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Batman: The Dark Knight

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He was in the press conference when Harvey Dent turned himself in as Batman. Last person to speak before he did so, but can't remember exactly what was said.

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  Drewhunz said:
He was in the press conference when Harvey Dent turned himself in as Batman. Last person to speak before he did so, but can't remember exactly what was said.
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I think I know who you mean...I thought he looked familiar...but I could not for the life of me place the face.

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Also...when Bruce and Fox were talking about the new bat suit, Fox said it would work against dog bites....and cats.

Catwomen reference maybe? i dunno.

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I think a Catwoman appearance is likely, given the fact that there's no more romantic interest for Wayne/Batman. I know it's not a big deal to most guys but a female lead in a movie is imperative in most screenplays that get greenlit.

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I think it's the bandwagon/fan favourite for what to be picked apart for the next movie, but I would love it if they based it on Hush if not DKR.

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Hooray, let's hope they cast Halle Berry to revive her role as Catwoman. :angry:

At least Hollywood isn't afraid of redoing someone else's shitty movies (Hulk comes to mind first).

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OK, so is Gordon's kid going to end up being Robin, or is Reese gonna do it?

Wait, Robin is lame-ass and shouldn't EVER make another appearance in a movie.

Obviously it's going to be Gordon's son.

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  wildebeest said:
OK, so is Gordon's kid going to end up being Robin, or is Reese gonna do it?

Wait, Robin is lame-ass and shouldn't EVER make another appearance in a movie.

Obviously it's going to be Gordon's son.

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Unless they plan to move the next one way into the future, the Gordon kid is a little young isn't he...?

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  RadioGaGa said:
  wildebeest said:
OK, so is Gordon's kid going to end up being Robin, or is Reese gonna do it?

Wait, Robin is lame-ass and shouldn't EVER make another appearance in a movie.

Obviously it's going to be Gordon's son.

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Unless they plan to move the next one way into the future, the Gordon kid is a little young isn't he...?

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I dunno, the current Robin is only 13 or so. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch for there to be 3 or 4 "years" between movies. If it followed the storyline of the previous Robin, he'd get killed by the Joker and much anguish would ensue.

Keep in mind, Robin sucks, but this is how it would go down:

Gordon's son is obviously very enamored with the Batman, seeing how he saved his life and all and the fact that he's like 10 years old. Batman has already inspired a legion of copycats, and the kid could just start out with an obsession which leads to him being sort of a copycat himself, but he'd take another name and look. He'd start following the Batman around in secret, not getting involved with what's going on, just observing until he's kidnapped by a re-cast Joker and in a scenario similar to the Dent-or-Rachel choice, he'd be rescued by Batman after realizing that Gordon's missing son and this kid are the same person. The kid would have some sort of knowledge of who the Joker is or what he's planning (whatever the plot needs to move forward) and Batman would reluctantly bring him along once to assist using whatever it is he knows. Fights happen, boom, bang, kerpow -- our hero's attention is divided and the kid gets nabbed again, but this time he gets the kybosh put on him. Gordon learns that his son died, he learns the circumstances under which and is understandably pissed and begins the Batman dragnet manhunt supersearch in earnest, wanting to avenge the death of his son.

This stuff's too easy.

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  wildebeest said:
  RadioGaGa said:
  wildebeest said:
OK, so is Gordon's kid going to end up being Robin, or is Reese gonna do it?

Wait, Robin is lame-ass and shouldn't EVER make another appearance in a movie.

Obviously it's going to be Gordon's son.

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Unless they plan to move the next one way into the future, the Gordon kid is a little young isn't he...?

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I dunno, the current Robin is only 13 or so. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch for there to be 3 or 4 "years" between movies. If it followed the storyline of the previous Robin, he'd get killed by the Joker and much anguish would ensue.

Keep in mind, Robin sucks, but this is how it would go down:

Gordon's son is obviously very enamored with the Batman, seeing how he saved his life and all and the fact that he's like 10 years old. Batman has already inspired a legion of copycats, and the kid could just start out with an obsession which leads to him being sort of a copycat himself, but he'd take another name and look. He'd start following the Batman around in secret, not getting involved with what's going on, just observing until he's kidnapped by a re-cast Joker and in a scenario similar to the Dent-or-Rachel choice, he'd be rescued by Batman after realizing that Gordon's missing son and this kid are the same person. The kid would have some sort of knowledge of who the Joker is or what he's planning (whatever the plot needs to move forward) and Batman would reluctantly bring him along once to assist using whatever it is he knows. Fights happen, boom, bang, kerpow -- our hero's attention is divided and the kid gets nabbed again, but this time he gets the kybosh put on him. Gordon learns that his son died, he learns the circumstances under which and is understandably pissed and begins the Batman dragnet manhunt supersearch in earnest, wanting to avenge the death of his son.

