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Yzerman curve and what to advance to

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Hey guys,

First off I read about 5 pages worth of threads about the Yzerman curve but couldn't find exactly what I need. I am a roller hockey player that has played goal all his life but has recently moved to playing out, due to knee injuries, and have a couple questions.

I use to, for a couple years, always use the Yzerman curve because it helped a newbie get more loft under the shot. Recently, about a month ago, I bought a CCM Ovechkin curve because I heard nothing but great things about it from the people at the LHS. I find my stick handling and wrist shot when I am warming up are great but come game time, my shot never connects. So the other game I went back to my backup stick, Yzerman curve, and everything connected but my stick handling and backhand were less then great.

While I have learned a ton about how curves are measured, and my tape on my Yzerman wears down more at the heel, I am not sure what I should be trying next to get a good mixture of my shot from my Yzerman but stick handling from the Ovechkin curve.

Sorry I know this is a newbie question but couldn't find what I was looking for. So what kind of curves should I be looking to try next? Or is it a technique problem?

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Easton Sakic or Iginla or Bauer P92 Naslund: Not as big as the Yzerman so you wont have the backhand issues, and the lie is lower so your tape should wear more uniformly.

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I went from a Easton Yzerman to an Easton Sakic and it totally through my game off. No shot, backhanders were amazing, passing was the same. I then went the other way, Montreal Euro pattern and ive been using that for a year. I just recently got the Warrior Smyth for ice.

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I used to use the Easton Yzerman, and I really wish they would continue that pattern on their sticks.

Now that they dont make them anymore, I have switched to using a RBK Amonte and a Warrior Smyth, both of which have already been mentioned in this thread. Not a problem for me going from Yzerman to Amonte and Smyth.

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In all reality no one should use the Yzerman curve unless your probably 6' or taller. That blade has a lie 6 which is the tallest lie Easton makes on their blades. So if you take the average player who likes the bannana curve of the Yzerman i guarantee youll see from the toe to half way down the blade about 3-4 inches off the ice. How the heck are you suppose to catch a pass or shoot with a blade profile like that??? The lie is not meant for the average height kid to use and thats why youll always see the heel on the Yzermans wear out before anything else does. Its not the blades fault, its not the tapes fault, its your fault for choosing the wrong blade with the wrong lie. Now if Easton made that curve in say a 5 or 5.5 lie then maybe that would change this story but as long as its a 6 not too many people should use it!

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Wow thanks for all the responses guys. I didn't know so much went into the thought and development of curves. I am close to 6ft, 5-11 so that is probably why the Yzerman has too much lie for me.

I am hopefully going to the LHS store today to try some different blades.

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**In all reality no one should use the Yzerman curve unless your probably 6' or taller. That blade has a lie 6 which is the tallest lie Easton makes on their blades. So if you take the average player who likes the bannana curve of the Yzerman i guarantee youll see from the toe to half way down the blade about 3-4 inches off the ice. **

Well, except that steve Yzerman wasn't 6 feet tall either :( While the lie increasing would roughly correlate to a player's height increasing, that would only be true if all other factors remained the same. Different postures, stick length used relative to your height, arm position and a number of other things determine the distance between your feet and the puck.

The further away from your feet, the lower the required lie; and the closr to your feet that you are comfortable, carrying the puck the higher the required lie.

You should try differnt lies while in your skating stance (in your skates) and see how it lies on the ice and how it feels.

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Wow thanks for all the responses guys. I didn't know so much went into the thought and development of curves. I am close to 6ft, 5-11 so that is probably why the Yzerman has too much lie for me.

I am hopefully going to the LHS store today to try some different blades.

Try the TPS Brendl/Sundin/Frolov? It's a big-ass mid curve and a 5-ish lie

**In all reality no one should use the Yzerman curve unless your probably 6' or taller. That blade has a lie 6 which is the tallest lie Easton makes on their blades. So if you take the average player who likes the bannana curve of the Yzerman i guarantee youll see from the toe to half way down the blade about 3-4 inches off the ice. **

Well, except that steve Yzerman wasn't 6 feet tall either :( While the lie increasing would roughly correlate to a player's height increasing, that would only be true if all other factors remained the same. Different postures, stick length used relative to your height, arm position and a number of other things determine the distance between your feet and the puck.

The further away from your feet, the lower the required lie; and the closr to your feet that you are comfortable, carrying the puck the higher the required lie.

You should try differnt lies while in your skating stance (in your skates) and see how it lies on the ice and how it feels.

Yzerman doesn't use that pattern and his actual pattern is more like a 5 lie.

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Easton Sakic or Iginla or Bauer P92 Naslund: Not as big as the Yzerman so you wont have the backhand issues, and the lie is lower so your tape should wear more uniformly.

I agree the Iggy should work great for you. Similar curve but not so curvy and I believe this has a 5.5 lie. Not for sure though. The Sakic has a more open face and will help you to get the puck up quicker.

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I thought the sundin changed to the Afinogenov and the Frolov was the Drury clone. That's what I took from the catalogue, Chadd correct me if i'm wrong please.

Yeah, Afinogenov is the new Sundin and Frolov looks like a new blade. It sounds similar to a P106 from the description.

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I second the Brendl/Sundin/Afinogenov. Lower lie and similar curve, maybe not quite as deep. Also check out the Warrior Robitaille. Another nice mid-curve with a 5 lie. Almost identical to the Sundin. My personal favorite.

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You should try the CCM Thornton and RBK Bergeron (formerly Amonte) curves.

Would agree on the Thorton. Same curve as the Y with a square toe...I just went with one today and it is a great transition from the Y

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me coming from a yzerman curve for 6 years... absolutely cannot stand the sakic... my stealth cnt is my LEAST favourite stick because its a sakic curve... i found the warrior Draper curve to be the closest bet...i had a mac daddy in a draper pattern and everything seemed to click much better than the sakic

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me coming from a yzerman curve for 6 years... absolutely cannot stand the sakic... my stealth cnt is my LEAST favourite stick because its a sakic curve... i found the warrior Draper curve to be the closest bet...i had a mac daddy in a draper pattern and everything seemed to click much better than the sakic

Draper = Sakic..

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These are the two patterns ive moved to since giving up on the Yzerman's high lie..

Montreal Euro:


Warrior Smyth:


I can't really feel a difference between the two and the Yzerman except for more of the blade is on the ice.

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