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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strap on Jagrs' skates

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I'm pretty sure it's just black tape. he's been doing that for years.

On a sidenote, he has Graf tongues on his One90s. Thought you equipment guys might like that tidbit.

On the extra stitching...he likes his equipment old and beat up. I saw some video where the Rangers equipment guy is talking to him about fixing his gloves and he tells Jags that "Leetchie liked his equipment old." Or something like that. Jagr had a big smile on his face and he says, "Leetchie like heez ekipment old tvoo?"

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your first link doesn't work even if you copy it to browser I get "bad request"

Right click, Copy shortcut and paste into your browser. Dont just click on it or it wont work.....

Its in the first post

I'm pretty sure it's just black tape. he's been doing that for years.

Really.... Thats the first time Ive seen it. I'll try to look up some old pics of him.

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Something about the way Jagr wears his gear just bothers me... I feel like he wears his shinpads too low or his pants too short. Kind of off topic, just thought I'd point it out.

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I agree, i also think that the look can be compared to his 90ies mullet. Not coolish.

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he has the worst gear style in the show bar none

A slap to the face of everybody who has ever bought something because it looked nifty and matched some other part of their gear.

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Something about the way Jagr wears his gear just bothers me... I feel like he wears his shinpads too low or his pants too short. Kind of off topic, just thought I'd point it out.

Huh? His shin pads are no lower than the two Sabres in the first pic I posted.

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Something about the way Jagr wears his gear just bothers me... I feel like he wears his shinpads too low or his pants too short. Kind of off topic, just thought I'd point it out.

His shinguards are actually big. His pants are definitely short though.

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I think since he used to have a groin pull problem from his heal slipping he tries to stop it by this tape job. Could be wrong but thats what I thought I heard.

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i don't know the purpose, but i've seen jagr's skates and they are in fact elastic straps.

i know he used to use tape though

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Something about the way Jagr wears his gear just bothers me... I feel like he wears his shinpads too low or his pants too short. Kind of off topic, just thought I'd point it out.

It's the stupid full jersey tuck he has going that makes him look like a moron...that is at least until he starts playing and you realize he's probably the best player of the past ten years.

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he has the worst gear style in the show bar none

A slap to the face of everybody who has ever bought something because it looked nifty and matched some other part of their gear.

im not sayin hes a bad player, his gear style sucks, and how can you argue that.

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who gives a shit how he looks when he can school practically anyones ass. how can you argue that?

love him or hate him, he's damn good on the ice and thats all that matters

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Petr Nedved has the short breezers/pants too and I agree that it looks weird. He's good but he looks weird and yeah, it doesn't matter much what you look like if you're comfortable and you play well in it.

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man are you guys dumb im not chirpin his game, only how he looks. Great player, terrible style.

and we're wondering why it matters. when you're that good, you dont have to look good.

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