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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Long Do You Work On Your Stickhandling Each Day?

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Everyday 30mins straight, or 2 sets of 20 mins with wrist curls and shooting in between, that of serious stickhandling, plus just messing around in between drills, before practice and things like that.

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Lets see.... dropin is wed.

Anyways, you get the point.

I used to use a golf ball, but I think that did more damage than it was worth.

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Why work when I can just pick a curve that makes me stickhandle better and buy a new stick when I need a harder shot. :rolleyes:

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Well, now that I have a real job and hockey is not a top priority anymore no time stick handling.

When I serious I used to practice for at least a half hour a day using a smart hockey ball. I love those things.

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I used to use a golf ball, but I think that did more damage than it was worth.

Anyone else find this? I was thinking of doign the golf ball thing a lotthis summer but thought when i went back to a puck it would feel totaly different. Should i jsut order one of those hockey balls form somewhere online or something?

Also, toilet paper roll on the shaft for bottom hand?

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Why work when I can just pick a curve that makes me stickhandle better and buy a new stick when I need a harder shot. :rolleyes:

Laugh it up. Those guys feed your family. :P

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After reading this thread, probably not as often as I should.

Maybe a half hour every other day. Just depends.

-edit- That's off-ice.

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i practice off and on throughout the day with a smart hockey ball. but i really dont think its helping at all. i can stick handle with the ball so easily, not looking at it. stickhandling real fast. but as soon as i get on the ice i cant stick handle as fast and i look at the puck more.

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Anyone else find this? I was thinking of doign the golf ball thing a lotthis summer but thought when i went back to a puck it would feel totaly different. Should i jsut order one of those hockey balls form somewhere online or something?

Also, toilet paper roll on the shaft for bottom hand?

Use the golf ball for overspeed work, but it should not be used to the exclusion of a tennis ball, one of those smart balls, or I've found the flypuck works pretty well.

i practice off and on throughout the day with a smart hockey ball. but i really dont think its helping at all. i can stick handle with the ball so easily, not looking at it. stickhandling real fast. but as soon as i get on the ice i cant stick handle as fast and i look at the puck more.

You've got to work on transitioning your training onto the ice. Replicating the exact feel of a puck on ice isn't really possible, unless you want to lay out cash and have artifical ice installed in your house. Working with a ball on normal surfaces will certainly help build your skills, but you have to over come that urge to think of the puck on the ice as being different just because it doesn't feel exactly the same. Once you start forcing yourself not to look at the puck so much your confidence will build.

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I tried to do it for at least 20 minutes a day on the plastic sheet I got a couple of months ago but it usually doesn't happen because I'm too lazy. I usually stick handle randomly 2-3 times a week.

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I used to use a golf ball, but I think that did more damage than it was worth.

Anyone else find this? I was thinking of doign the golf ball thing a lotthis summer but thought when i went back to a puck it would feel totaly different. Should i jsut order one of those hockey balls form somewhere online or something?

Also, toilet paper roll on the shaft for bottom hand?

I found the same exact thing. The transition from puck to golf ball was terrible, it was like i forgot how to use a puck. The smarthockeyball however was great, 10/10, if i was asked to pay 25 for one ball id do it, well worth it to me.

As far as the toilet paper, you can also use a like 6 inch piece of PVC piping. Its to key in on top hand control, and a loose, sliding bottom hand.

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Where do you shoot pucks? I don't have that much room in my house to practice. I saw this training matt complete with 5 different weighted balls on youtube, but haven't been able to find it since. Anyone heard of this?

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There's a rink nearby with a goal outside. If I didn't have a dog and other responsibilities I'd be out there a few times a week.

During the winter, I hit up the ponds a few times a week as well. More for skating and shooting than stickhandling...

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Where do you shoot pucks? I don't have that much room in my house to practice. I saw this training matt complete with 5 different weighted balls on youtube, but haven't been able to find it since. Anyone heard of this?

Its called a hockey skill pad, there is also synthetic ice you can skate on as well. Search it on the forum and you'll find some links. I'm a big anti-ball guy when it comes to stick handling, I feel that stick rolls, hand speed typically weight and feel are really off when it comes to balls.(IMO) When I practiced with balls and went back to the ice I always felt like my timing and feel were off. Once my teammates/roommates pitched in and bought the synthetic ice surface we all went to pucks during non practice hours.

During the time when I played the most 96-01

Alternating days:

On Ice:

Day 1: 1.5 hrs free style (doing whatever I felt like)

Day 2: 1.5 hrs Structured drills, Wood tripods, cones, ladders etc.

Off Ice:

Day 1: 45 mins Structured drills, tripod toe drags, overs, unders and throughs

Day 2: 45 mins of free style (the synthetic surface we have is somewhat small 12' x 12' so skating with the puck is limited)

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The trick with a golf ball or a smarthockey ball is to practice using it as if it was a puck. You can stickhandle a ball like it was a puck but it doesn't work the other way around.

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