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Souray's stick tonight

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I just wanted to mention I noticed Souray using a green Easton stick tonight against Toronto, and it is not the old ST Grip, definitly not, I saw the new Easton font and I saw the bottom of the stick, the Easton logo was all blue, the game is on TSN right now if someone else wants to give it a look.

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Synergy SE?


I live in montreal buddy, I'm not stupid I know what an SE looks like and wouldn't have posted this if I thought it was an SE, hence me saying he's using it TONIGHT and not a week ago against new jersey, and like others have said its a metallic olive green

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Synergy SE?

I live in montreal buddy, I'm not stupid I know what an SE looks like and wouldn't have posted this if I thought it was an SE, hence me saying he's using it TONIGHT and not a week ago against new jersey, and like others have said its a metallic olive green

At least you're not being a dick about it

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Synergy SE?

I live in montreal buddy, I'm not stupid I know what an SE looks like and wouldn't have posted this if I thought it was an SE, hence me saying he's using it TONIGHT and not a week ago against new jersey, and like others have said its a metallic olive green

At least you're not being a dick about it

I really don't see how I was a dick at all, it wasn't meant in a rude way, just being straight forward, anyway, did anyone else notice the stick in the game tonight?

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It's not an SE. It's the SL Prototype(or whatever). Easton's first idea for the SL (just all one colour) it was never released, but there have been pictures.

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It's not an SE. It's the SL Prototype(or whatever). Easton's first idea for the SL (just all one colour) it was never released, but there have been pictures.

Like previously mentioned in the thread, I'm not talking about the all chrome SL, if you read what I said I am talking about an olive green looking SE

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There is no "olive green SE", the colour's are blue for no grip and red for grip and easton doesn't offer custom colour sticks, find a picture of this so called olive green SE and get back to me and then i might be able to change my mind, until then buddy.

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There is no "olive green SE", the colour's are blue for no grip and red for grip and easton doesn't offer custom colour sticks, find a picture of this so called olive green SE and get back to me and then i might be able to change my mind, until then buddy.

considering my question wasn't being directed towards you, I really couldn't care less what your willing to believe, a little immature of you to actually think someone would post about something like this just to lie to an entire board of people, but whatever, enough of you, your wasting my time

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There is no "olive green SE", the colour's are blue for no grip and red for grip and easton doesn't offer custom colour sticks, find a picture of this so called olive green SE and get back to me and then i might be able to change my mind, until then buddy.

considering my question wasn't being directed towards you, I really couldn't care less what your willing to believe, a little immature of you to actually think someone would post about something like this just to lie to an entire board of people, but whatever, enough of you, your wasting my time

Man you really are being a dick. Lighten up. I really dont want to agree with you but yes it did look green. As for the game, I really love how the refs completley blew that high stick on sundin at the end of the game.

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Lots of people here are being assholes so this topic is getting locked. Grow up a little guys or warnings and suspensions will follow.

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