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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fedorov's '98 Olympic skates

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lol those are kindof funky looking, it's cool to see how everyone uses wood sticks. would anyone be interested if i posted some more or no

The ironic part is in the pic you posted Fedorov is using an Inno or a Busch I believe, anything else probably wouldn't have been blacked out...

They seem to have covered up the (Nike) logos on his helmet and skates too, though. Unless you just couldn't see enough of the side of the skates, and they made him cover up the helmet logos like they seem to do at international tournaments sometimes.

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I remember I used to work at sport check about 5 years ago.. we had a pair of these white nike skates in the back.. only one pair left.. they were old by this time to..

I asked about them, they said I could buy them for real cheap due to them being old and not on the rack for sale + my discount..

They were not my size so I did not buy them.. but they were sweet.

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Its too bad those Federov skates never hit the market, this picture I found on getty could have been a great poster/marketing tool at the time. I like the first version of Nike SDPs, little did we know 10 years later they would be coming back.


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phomp, are these the ones your talking about. I've had these for like 10 years and have used them like 3 times.


God this brings back memories :lol: Those things were the shiz back when I was in Bantams!

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A guy on my team has those...he bought them at a garage sale. Luckily the skates were practically new when he got them, they fit him well and he's one of our better players.

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I like the first version of Nike SDPs, little did we know 10 years later they would be coming back.


Dude, they never left. It was Cooper BDP, than Bauer BDP, then they merged them with the 5000s and called them SDP.

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I like the first version of Nike SDPs, little did we know 10 years later they would be coming back.


Dude, they never left. It was Cooper BDP, than Bauer BDP, then they merged them with the 5000s and called them SDP.

I know they never left, I'm just talking about the tagging. If im not mistaken the year after those gloves Nike started coming out with thier swoosh type gloves that werent based on the BDP/SDP. I know that Bauer had them the whole time (once Cooper was dropped), I'm just talking about the nike tagging part of the glove. The took nike off the product and then 10 years later are adding back was all i was trying to say, sorry if it didnt come out quite right.

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phomp, are these the ones your talking about. I've had these for like 10 years and have used them like 3 times.


Those were the best skates I ever owned. Everyone I played against hated them, and I loved them.

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They came in silver also, didn't they?

Yeah they did. I had a pair. Brind'Amour wore them for awhile. I can't for the life of me remember the name of em.

They looked exactly like the white ones MoCorleone posted, just a different color scheme. They held up better then I thought.

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They came in silver also, didn't they?

Yeah they did. I had a pair. Brind'Amour wore them for awhile. I can't for the life of me remember the name of em.

They looked exactly like the white ones MoCorleone posted, just a different color scheme. They held up better then I thought.

Ya. i thought I remember them falling apart pretty quickly.

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phomp, are these the ones your talking about. I've had these for like 10 years and have used them like 3 times.


Those were the best skates I ever owned. Everyone I played against hated them, and I loved them.

I had a pair of those 'cept the color scheme is reversed. Completely destroyed my arches, gave me a bad case of plantar fascitis. I was out of action for months because of those blasted things.

I gave them to a teammate who busted a holder on his Tacks and he's still using them a year later. Loves 'em. :blink:

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I'm still skating mine. Absolutely love them. Heavy as bricks at the end of a game, though.


Does it seem like I am missing a LOT of steel? I've always felt like my boot hit the ice on turns far more than most people seem to.

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I remember looking at that Federov Esso card so many times that I tore the card out. I was facinated by those skates.

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