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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Would you have her on your team

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Ok guys, I've just ran into these picture by accident. Would probably have to change her helmet there. Have fun.


Mods if this is unopropriate please remove.

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Duuuuuudes, im such an equipment nerd, i checked the gloves, elbows and complained about the goalie mask before watching the puppies.

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The responses to this thread have done nothing to sway me from my fears of MSH being some sort of homoerotic/weird hockey equipment fetish website.

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Is it just me or are her elbow pads on wrong arms?


Other than the gear issues, which we should all be ashamed for noticing first, she's quite nice.

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What are the chances....those are the shoulder pads and gloves I'm usin now. She IS pretty nice though. She can be on my team, but only if her right and left wingers are available at all times.

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reminds me of an old SI Swimsuit spread from about 8-10 years back with players' wives. Janet Gretzky in Wayne's duds was the centerfold. Been looking for that pic for ages.

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Why in god's name is she wearing anything. :D

If she was on my team, it would be the first time I got a holding call on a team-mate.

Spearing would be my penalty of choice.

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If she was on my team, it would be the first time I got a holding call on a team-mate.

What are the chances she'd get a holding the stick penalty, too?

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I don't care how good she does or does not look - if she can't play the game, I don't want her on my team.

Actually, she's on my team and she's pretty good. ;)

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