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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic Pro Stock

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Ok so today i just decided to look at my sakic pro stock synergy i got from eastontv.com. I've wondered this for awhile but there is this covering on the blade that is like marble flooring. Wondering what it is and does it do anything?



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Z-Tac, one of their best moves ever, followed by one of their worst moves ever which was taking it off the Synergys.

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Z-Tac, one of their best moves ever, followed by one of their worst moves ever which was taking it off the Synergys.

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my retail sakic synergy from 01 or 02 (i dont remember the exactly but its the original silver one) has the z tac coating, i love it, easton definitely screwed up when they stopped that.

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Best feel ever on those blades along with the black z-carbon. What the hell happened to easton.

If Z-tac is just a coating, wouldn't applying hockey tape over it defeat its purpose ? I have seen z-tac blades/sticks where the players taped over the blade. The only benefit I can see is if you use the blade/stick with no hockey tape ?

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Profit seeking.

If thats the case they should have kept the blades as they were, then I might still actually be using their sticks.

Best feel ever on those blades along with the black z-carbon. What the hell happened to easton.

If Z-tac is just a coating, wouldn't applying hockey tape over it defeat its purpose ? I have seen z-tac blades/sticks where the players taped over the blade. The only benefit I can see is if you use the blade/stick with no hockey tape ?

It made the blade more rigid structurally which in turn improved feel. Not to mention they were actually durable.

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i remember on here a few weeks ago someone picked up a neidermeyer prostock and they said that he literally glued sand on to his blade, would he be trying to duplicate the ztac process? thats what it sounds like to me.

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i remember on here a few weeks ago someone picked up a neidermeyer prostock and they said that he literally glued sand on to his blade, would he be trying to duplicate the ztac process? thats what it sounds like to me.

I think that was a year ago. From the best of my recollection, Hattrick bought one of Neidermeyer's stick (2 piece) from the end of season sale and it had z-tac like coating on the blade. From my impression it was done by the manufacturer of the blade.

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i remember on here a few weeks ago someone picked up a neidermeyer prostock and they said that he literally glued sand on to his blade, would he be trying to duplicate the ztac process? thats what it sounds like to me.

I use skateboard grip tape which is very similair to sandpaper but its like a sticker, no glue needed. Roll it on and peel it off. I've used this for a while without knowing it was a easton idea, my idea back when I started. Not very useful for ice hockey, but very useful for roller.

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I saw the original "for sale" post by Hattrick74 approximately a year plus actual pictures of the blade. It did not look like a homemade job to me, but then again I could be wrong.

Who knows, maybe Hattrick74 still has the pictures on his computer. I hope he did not delete them. I personally find that all the pictures of curves and patterns pretty interesting and potentially useful.

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I have about 7 Niedermayer sticks and the only ones with the Z-Tac were from the year it was on there, so who knows. Preferences change.

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I have about 7 Niedermayer sticks and the only ones with the Z-Tac were from the year it was on there, so who knows. Preferences change.

Wow, 7 Neidermeyer sticks. I wish I had one.

Are they for sports memorabilia ?

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