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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sundin's stick - confirmed

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well they finally dumped out about a dozen of Sundin's old sticks. It is the Graf Laser that people were speculating on. On some of them you could see the name and words underneath. Funny thing is that only about six of them were Sundin's own pattern the rest were Robert Lang's (Lang's name was on the nameplate). The pattern is pretty similar except with maybe a bit more loft. I was feeling the balance of the stick in my hand and it didn't feel anything special to me. The square box shaft shape with tapering rounded handle felt pretty weird to me.

Among the new sticks they also brought out a few Sundin NX10's and a MOGO synergy with Sakic pattern (nameplate)

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Kinda sorta but not really...

Yes, he borrowed Lang's sticks after the All-Star game...but perhaps there's a reason why those sticks are now for sale?

Hint: He's NOT using them. He was using something else... :wacko:

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Still the high price tag?

$229 for Sundin, Roberts, Mogilny and Nolan.

$129 for most of the other players

$99 for Trevor Kidd.

wood sticks - $59 eg. Cereda, Lumme, Reichel

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Kinda sorta but not really...

Yes, he borrowed Lang's sticks after the All-Star game...but perhaps there's a reason why those sticks are now for sale?

Hint: He's NOT using them. He was using something else... :wacko:

are they friends and just gave each other half a dozen ?

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Haha Kidd's sticks are less because he's so horrible, I remember when I saw the Leafs play this year everytime he made a save there was a standing ovation(sp)?

I remember that game.

Last time I was at the ACC, some guy was flexing one of Kidd's sticks and it broke. Any idea on how many sticks are there? I might be at a game in the next couple weeks and hoepfully there will be plently left.

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$59 for a wood stick? Is that in Yen?

they consider it to be sports memorabilia.

you should of seen when Joe Newy Sherwood 9950 wood sticks came out. $299 CDN............. :ph34r:

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Is Sundin left handed or right handed? If he is right handed I want to get one of his Lasers. I just got one and I love it.

He's right handed. Yeah, a goalie who plays the puck often, will often have a custom flex because when you take a wrist shot with a goalie stick, it's the same as with a player stick.

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Yeah, I saw G. Roberts with a new-looking Inno 1 piece. It was all black with white graphics. And there is no way that he would scratch all of the paint off...

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I also saw Sundin with that. I am merely posting this to add another to say Eric g. is right. However I havent seen anybody using the new white inno. Is that because pros get whatever grip ont he sticks they want so no need for new graphics?

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