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Alfredsson's shot on Niedermayer

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Maybe be Alfredsson did it to avenge the Niedermeyer's cross-cheking on the back of Forsberg in the IIHF World championship final game (Canada-Sweden) in 2004...

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Completely on purpose. He is a highly skilled player...he knew exactly what he was doing...don't tell me the puck was rolling or stopped sliding

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im an ottawa and sadly to say......that play was low.....i think hell get a one game suspension....or maybe just a warning because he was a first time offender.....but i mean come on.....that jsut sucked

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2 points.

Can there be any suspension if the only on ice penalty that would have been called would have been a 2 minute unsportsmanlike? I just don't know what the suspension standard is.

The other point is a devil's advocate sort of position. If you watch from the overhead cam, Alfredsson looks up with about 4 or 5 seconds left. He winds up, obviously for a clearing attempt, but sees Pahlson (I think) directly in front of him, about 15 feet away. So, he pivots to ring the puck along the boards and past Pahlson, but Niedermeyer is about 30-40 feet away in that line. If the puck really bobbled, as Alfredsson says, and Pahlson is nearby, it doesn't stretch the realm of plausibility that Alfredsson really did just let it rip and not see Niedermeyer. Afredsson has shown how good he can be this playoffs, and it seems implausible that he'd try to drill Niedermeyer in a tie game. There's just too much at stake at that moment.

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he looked up, saw niedermeyer and clearly adjusted his aim for straight at him there was a big gap he could have put it through but he changed his shot and took aim, he knows exactly what he was doing and you cant deny it. if his reasoning had to do with the IIHF then he is even more of an idiot then i thought!

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I think this quote on ESPN.com sums it up nicely.

"As one GM remarked, just as Chris Pronger knew exactly what he was doing when he elbowed Dean McAmmond during Game 3, Alfredsson knew exactly what he was doing with his shot at Niedermayer."

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Gutless bush league beer league play. I never thought I would see that in the NHL again(Lyle Odelein was the last guy but he shot at the bench) but nothing surprises me anymore.

While playing for the Flyers, Luc Richardson fired the puck, intentionally, into an opposing player's chest. I think it was against the Pens. The result was injury to the opposing player, having to go to the hospital with breathing trouble.

I'll find out who it was. At the time, my memory fails me.

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his excuse that i saw on sportscenter was:

"the puck stopped gliding and it was in my feet, so i had to re-position it to get a shot"

I was going to suggest that maybe he was just trying to dump the puck into the corner & let the clock run out and Niedermayer just happened to be in the way.

I guess not.

On a related note, the ice was horrible-guys falling all over the place, pucks being mishandled, it's gotta be better than that for a finals game.

Then they gotta be playing the Finals before June...I don't see the League cutting the Reg. season sched by 15-20 games or compressing it so teams play 4 in 6 nights to make that happen....so bad ice is just part of the deal.

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I'm from Ottawa and I was at the game, it was like 50 feet away from us and I can tell you that Alfie did that on purpose, guys usually try to it the net to catch the goaltender by surprise, he just cocked back then re-ajusted and shot at him directly...

Alfie is a fine player, very talented so it is highly unlikely that it was a mistake... Wen guys do that, they usually make a gesture to the fact that it was a mistake, he took all the air out of the building, the crouwd was quiet after that brain cramp...

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Has Alfredsson always been this way? Maybe he's gotten bitter as he ages (and approaches retirement) without having won a Cup, all while being criticized as an unworthy captain.

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Can there be any suspension if the only on ice penalty that would have been called would have been a 2 minute unsportsmanlike?

I don't see why not. Pronger received suspensions for actions that did not receive penalties.

Alfredsson shooting the puck at a player isn't on equal footing with head hunting. Originally, I thought maybe the league would suspend him... maybe they'll just hit him with a fine instead?

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Has Alfredsson always been this way? Maybe he's gotten bitter as he ages (and approaches retirement) without having won a Cup, all while being criticized as an unworthy captain.

I really don't think you have to worry about Alfie retiring anytime soon. Hes playing on one of the youngest teams who all of the sudden have a ton of playoff experience and its not like hes missing a step. And this year he proved that he can lead a team. Yes I'd love to see the sens win the cup and it sucks they are letting it slip away that way, but for a young team like that its a very valuable learning experience and I wouldn't doubt that the sens will be back in the finals very soon, with few minor adjustments (trade Redden *cough*). Not sure what the reason for sens struggles is, to many uncharacteristic things happening, its probably just the massive pressure of the whole country they are facing, because yes anaheim is a solid team but I really think sens have what it take to beat them. But hey all the games have been one goal games and the only time sens put inn a full 60 minute effort they won, maybe being against the wall it will really wake some guys up, but it think its too late.

Its funny how much of a deal is being made about this Alfie incident, yes it was a dumb move beacause he fired the ducks up but Alfie hurt nobody. Really with all the equipment the players are wearing these days he would litteraly have to aim for his face to hurt him. I seriously don't think he did in intentionally but thats one mans opinion. But when the elbow on Pronger is mentioned everybody is quick to forget and all the sudden Alfie is the dirty guy.

