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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX Patterns

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Is the PT3 pattern available on the Vapor XX? The website says it's a toe curve with loft? Has anyone seen it in stores or anything? If so, what did it resemble?

Thanks in advance.

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Anyone know if it's also available on the Appolo blades? Their prices are pretty sick. Also are they more similar to the Vapor VII (which would explain the price) or the Vapor X?

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Is the PT3 pattern available on the Vapor XX? The website says it's a toe curve with loft? Has anyone seen it in stores or anything? If so, what did it resemble?

Thanks in advance.

I am pretty sure I saw one today at the store. I think it was a Jokinen P3.

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While we are on the subject, do they even make the XX in the PM9 (Modano) pattern, or is it just hard to find?

I've personally seen more of them at Perani's than anywhere else.

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If you're looking for one I stopped at two shops in MN when I was there and both had left and right PM9 XX. I can give you the names if you were looking for them. And yes, they are the Hossa.

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Unless they are willing to ship to Canada don't bother.

Well one is part of the THG who gets a bunch of those SMU products like HockeyMonkey, but they don't have a site like them. So they probably would ship to Canada.

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