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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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You will never find a sweeter video!

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"My love for you is like a truck, Berserkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."

I think that requires one drink in the game.

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hhahaha, when was this made?

I have no idea, a buddy of mine sent it to me... how he found it, who knows. It looks pretty recent though... The Richard Marks wig + mustache are priceless.

5, 4, 3, 1!

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No way. I have so many questions to ask that kid, mainly if his Aicha is a girl or a boy. I read some where that he was from Norway. Anyway, I know the song Aicha is really big in Europe, according to the German exchange student.

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I'm hoping for his sake that he filmed in his sister's room or something. That would explain the bedsheets and stuffed animals. However, nothing can ever justify his dancing.

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Aicha is a fat black older woman in her mid 20's believe it or not. And his name is Chris (I can't remember his last name, but I will try and find out if you really arer interested) and I have no clue where it was filmed.

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You know that "Aicha" is a real song right? Its by a German (I think, I know Shark can confirm this), rap/pop group named Outlandish and apparently its been kicking ass in Europe for a while.

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Ok, I will explain the WHOLE story, he dated this chick right, and her name actually was Aicha, and she broke up with him, so he filmed that video to get her back or whatever. Then it got on the net and now everyone knows.

I never knew it was a real song though. That sucks, it would be so much funnier if he had actually wrote it, still though pretty funny story.

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Thats really bizarre, but funny. I always questioned the motive behind making the video. Chick hmmm......wonder if "she" ever took him back.

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I don't know. Maybe she was desprate, I haven't ever asked anyone about that. But then again maybe he was a "nice guy" or she felt sorry for him or something.

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