter's stick

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I saw a few of these in the stick room for the 'Canes back in dec, never got close enough to look. the paint job is a very pale/flat red with thin grid lines of black... The surface looked weird... i thought maybe it was an unpainted prototype...

anybody have any ideas?

thanks to my buddy hyena for the pic.

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you know that could be possible... Justin Williams uses fury gloves, so it's possible he tried some sticks...


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Mission's 07 sticks havent even hit stores yet. I doubt they're already releasing new prototypes with different paint schemes. If anything, they'd paint their new sticks with the fuel/vhex graphics to hype the 07 product.

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pulled up a picture of the fury diamond back... looks like an un-logoed stick, but with opposite color pattern... one i saw was black with red grids.

also like i mentioned, these sticks were around the stick room in december... they may have been the closest to Carter's pattern... so he's using it until mission can send his sticks down south. dunno bout this being a mission stick.

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Mission's 07 sticks havent even hit stores yet. I doubt they're already releasing new prototypes with different paint schemes. If anything, they'd paint their new sticks with the fuel/vhex graphics to hype the 07 product.

While I tend to agree, keep in mind the new product will debut much earlier than normal next year. If the trade show continues to happen in November I believe you will see more new product at the end of the regular season and in the playoffs.

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good eye.... i see the nike bauer logo too... wow imagine if they said "hey we're releasing a XXXX stick and nope its not in the catalogue"

i'm getting sick of the stick race... might just decide to stick to 2 piece and be done with it

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whbd18 get's the prize!!! It's a Christian Torch. The lines you see around the shaft is the Christian "Diamond Design." We elected to not pay the NHL licensing fee this year and concentrate our efforts on working with players to perfect our product. Because Christian has a recognizable symbol with the diamond design, we elected to add that to the stick rather than having a solid blank stick. It gives us some identity without paying the fee. Our hope was that somebody would call the stick to question and want to know who made it. It looks like our hope came true.

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good eye.... i see the nike bauer logo too... wow imagine if they said "hey we're releasing a XXXX stick and nope its not in the catalogue"

i'm getting sick of the stick race... might just decide to stick to 2 piece and be done with it

I love when people say things then are just proven wrong.

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hmmm must have been some of Kevyn Adams'. Though he had christian torch sticks that had the full paint job this season.


good eye whb18

another good indicator is the top of the stick. If youve used a christian stick before you know what the pattern "label" looks like

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the first pic looks like a nike bauer the 2nd is the fuel stick

It was already concluded that the first stick is a Christian Torch.

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It looks like a Nike Bauer stick judging from the look of the logo at the top.

Well since it's a Christian stick...the "logo" is just the curve and lie etc..

Ahh okay.

That's what I get for playing hockey when Christian sticks stopped being popular here :lol:

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