Do people finally agree with me how much of a joke this league is because of the officiating, I am pretty sure I took a lot of heat for saying that before.

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I hope he isn't suspended and they lose game five with Alfie playing. I want that prick on the ice when the Cup is awarded to the other team.

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What has Alfredsson done to deserve such hate? He's not even close to being "one of the biggest pieces of shit in the league."

The fake stick throw, guaranteeing the cup, breaking Tucker's collarbone on a brutal hit from behind, running Tallinder from behind, trying to sword fight Domi instead of fighting. These are the ones off the top of my head and mostly just Leafs based.

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What has Alfredsson done to deserve such hate? He's not even close to being "one of the biggest pieces of shit in the league."

The fake stick throw, guaranteeing the cup, breaking Tucker's collarbone on a brutal hit from behind, running Tallinder from behind, trying to sword fight Domi instead of fighting. These are the ones off the top of my head and mostly just Leafs based.

Dude relax eh, do you even know the history behind the fake stick throw ? He was making fun of Sundin who threw his stick into the Ottawa stands. Can't you have a little fun ?

Yes Alfie guaranteed the cup, but he didn't say when

"I strongly believe this team will do it ... no question about it," Alfredsson said yesterday. "Hopefully this year".

Whats wrong with saying that and showing confidence in your team ?

I didn't see the hit on Tucker, but wait its on Tucker I don't care.

Running Tallinder, that was a hit from the side my man, and if anything it was a dump not a hit.

Fuck whatever you guys can bash the man all you want, but the fact is he is one of the best of the in the game and the reason why the sens went this far and salvaged thier season this year was mainly him.

I'm just glad his name will never be on the cup. Disgrace.

oh and Prongers name up there will look fabulous, cuz hes probably light years ahead of alfie when it comes to doing classless shit

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I'm tired of reading your drivel.

lol i am not even going to comment on you its a waste of time

really classy putting " Bag o' douche " under my name

true charcter move by the M O D S

I give you a Don Cherry thumbs up

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What has Alfredsson done to deserve such hate? He's not even close to being "one of the biggest pieces of shit in the league."

The fake stick throw, guaranteeing the cup, breaking Tucker's collarbone on a brutal hit from behind, running Tallinder from behind, trying to sword fight Domi instead of fighting. These are the ones off the top of my head and mostly just Leafs based.

Dude relax eh, do you even know the history behind the fake stick throw ? He was making fun of Sundin who threw his stick into the Ottawa stands. Can't you have a little fun ?

Yes Alfie guaranteed the cup, but he didn't say when

"I strongly believe this team will do it ... no question about it," Alfredsson said yesterday. "Hopefully this year".

Whats wrong with saying that and showing confidence in your team ?

I didn't see the hit on Tucker, but wait its on Tucker I don't care.

Running Tallinder, that was a hit from the side my man, and if anything it was a dump not a hit.

Fuck whatever you guys can bash the man all you want, but the fact is he is one of the best of the in the game and the reason why the sens went this far and salvaged thier season this year was mainly him.

Nobody is arguing whether he he is a good player or not. The fact you even bring it up shows you have totally missed the discussion.

As for the relaxing. I'm completely fine. It's you who is swearing and struggling to defend him.

My dad was at the game where the stick was thrown and I watched both the ATL game and the Ott games on TV. I also know a bit about the minor stuff during it.

I was at the game where Tucker was hit from behind breaking his collar bone. Alfie guaranteed the cup in the past for that particular season.

Tallinder's debatable, but with the other stuff it shows Alfredsson has had controversy around his play.

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I'm tired of reading your drivel.

lol i am not even going to comment on you its a waste of time

really classy putting " Bag o' douche " under my name

true charcter move by the M O D S

I give you a Don Cherry thumbs up

I didn't do that, but what is a waste of time and bandwidth is you to be on this message board.

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I'm tired of reading your drivel.

lol i am not even going to comment on you its a waste of time

really classy putting " Bag o' douche " under my name

true charcter move by the M O D S

I give you a Don Cherry thumbs up

That's funny as hell!

The best part is, I wouldn't have even noticed.

Thanks for pointing that out Bag. :lol:

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i think that this incident was the final nail in the coffin for the sens. You need your captain to show leadership and not pull crap like that especially in a crucial game that they needed to win. That incident seemed to take the life out of the sens and the ducks capitalized. I wonder if Alfie is going to have a little bit of a rough time tomorrow :) What i have also noticed is that the majority of things that alfie has done (aside from the shot) have been hits from behind.

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What i have also noticed is that the majority of things that alfie has done (aside from the shot) have been hits from behind.

And I'm sure you've noticed the NHLs lack of punishment for those crimes. The seemingly random suspensions make it impossible for hard-core fans to know what the rules are, let alone casual fans.

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