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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Name that Movie

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I know I'm cutting Mack, but I just thought of a good one.  "I can't believe it.  She knew my name.  Some of my best friends didn't even know my name."

There's something about Mary. Great movie.... "Have you seen my baseball"

Here's one, should be easy:

"Did ya hear that I finally graduated"

"Yeah and just a shade under a decade too, alright"

"You know a lot of people go to college for 7 years"

"I know, they're called doctors"

Tommy Boy

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Thats from Waiting for Guffman, right?

How about "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses"

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Oh that is so Blues Brothers

Gimme a sec to come up with one...

"We were supposed to draw a picture, anything we wanted. I drew a man who got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver. "

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"What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?"

Full metal jacket?

If so:

" It wasn't lies, it was just .... bullshit"

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"What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?"

Full metal jacket?

If so:

" It wasn't lies, it was just .... bullshit"

i thought it was full metal jacket too.

blues brothers

"you see her lookin' at me?"

"yeah, cause she thought you were some kind of freak!"

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Full Metal Jacket......So many good quotes from that movie.

Try this...

"You are one pathetic loser"

I really want to say.......Billy Madison?

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Full Metal Jacket......So many good quotes from that movie.

Try this...

"You are one pathetic loser"

Dumb and Dumber?

Here's a good one

"Why do all you guys sit on your helmets?"

"So we don't get our balls blown off."

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apocalypse now.

Strange Brew?

If so

"May I have ten thousand marbles please?"

people missed chadd's last one. and yes it was strange brew.

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Guest 2048
WHat was Barbara Streisand's eigth album?

-Uh, Color Me Barbara


-Everybody knows that!

Everybody where? The little gay bar on the prarie?

CRAP! I know that one and just forgot the title.

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Give me a double bacon cheeseburger.

Double bacon cheeseburger. It's for a cop.

What the hell's that all about? You gonna spit in it now?

No, I just told him that so he makes it good.

[into mic]

Don't spit in that cop's burger.

Want me to dipa-size your meal for 25 cents?

Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?

It's only 25 cents and Look how much you get.

look kid he dosen't want it.

I'll just take a litter of cola.

[into mic] litter-a-cola? do we sell litter-a-cola?

what's a litter-a-cola?

litter is French for give me my fucking cola.

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Guys Guys Guys.

We are straying away from the point here.

if you know the quote, say the title, then give a new quote. Simple.

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