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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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alright well after about 2 years ive decided on getting another tattoo. Sat and planned it out with a different artist referred to me (was a lil intimidated at first as his name is s8n, but he's cool) since my old guy is on a 'tattoo spirit walk of the appalachian'. My appt. is next thursday and im quite excited.

First tat since ive started playing so is there a timeframe i should wait after i get it before i go play a game? My game would be the saturday after i get it and its beer league so not crucial to be there. I guess first priority would be healing up. any input?

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alright well after about 2 years ive decided on getting another tattoo. Sat and planned it out with a different artist referred to me (was a lil intimidated at first as his name is s8n, but he's cool) since my old guy is on a 'tattoo spirit walk of the appalachian'. My appt. is next thursday and im quite excited.

First tat since ive started playing so is there a timeframe i should wait after i get it before i go play a game? My game would be the saturday after i get it and its beer league so not crucial to be there. I guess first priority would be healing up. any input?

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i never understood why people say you have to wait a certain amount of time. when i was going every week to get my sleeve done i would play the night of or the day after and have no problems, sure its not very comfortable but it hasnt hurt any of mine. if your concearned you can always cover it up with some plastic wrap and tape for the 2 hours youd be on the ice, then wash it out in the shower. thats the most important part is that after your done and you sweat in it you make sure you wash it out with dial and re moistuize it.

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its all good man, i didnt take it like that. I was just curious after reading through the whole thread didnt really see anything about it mentioned. But now im really looking forward to it.

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its all good man, i didnt take it like that. I was just curious after reading through the whole thread didnt really see anything about it mentioned. But now im really looking forward to it.

I was told 5-10 days between ink and hockey...but, they also said if I did play before that wash it before...wash it after.

As far as discomfort...ever played with a sunburn...? I'd compare it to that. I played on a Sunday after having mine done Monday night...it was pretty itchy, and I didn't wear shoulders just to prevent the extra rubbing/irritation...but I don't think you can really damage the tat at all. I suppose if your gear if really nasty and you go bare skin/fresh tat, an infection is a possibility.

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the discomfort doesnt really bother me. I guess i was more worried about the possiblity of 'damaging' the tattoo, or risk of infection. I guess i'll just have to see how it feels. thanks for the info guys.

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matt i didnt get it finished yet, i was going to this weekend but i decided that blowing about 2 grand in windsor on tuesday and wednesday was a better idea apparently. fuckin cheetahs and ceasers.

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matt i didnt get it finished yet, i was going to this weekend but i decided that blowing about 2 grand in windsor on tuesday and wednesday was a better idea apparently. fuckin cheetahs and ceasers.

Looking forward to seeing the final product. I'm probably getting the Leaf/Map done early next month.

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cool, sounds like its gonna turn out good. do you go to a place in hamilton? if i remeber correctly hamilton isnt THAT far away from windsor? i saw alot of shops in windsor when i was being the standard drunk american tourist there.

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cool, sounds like its gonna turn out good. do you go to a place in hamilton? if i remeber correctly hamilton isnt THAT far away from windsor? i saw alot of shops in windsor when i was being the standard drunk american tourist there.

My first was Petor at Atomica Tattoo...second was Tamara at Sinkin' Ink. Going back to Tam for this one.

Windsor is about 3.5 hours.

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Lovin' it. Is that the Godsmack logo or just a stylized sun?

thanks guys. The sun is just a sun i had liked found in a class in high school about 6 years ago, was the first tattoo. This one went around that sun, wanted to incorporate it rather than cover it... I had been dreaming up this design for the last year or so and finally got together with an artist. It came out perfectly. To me the lion represents my father, and the bird/eagle represents my grandfather (the 2 biggest inspirations in my life)

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tribal might not be my thing but that's definatly a nice piece of work and the sun mesh in pretty well with it :)

do you plan on revamping the sun a bit? or just letting it live his life.

PS do not post your tatt on tatt forums they'll kill the piece even tho it has good meanings to you.

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i was born in munich, germany, and moved to the states about 10 years ago to new york...i now commute between new york and naples florida...anyways, i got a german eagle tattoo because i am a german citizen and am from there and speak german...here it is


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I reallylike most of the art here, I espically liked cougars because of what it stood for ! I want to get a tattoo and I have been pondering a few options.

1) Either a team canada jersey with sticks or a referees jersey with a whiste

2) Last name across my back from shoulder to shoulder

3) Or ofcourse the day, month and year that I scored my first goal (and only thus far lol)

The last one might seem a bit off but, I never played a game of minor hockey growing up, I come from a family with various financial problems so they could never afford to put me in hockey. So this fall I decided that I was going to go out and purchase the proper players gear and play some midget houselague and AA here. So I never thought that I would score a goal.. as I didn't have that crucial experience and skill to become a goal scorer I embraced eh enforcer/grinder role. I still love it but.. when I scored that first goal (no matter how easy it was) I felt like I was on top of the world! I have always loved, and I always will love hockey so, I definatly want my first ink to have something to do with hockey.

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Got the appointment for my Canada/hockey one next Thursday. Have yet to see the final design...but she is working off the one I posted a page or two back.

I've heard that some people have issue with how red heals on their skin...can anyone comment.

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Got the appointment for my Canada/hockey one next Thursday. Have yet to see the final design...but she is working off the one I posted a page or two back.

I've heard that some people have issue with how red heals on their skin...can anyone comment.

from what ive seen and heard from a few friends it looks like red fades pretty quick. But not so much so that it looks too pink. But i cant really say with too much first hand experience. I have 1 red star and it faded some, but it seems like it was pretty hard to get evenly colored at first. Hopefully some others can give more insight.

cant wait to see what the final will look like.

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Got the appointment for my Canada/hockey one next Thursday. Have yet to see the final design...but she is working off the one I posted a page or two back.

I've heard that some people have issue with how red heals on their skin...can anyone comment.

from what ive seen and heard from a few friends it looks like red fades pretty quick. But not so much so that it looks too pink. But i cant really say with too much first hand experience. I have 1 red star and it faded some, but it seems like it was pretty hard to get evenly colored at first. Hopefully some others can give more insight.

cant wait to see what the final will look like.

+1 Please post pictures.

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