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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I feel shame

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I was playing at Hershey Park Arena with a pickup group and I nailed two guys in the ankle. One not only got bruised but it actually broke the skin as well. The worst part is I laid off the shots a bit in an effort not to break any bones. It kinda sucks when you actually hurt people in a pickup game.

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Some dude shot the puck right on my ankle this winter, still have the puck markings, thought it was broken at first but it's all good now.

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It always sucks when you hurt someone in pickup. I remember one time when I roofed a wrister right at the goalie's head. I was dead tired after battling in the boards for a long ass time and I just came out, had my head down from exhaustion, and just ripped a blind shot. I hit him right in the forehead above his cage. He went home right after and we had to play posts on one end for the rest of the game. Needless to say, I felt really bad but shit like that happens in hockey.

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The worst was when my friends brother, (who is 11 years old) played pick up with us. One of the beer league vets broke his ankle clean with a slap shot. It was not pretty.

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Damn, I had a couple good ones til the last. Cavs thats rough, hope that kid healed up alright...

Me, I had my tooth knocked out on the dashers when I was 16 playin shinny one night. First time I ever took off my cage, too. The worst part was I passed on goin to see a girl I met the previous week to go play. There is just something inticing about playin in the middle of the summer.

The other story was hurtin a guy. I had the puck on a rush, and my winger went wide, so I tried to muscle it down the pipe between both D. I rifled a bullet pass, only the problem was it was about 4 feet of the ice. My blade was broken, and decided to go at that exact second. My pass ended up hittin the one guy right in the heart, and dropped him for about 5 minutes.

Thats a pretty awful feeling hitting someone like that

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WE played a team last week, this guys skated into a follow through on this guys shot, took the stick in the teeth, then up the nose (broken), then across the face. I havent seen anything like that. this guy was bleeding all over the place, they had to call the EMT's and everything.Nasty!

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hm..reminds me of when we were playin rollerhockey...the goalie was bitchin about everything, and we were all tired of it. I just took the puck, and everyone moved aside. I just let it rip, and went rite under the mask and into his neck...he was pissed...

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We have this kid that likes to tag along with our team. He plays for another team but he seems to think that he can play with us in games whenever he feels like it. Plus no one likes him at all. When you first meet the guy the first thing he will tell you when talking about hockey is that he got a full-ride scholarship to "Boulder State University" (which doesn't exist) and he is absolutely awful.

Well anyway, one day he was pulling his normal routine and skated onto the rink with us after multiple people telling him he can't play. After a while we realized that our goalie wasn't going to show up (it's just a house league so nothing improtant). So we told him that he could play if he played goalie, which he hasn't ever played in his life.

We were also playing the best team in our league so they did us a favor and switched goalies with us so that it would be a little more even.

To the reason I am posting. It was third period and I was skating in hard with a man on so I decided to rip one at the goal. I have a pretty good slapper too and this one had plenty of mustard. Hit him right in the thigh and he wasn't wearing a girdle for god knows what reason. Later on in the locker room he showed us the bruise and he had a welt nearly the size of a volleyball. He promptly left without saying a word. I had 4 goals that night, none of which were worth or meant anything, but it was so redeeming to take that shot.

Sorry it was so long but it wouldn't have been the same without the story :)

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Your hard shot was probably a result of your ops... :lol:

No doubt, but I'm sure the lack of accuracy was all me. Next time I'll take a bigger windup, it seems to give everyone time to get out of the way.

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Speaking of shame, this guy I played against tonight should feel a hell of a lot of it. He hacks my leg a little on the first shift, so I just keep that in mind. Second shift, two on one, I pass the puck and I bump into the guy. Play goes on the opposite way and me and the guy are standing still in front of his net. I turn to start skating back and he gives me the biggest pitchfork to my balls I've ever seen. Then the douche starts talking shit and tries to fight me when I'm down on the ground trying to not throw up. Lets just say, I feel like I'm 12 again, if you know what I mean.

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Damn, I would have gone more than a bit postal on him. When I got to the arena this morning, no sooner did I get on the ice and grab a puck than some douchebag slashes me and takes the puck. Bear in mind that this is in warmups for a slightly organized pickup game.

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Damn, I would have gone more than a bit postal on him. When I got to the arena this morning, no sooner did I get on the ice and grab a puck than some douchebag slashes me and takes the puck. Bear in mind that this is in warmups for a slightly organized pickup game.

Thats truely a class move and a great way to make friends at the rink <_<

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I really wanted to do something to him, but I couldn't even stand up. But I yell at him and I end up getting a 2 minute and he gets a game misconduct. So I'm in the box and I'm hurting bad so I think I should check myself out, you know, obvious reasons. I kind of forget that theres a woman and her 14 year old daughter keeping score. So I pull my stuff down and look and I guess everythings in broad daylight or whatever, and then I remember about the girls so I turn over to them. THe look on their faces was priceless.

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Since everyone is talking about there pick up game stories i guess i will too. My sixteen and under team and i had just got done playing a game and this mens league team comes up to us and ask us if we wanna play them. We are all like sure. It was just a pick up game so there was no refs. Well i was going to play that game just to have a good time and hangout. Heres where the story starts its like 5 minutes into the game and my team is trying to break out so i turn around and start skating toward the other goal, but as i start turning around this guy thats like 6 ft. 200lbs. gives me a elbow straight to the back of the head and it knocks me right on the ground.Im only 5'11 at 150lbs and i get up saying WTF. Then the guys like "what, are you talkin to me" Then i say "you just smoked me in the back of the head with you f***in elbow." Next the guy tells me i better watch my mouth and then i told him to shut the h311 up. At this point im ready to drop the gloves and go at this guy, but then he goes to his bench and gets off the rink and gets his buddies to start talkin crap. My coach pulled me off after that. To keep from making a long story even longer i ended that game with 5 goals and 4 assists. I had to show em how to play.

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I've felt shame many times as I have been learning to play ice hockey the past 5 or so years since I've done so many stupid things due to lack of skill, control, awareness, experience, and any combination of.

My first year, I played indoor shinny (no gear) with coworkers of a friend. I was a complete spaz (more so than now), I couldn't skate with the stick at all, and zero awareness as with most noobs. I was behind my net alone, except for the guy coming along the boards to get the puck from me. I sure as hell wasn't going to get far by skating with the puck, so I thought of clearing the puck along the boards. Bad idea. As he approached, my attention shifted from the boards to him, and I ended up flicking the puck right in the poor guy's unprotected shin. :( He just went down. He had to be helped off the ice and to the hospital. I could see the shock on his face as he was being helped off. I was just too stunned to know what to do. Nobody was happy with me that night, can't say I blame them. That's probably the worst I've ever felt.

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You wanna hear a bad story. In one of the mens league's the manager of my local hockey rink was playing just for fun. So he has the puck and hes skating it up, when some asshole comes up and 2-hands him on the arm. He ended up slicing the guys bicep tendon in half with the slash. The manager is still rehabbing, and this happened over a year ago.

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worst thing that happened to me was when i was at an outoor rink when i was about 12. i was there with my best friend. we played for about an hour then we diecide to drop the gloves and just have a fun fight. well that sure as hell didnt happen. we get into an all out fist fight. midway through everyone grabs us and holds us back. next thing i know im laying on my stomach with3 guys holding me down, and my friend with a couple of guys holding him back. hes sitting down normally. well he's still spasing and starts kicking his legs and his skate nails me in the mouth. cracked my tooth in half and had to get 6 stiches on my lip. he ended up with his 3rd concussion and a broken nose.

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