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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Easton Stealth S15 Initial Thoughts

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Got my skates today - once again, thanks to those involved in making that happen.

Ended up in 11Rs - the skate is wide enough that I don't need a W in it. Laced them up and baked them - they really wrapped around my foot well. A bit too high-cut than what I am used to so I am most likely going to skip the first eyelet.

Still undecided on what I want to do with the holder; only way RBIIs work for me are with the solid Easton steel - the Parabolic flexes too much for my liking - so I am undecided if I want to go ahead and order a set of the solids or put a different holder on it.

I went ahead and profiled the RBIIs anyway (it was a slow day at work) and will give it a go tomorrow.

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just my opionion because i know your like the hockey god but some pitch 3's would be nice and then you wouldn't have to drill new holes and i heards a lot of good things about them.

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Got my skates today - once again, thanks to those involved in making that happen.

Ended up in 11Rs - the skate is wide enough that I don't need a W in it. Laced them up and baked them - they really wrapped around my foot well. A bit too high-cut than what I am used to so I am most likely going to skip the first eyelet.

Still undecided on what I want to do with the holder; only way RBIIs work for me are with the solid Easton steel - the Parabolic flexes too much for my liking - so I am undecided if I want to go ahead and order a set of the solids or put a different holder on it.

I went ahead and profiled the RBIIs anyway (it was a slow day at work) and will give it a go tomorrow.

I held a pair yesterday, cant believe how light they are.

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Yeah, it's quite ridiculous.

When I first got them, I actually though there was only one skate in the box! I can carry 6 boxes up the stairs to the storeroom no problem now. :)

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Are you sure you did not went to the gym and forgot about it? :)

JR, any chance giving us some pics like with the Missions? I havent seen "usable" pics yet.

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What's the differences between the S11/S15 for the price difference? I remember the S15 being a lot higher at cost than the S11 and in my catalogue I really couldn't tell a substantial difference in specs.

The S11 had all the same ICONS as the S15. Is there an important spec that I'm missing that makes the S15 worth THAT much more?

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The reviews on the new Stealth S-15 are a little mixed. So far though they look pretty good on the positive side. If your an Easton skate user like me that's great news.Won't be able to afford these puppies for a couple of years anyway and my 1300C's are still in great shape. Weighing them out with the new Nike/Bauer One/90's which I also find very appealing. The only problem is the price tag on them as usual. For what their asking both of these better last me for more than a couple of years.

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Yeah, it's quite ridiculous.

Stealth + black holders... total sexyness.

I'm waiting for them :ph34r:

What's the differences between the S11/S15 for the price difference? I remember the S15 being a lot higher at cost than the S11 and in my catalogue I really couldn't tell a substantial difference in specs.

The S11 had all the same ICONS as the S15. Is there an important spec that I'm missing that makes the S15 worth THAT much more?

Better foams in the boot and tongue, different liner and texallium in the shell are the differences. The S11 has fibreglass.

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Is the S15 stiffer then the 1500? thats the only concern i have towards these skate.

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Skated for the better part of an hour in them - just got off the ice.

The good - very responsive, very light, and they are fitting my foot very well. I kept the top eyelet unlaced. The tongue stays in place (good design)

The bad - the toecap height. The SyNergy/Stealth toecap is shorter than a conventional skate, and what is happening is that it is hitting the top of my toes. That caused some pain - felt like it was ripping my toenails off. And last time I checked, I did trim them recently :)

The ugly - LPS2 steel. I'm just too heavy for that steel. They twist too much for my liking. Standard Easton steel probably will do the trick, but I'm most likely going to rip off the holders and slap something else on it.

This skate has potential...it really does.

Now back to Fuel 120. I've never done simultaneous reviews...

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One of the big issues with the Stealth line is the LPS-2 blade. I don't understand why Easton won't address this matter. It's common knowledge and it's got to hurt their sales. Personally, I haven't had any problems with their blades or holders but heavier guys seem to break the blades frequently.If mine break I'm switching to the Mission Pitch 3 blade and holder.Sorry Easton but I've got to go where the quality is.

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One of the big issues with the Stealth line is the LPS-2 blade. I don't understand why Easton won't address this matter. It's common knowledge and it's got to hurt their sales. Personally, I haven't had any problems with their blades or holders but heavier guys seem to break the blades frequently.If mine break I'm switching to the Mission Pitch 3 blade and holder.Sorry Easton but I've got to go where the quality is.

If you're concerned, just get the easton solid blades, not the Parabolics. Any blade with holes or cutouts is more prone to breaking, however i haven't seen a rash of broken LPSs, only replaced 1 runner all last season.

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Tried a pair of 11Rs today and they were pretty comfortable. With they had a wide to try also. The Rs were a little narrow. Just afraid of the ankle problems I had with the 1200s when I had them. I also hated the RB2 holders

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Performed the surgery today - will have pics later.

Nice, thanks for the update, i am siked.

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