This stuff's too easy.

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Doesn't the **SPOILER**

"Batman as a fugitive" storyline need to play out quicker than "years" down the road though.

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Said it somewhere in the many pages of this thread, but I'll say it again: There won't be any Robin in this series. If there is, then it's done in a version not involving the Nolans or Bale.

As for an adaptation of the Dark Knight Returns, the timeline is what I mean by "loosely" but the Nolans have proven to be excellent at picking what they want out of novels and using them in the movies.

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  Fletch said:
Yikes....Bale's been arrested for allegedly assaulting his Mom and Sister.
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Verbal assault apparent. Probably used his Batvoice.

And then he turned himself in. So it looks like he's not letting Dent take the fall for this one.

Hopefully they give him his phone call.

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  TheBert said:
  Fletch said:
Yikes....Bale's been arrested for allegedly assaulting his Mom and Sister.
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Probably used his Batvoice.

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...what's with the growl anyways? That's probably the only thing I didn't like about the movie...

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  RadioGaGa said:
  TheBert said:
  Fletch said:
Yikes....Bale's been arrested for allegedly assaulting his Mom and Sister.
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Probably used his Batvoice.

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...what's with the growl anyways? That's probably the only thing I didn't like about the movie...

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Seriously, it drove me crazy. There were a couple of times I could hardly make out his lines.

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  RadioGaGa said:
  TheBert said:
  Fletch said:
Yikes....Bale's been arrested for allegedly assaulting his Mom and Sister.
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Probably used his Batvoice.

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...what's with the growl anyways? That's probably the only thing I didn't like about the movie...

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When your friend calls you, you can tell who it is right away by his voice, right? Well, as annoying as Batman's voice is, he's just disguising it. However, I'd rather he utilize technology and come up with a digitizer. It would be more in keeping with his gadgets.

  wildebeest said:
Keep in mind, Robin sucks, but this is how it would go down:

Gordon's son is obviously very enamored with the Batman, seeing how he saved his life and all and the fact that he's like 10 years old. Batman has already inspired a legion of copycats, and the kid could just start out with an obsession which leads to him being sort of a copycat himself, but he'd take another name and look. He'd start following the Batman around in secret, not getting involved with what's going on, just observing until he's kidnapped by a re-cast Joker and in a scenario similar to the Dent-or-Rachel choice, he'd be rescued by Batman after realizing that Gordon's missing son and this kid are the same person. The kid would have some sort of knowledge of who the Joker is or what he's planning (whatever the plot needs to move forward) and Batman would reluctantly bring him along once to assist using whatever it is he knows. Fights happen, boom, bang, kerpow -- our hero's attention is divided and the kid gets nabbed again, but this time he gets the kybosh put on him. Gordon learns that his son died, he learns the circumstances under which and is understandably pissed and begins the Batman dragnet manhunt supersearch in earnest, wanting to avenge the death of his son.

This stuff's too easy.

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Are you aware you essentially pegged the story line from the comics? You just got the gender wrong.

Gordon's stepdaughter, Barbara -- his niece, actually -- became Batgirl.

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  Jason Harris said:
  RadioGaGa said:
  TheBert said:
  Fletch said:
Yikes....Bale's been arrested for allegedly assaulting his Mom and Sister.
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Probably used his Batvoice.

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...what's with the growl anyways? That's probably the only thing I didn't like about the movie...

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When your friend calls you, you can tell who it is right away by his voice, right? Well, as annoying as Batman's voice is, he's just disguising it. However, I'd rather he utilize technology and come up with a digitizer. It would be more in keeping with his gadgets.

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Think back to Keaton's Batman. Drop your voice down a bit and be breathy (think of the "I'm Batman" scene) and you've pretty much disguised your voice. The 'growl' is too extreme, but I get why they did it.

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Were my eyes just buggy or did the bank manager's nameplate on his desk say: "Edward Nigma"?

It better not be some hackneyed arc where the Joker's gas grenade drove him nuts.

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  TheBert said:
Were my eyes just buggy or did the bank manager's nameplate on his desk say: "Edward Nigma"?

It better not be some hackneyed arc where the Joker's gas grenade drove him nuts.

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Screw you.

Now I have to go see the movie again. :P

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